Sat 11 Jan
Now Hiring two Male Masseurs. Pay is $100 to $300 a day Paid Daily! - 30
(Kansas City, St. Louis, California)
Above Average? Hot and Desire Top Pay to Match? Seeking Attractive, Intelligent, Confident Women - 30
(St Louis and Surrounding Area, St. Louis)
💦👅Let Me Be Your Fantasy 👅💦 New In Town (Available Now) - 22
(Berkeley MO (Airport) St Louis, St. Louis)
~XXX~ Naughty Sexxxy Latina! ~XXX~ Great Reviews! Specials! Leaving soon! 1ÖÖ% Real pics!! - 23
(St. Louis)
A_***SPECIAL_W _A_Y***_____ T_ O_O_____G__(0 ) __(0)__D_____T _O _____M_I_S_ S _!_ !_!__(spe cial)
(St. Louis)
Th3 Ultimate CELEBRATION* S@X br!ng$ B@rb!3 b@ck. along 4 @n 3xtr@ Fre@ky R!d3 x 2 GIRLS= crazy fun - 22
* TGIF * "SHOW ME" St Louis is your "Sweet Ga Peach" in the right place *"150" Full UnRushed HouR * - 39
(St. Louis, Chesterfield exit 19b off 64(In or OUT))
Stunning, Exclusive, Elite VIP Companion w/Stellar reviews available to mature, affluent gentlemen. - 37
(Outcall Only!)
**Super cuttie *****::: »-(¯`v´¯)- » T H E»-(¯`v´¯)-» T O T A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E»-(¯`v´¯) - - 19
◄ special ► SE XXY NEW GIRL ◄ special ► - 20
(downtown ♥ special all night)
¯`'.¸ .¸.*¨*. SeXy & INDEPENDENT ReAdY 2 HaVe ReAL FuN I GUARANTEE IT WiLL Be WoRtH IT.*¨* - - 19
*NEW PICS*♡♡SEXY NEW to town!!! ♡♡Waiting 4 U!!!♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !! 314 450-6396 or 314-502-0022 - 25
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
°♥ ;o° GooD GiRLs GoNe BaD, DoUbLe TrOubLe, SiNfuLLy SeDuCtiVe & SexY As HeLL! °o♥° - 23
(St Charles & Surrouning Areas)
°..-:¦:-° NeW!! DaKoTa! ♥ YoUnG & FrEsh ♥ Hot & SeXxy °..-:¦:-° - 23
(N. County/Airport In-Out Calls!!)
Just for You all of You 314-327-0633 Air me out !!! - 28
(St. Louis, SOUTH CITY come see me or video chat)
Come and Get the Best Service You will Ever Have-Big Booty,Soft Juicy Lips,Pretty Face😍 - 23
(270 and hanley, St. Louis)
$100 $100 ~All The Way From Dallas Texas! Cumm F~ck Me In The Ass Guys!~100$ 100$ - 19
I Accept Appointments Daily 9:00am --9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
*•° * ••×—THiCk & JuiCY THigHs —— BiGRoUnd BooTy—— TinY WaiSt——PRettY FaCe—*SnOwBuNnY ~ * ~* - 27
(St. Louis, Your place or mine)
Th3 Ultimate b@RB!3 G.F.E.!!! up LATE nights & EARLY mornings & MidD@y !! 2 GIRLS AVALIABLE - 20
SiMpLy GoRgEoUs .... ... ExTrA fUnN 2!!! !!!!!!!!!! Bring me my fav flowers..... SpEcIaLs - 19
💋💋Sexy Blue Eyed Russian Brunette💋💋RTP Reviewed and Verified✨ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
( . )( . ) looking for fun tonight. A great time is a call away ( . )( . ) ♡ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis And Surrounding Areas)
Blonde Dollhouse~I`m back for a limited time!!!***** 5 star service ***** - 36
(St. Louis, sexyville)
A sweet treat to beat the heat! CANDY CANDY CANDY delivered to your door! - 24
(saint louis @ your place)
?TR M?TÕUCH M ?FL M? - °S E XXXY° *** MOST WANTED *** - 21
(St.Louis - DownTown / Incalls & Outcalls)
(St. Louis, St Charles/ Bridgeton / STL ~ Upscale)
Fri 10 Jan
~Your Baby LACEY ~ None Other Than Your Favorite ~ Is In TOWN!!! ~ - 22
(St. Louis, Belleville,Il (In/Out Calls))
Thursday afternoon / evening fun in SoUtH cOuNtY with Miss Candy Cane! Hosting until 6:15pm.
(South County)
SPECIALS!! Spend Tonight With The Girl Of Your DREAMS- While You're AWAKE!! Up LATE?? XoXo - 22
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Stressed?? Let me help relieve that stress! Come see me!! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ - 26
(St. Louis, AirPort)
special special special read all about it... Come & Get It!!! well It's HOT HOT HOT!! - 23
(St. Louis, east st Lou caseyville)
SPECIALS!! **** Start Your Weekend The RIGHT WAY!! This DREAMGIRL Is Just ONE Call Away!! *Outcall** - 23
Sexy and sweet your perfect treat! ~ The perfect perky playmate! ~ Indy's Favortie! - 22
(St. Louis)
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown 9:00am -- Midnight Safe Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( SeXy LittLe SPINner ) SuPeR NAUGHTY SeX KiTTeN - 19
(were ever u wont me 2 be)
@@@ Indulge Yourself Into This BLONDE HOTTIE @@@ Need Thigh HIGHS & HEELS??
(St Louis & Surrounding Areas)
INCALL or OUT ** SPECIALS Start Your Weekend With Your ** DREAMGIRL **- While You're AWAKE !!! XOXO - 22
(INCALLS or OUTCALLS! StL metro area)
Friday Special!!!! Hot Sexy Blonde Ready For You! 314 287 2734 - 35
(St Louis - Downtown, South St. Louis City)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(20-25 min fom anywhere you are in STL)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min From ANYWHERE IN STL)