Fri 10 Jan
🌹🌹🌹 Sexy new pics from the exotic & elegant Nikki 💋Beautifully packaged from head to toe🔥 So hot 🔥 - 30
(St. Charles / St. Peter's / St.. Louis, St. Louis)
Print Model's, Playboy Centerfolds, Penthouse Pets, Hustler Honeys Needed For VIP Clientele
(St. Louis, Local or Travel)
💋 †h€ o®iginal #❶ €®o†¡c R¡d€ 💋 C💓M€ FaLL ¡N L0V€ W¡†h †h€ G®¡P of My L¡P§ & ©u®v€§ of My H¡P - 26
(913 605 2094 South Kansas City, Kansas City)
Weekend Specials☆I'm Pretty WITH A Big Juicy Booty,Pretty Face,&The; Best Head Ever♡Come See - 23
(270 and Hanley, St. Louis)
@* STL FINEST LOVELY) ** UPSCALE & S@T!SFY!NG *@ !! discreet an pleasurable 200 outcalls only - 22
(outcalls 20miles or more extra)
Sexy Country Girl / where your fantasy becomes reality SUSAN - 27
(St Louis - South City, South City)
*NEW PICS*♡♡SEXY NEW to town!!! ♡♡Waiting 4 U!!!♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !! 314 450-6396 - 25
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
**NEW** TER reviewed Curvy-36DDD Savannah & NEW Khloe = Tons of 2girl specials *THIS WEEKEND* - 20
(prefer outcall-LA incalls)
^%$##%$# New #$#$#$##$ Exotic #$#$#$#$#$ Young $#$#$#$#$#$ Playmate #$$$#$$$#$ - 23
Let this hot, mature, lady make your day. Give Renay a call for the very best. - 43
(off 270 between 44/55)
*¨¨*- :☆:-* last thing left to giv*-: ☆ :-*¨¨* sexy KIMI :-*¨¨* sweet - 22
(St. Louis, outcall incall airport 2girls)
come make a touchdown with me and nothing but a thong and a jersey top - 32
(St. Louis, North county)
Daily Appointments Available 9:00am Until 9:00pm ---- Safe, Clean Environment - 35
(Missouri/South County)
Available Today Noon Until 9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment -- Daily 9:00am--9:00pm - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
$150Hr $150Hr Special TUESDAY SPECIAL ONLY TILL MIDNIGHT $150Hr $150Hr $150Hr - 18
(***Airport Area***)
im up all night negiotable Diamond $checkout on isle me$ your best companion right here - 27
(downtown or outcall extra)
^^ HOTTIE ^^ WITH ^^ A ^^ BODY ^^ CALL ^^ ME ^^ NOW!!! - 24
(St. Louis, northern stl metro area/ eastern ill)
*~ ThE BesT In ThE MiD-WesT ~**~ HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCOmEnDeD ~**~ CoME TrY ThE BeST ~* - 23
(St Charles & Surrounding Areas)
°°i am having a great day need some company!! ..°°√√Ready to meet now√√ - 23
(Kansas City, north kcmo)
NEW to ToWn **** A TrUe 5 StAr FreaK **** I CuM All The WaY just for YoU - 21
(In & Out * Galleria Prkwy)
I'm the rocket fuel for winners!Caution:I'm addictive and the best! - 27
💋💋Natalya💋💋✨Reviews On RTP✨🍒Gauranteed To Make Your Toes Curl💦 - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown On Illinois Side 9;00am Until Midnight - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed is back from her vacation and so ready to play!! - 21
(my place or yours)
^^^%$%$^$ The Luck Of The Irish ^&$&^$^%$%$#% Special %$$@$@ Happy St. Patty's %#%$#%$# - 23
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed that can give you everything you don't get at home! - 21
(my place or yours)
LaSt DaY NeW UpScAlE C L iEnTeLe HeRe LiMiTeD TiMe ! ~ KriStInA RoSe *~ 785-213-3107 - 20
!!CC!! !! !!ATTENTION!! !! #NeW# (314)484-4491 Is NoW (314)532-1506 EaRLiEr TiMeS! ! NeW LoCaTiOn ! - 29
(15-20min from anywhere U R in STL!!)
Thu 09 Jan
**Spend Your Evening With Your ** DREAMGIRL ** And Get What You REALLY Want- & DESERVE!!! - 22
(OUTCALLS! StL metro area)
***UP LATE?? *** SPECIALS!! Get A Jumpstart On Your Weekend With This HOTTIE!!! XOXO*** - 22
*~*I'M HERE!! This HOTTIE Is Just Waiting To Make You SMILE!! I'm Just A Call Away!! 2Girls Avail.!! - 22
They Say A Picture Is With A Thousand Words, Mine Still Leave You Speechless-Well Reviewed - 22
(Springfield, Springfield, Ft. Wood, Joplin)
💋💋Sexy Blue Eyed Brunette💋💋Natalya✨PERFECT REVIEWES ON RTP✨Ask about 2girl Sessions - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
________***Ms. WET DREAM - (J. LeWiNsKy) NEW NUMBER!!!($50 -$90 SPECIALS ALL DAY)*** - 23
◼️◼️COME Relax & Enjoy◼️◼️ VERY Fun & Petite 💋💋💄 🍭🍬 SWEET Like 🍯 Weekend Specials ✨ - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Any Where You Want)
!!CC!! Ready when YOU are baby! Music *GONE* as req.100$ hhr INCALL only & *new reviews* - 29
(15-25min from ANYWHERE U R IN STL)
!!CC!! music OFF!!Come And Let Me Give You Some T.L.C....C!! ONLY ..100$ hhr incall !!! - 29
(20-25 min from anywhere U are in STL)
!!CC!! !!UP Right Now!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from YOU!!)
CLASSY & YUMMY -:¦:- Butter Soft Skinned BEAUTIES -:¦:- 4 your late or early we are the 1s - 23
(St. Louis, airport hwy 70)
!!CC!! !! NEW LOCATION !! !! Ready AND Waiting !! New Post !! - 29
(20-25 min from anywhere U are in STL)
Anna~~ STL's most beautiful and talented~~ ~~314-262-9317 - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown, Clayton, Ladue)