Mon 27 Jan
Satisfaction is 1call away. Why settle for less... Try the best...Call for specials serious inq only - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis airport/dwntwn/all casinos)
-:¦:- °o° SUPER HOT °oo° -:¦:- GIRL NEXT DOOR (( NeW, SeXy, N PeTiTe!! ))-:¦:- °oo° - 18
(your place or mine)
{Great Specials} * PLEASURE ♥ ZONE * {Great Specials} - 19
~*~GODDESS and a PRINCESS in one waiting to give you ALL you deserve~*~ - 22
(270 Right in the middle 170 & 70)
🍭 After Work Treat 💕 Ready NOW ✨ [ No RUSH ] 😍 Blonde Bombshell 👸 Just Visitng!!! 100% Quality - 69
(St. Louis, ★★★★★ AIRPORT ★★★★★)
Sun 12 Jan
Blonde & Busty! Thick & Curvy! Call Jenni and ask about her SINFUL SUNDAY *SPECIAL* - 28
(StL Metro)
Sat 11 Jan
Up late tonight? Let this cute & curvy kitten keep you company! ~~SUMMER PREBOOKING SPECIAL~~ - 28
(StL Metro)
Up all night? For you i am! ~SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL~ Thick, Busty & Curvy! Delicious! - 28
(StL Metro)
**Super cuttie *****::: »-(¯`v´¯)- » T H E»-(¯`v´¯)-» T O T A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E»-(¯`v´¯) - - 19
-:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦:100% Real ** Provider - 19
(st.louis airport)
-:¦:- °o° SUPER HOT °oo° -:¦:- GIRL NEXT DOOR (( NeW, SeXy, N PeTiTe!! ))-:¦:- °oo° - 18
(your place or mine)
Fri 10 Jan
***SPEND a WILD NIGHT with this sexy & curvy kitten! i know how to please & im up all night!*** - 28
(StL Metro)
**~$100 SpEcIaLs~** I GeT OoOoOo SoOoOoO WET..... CuMmMm SeE 4 YoUrSeLf 2 NiTe**~ $100 SpEcI@Ls ~** - 22
(~**Down-Town/Union Station**~)
Thu 09 Jan
Voluptous and sexy! Cute and Curvy! Up all night? Definitely! ~~SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL~~ - 28
(StL Metro)
Wed 08 Jan
Let this voluptuous vixen thrill you with her womanly ways all night long ***specials*** - 28
(StL Metro)
Classy Goddess!!!!! Incall and outcall specials (314) 532-9128 - 29
(St. Louis, INCALL &OUTCALL; availiable)
Tue 07 Jan
***SPEND a WILD WEDNESDAY with this sexy & curvy kitten! i know how to please & im up all night!*** - 28
(StL Metro)
Mon 06 Jan
*~$100 SpEcIaLs~** CuMmMm ReAcH CoMpLeTe eXXXtacy WiTh KaLLiE **~$100 SpEcI@Ls~* - 22
(~**Down-Town/Union Station**~)
Sun 05 Jan
$$$ SPECIALS *** It'S YoUr LuCkY DaY ♥ DoN't fOrgEt to TrEat YoUrSelf *** SPECIALS $$$ - 19
(in/outcall all day and night)
Sat 04 Jan
***Why spend your time playing with little girls when you can have a 38DDD real woman! *** - 28
(StL Metro)
$$$ SPECIALS *** It'S YoUr LuCkY DaY ♥ DoN't fOrgEt to TrEat YoUrSelf *** SPECIALS $$$ - 18
Sp.== > *´¯`·.· ★ ·.·´¯`*___ {SeXy} ___ {SKiLLeD} ___ {{&}} ___ {{ExXxTReMLy}} {AdDiCTiVe!} - 18
(st.louis airport)
finest SUPER freaky female & exotic fun lovable body! mak apt /email pleas - 23
(downtown /airport5star luxouris!)
150 FuLl HoUr °° ALL »-(¯`v´¯)-» AMERICAN »-(¯`v´¯)-» GIRL »-(¯`v´¯)-» °°150 FuLl HoUr ** - 18
(your place or mine)
Fri 03 Jan
Beware JENNA is a FAKE on the AD Froom Last night this is BRIDGETTE and sh is using my PICTURES!
(This Girl using my pics is in springfie)
Thu 02 Jan
*♥♥I will show you what your ULTIMATE Playmate is REALLY Like!!!*♥♥ - 30
(St. Louis, Incall-West County and OutCall)