Mon 27 Jan
highclass, upscale, discreet) stl finest LOVELYDOME) WITH GIRLFRIEND Hurry Now! please read ad
▄ █ ☆█•: ▄ •♥• * HEAVENS OWN LIL DEVIL AVAIL NOW•♥• ready to please 314-374-0236 150-hr Reese - 29
(St. Louis, St Louis and metro east)
* HARMONY * You Don't Want Miss Me Again ~ Thick White Female ~ ^Amazing ASSets ^ - 28
***GONE @ 2pM!! 6'0 All American Beauty-*- LEAViN St Louis 2DaY...$1OO/3o SPECIAL... Incalls Only*** - 24
(Downtown St Louis**Incalls Only!!)
Heidi🙃 0uTcallz【Gεn†ℓεmαη's👔 #❶ Cho¡cε】🌹【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† by √¡ρ Pℓαγmα†ε] - 22
(St. Louis, St.Charles in & out)
~*X-TrA sPEcIALs ALL DaY*~ ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD!!*~ ~*X-TrA SpeCiALS ALL NigHT*~ - 18
* * * * HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS * * * * Super Sexy Blonde Cutie With Dangerous Curves * * * * - 24
Goodmorning Fenton / South Co! I'm READY to end my week with a ! id 116060!!! - 24
(your place in SoUtH county / Fenton)
HEY guys call me il bring everything you see here plus everything you dont/200outcall only - 22
bEAUTIFUL PRETTY PETITE ~Love 4 play and kissing 314 556 0921 - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)
FRESHMEN On the Market!!! Break My Back (Most Nasty 70Spcl) Open All Nite And Morning - 22
(St. Louis, South City In/Out)
FoRGeT ThE ResT .-:-. DeMaNd ThE BeSt .-:-. GeNtLeMeN OnLY PLeaSe .-:-. - 23
(St. Louis, st. louis & surrounding areas)
GUARENTEE I will be PERFECTION at its absolute BEST! 100% REAL&RECENT; pics or your DIAMONDS back! - 21
(St. Louis, Top of the line QUALITY, guarenteed! ;))
HANDS DOWN 1 OF the HOTTEST Soaking WETT & Sinfully Delicious Blonde! 125 HR Specials - 22
(___St Louis______)
Get out and enjoy yourself with one of the area's best. Give Renay a call! - 43
(off 270 between 4455)
Get teased pleased & realived n learn to believe Ashley - 31
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Area,Incalls,Outcalls)
★ EVeRYTHiNG U NeeD iN ★ 1 ★ TiGht PaCKaGE ★ PERFECT LATINA - 20
FAR from just another manic Monday! Come play with EVERYONES favorite LOCAL LATINA!! - 23
(south county AREA * NEW *)
Explosive New Years date ☆☆♡♡best you'll see tonight♡ ALL Time FAvorITe - 25
(St. Louis, Outcals. incals midtown)
}}}}}}}}}} Finally It Is Possible To Have WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!! {{{{{{{{{ - 22
(St. Louis, MO Downtown Area, in/outs)
Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Calls Only! Erica 314-649-8476 Available Mon-Fri 2-6pm Sat-Sun 9am-5pm - 39
(40 & McCausland-44 & Jamieson or Southwe, St. Louis)
Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Calls Only! Erica 314-649-8476 Available Fri 1-6pm Sat 12-4pm Sun10-4pm - 39
(40 & McCausland-44 & Jamieson or Southwe, St. Louis)
F 9733;Im Th ( xOTiC ~ CuT! ) U WiSh £iVd NXt DooR +1 morning breakfeast ★ 2girl - 20
(St. Louis, incal airport area 2girl outcal spl)
***Dripping WET and ready to please you*** Specials Specials Specials! - 21
(Anywhere I need to BE!/airport)
*****BEAUTIFUL, CLASSY and FINE BRUNETTE available now to fulfill your dreams !!!!!!******** - 32
Ashley and Jayleigh are waiting!! ***SPECIALS!!!! 25 off donations TONIGHT ONLY*** - 25
(st.charles rock rd)
&^%$^%& Girl ^$$#%# Next #^#%$# Door &^%&^% Is %$&^^ Really %$#^% Next &%$^ Door #$%@ - 23
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
Sunkissed Petite Bombshell Abra... New location, New Availability, New Pictures... - 23
(Downtown *or* West County)
°ஐI'M HORNEY!!!! pLa¥fuL §X-KittN CHRISTINA ..... mAk m¥ tiGht LittL Kitt¥ {{PURR}} - 19
°ஐIM UP!!!! pLa¥fuL §X-KittN CHRISTINA ..... mAk m¥ tiGht LittL Kitt¥ {{PURR}} - 19
&%$^ Busty Bold Beautiful 38dd ^%&^% Irish LassY ^%$&%$ Very Classy &**&% Special ^&%*& - 20
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
*** aLLi iS bACk!! dONt MiSs tHiS bEaUtiFuL bLoNdE bOMbShEll!!! iTs mY LaSt dAy iN tOwN!!*** - 20
---- A=B=S=0=L=U=T=E == P=L=E=A=S=U=R=E ------ L= A=T=I=N= == T=R=E=A=T= ! ! ! - 22
> > > > > > LoOkiNg fOr sOmE sUnShiNe oN tHiS gLoOmY dAy?! aLLi iS eXxXaCtLy wHaT yOu nEeD!! < < < < - 20
An invitation... A Stunning little Brunette Bombshell is waiting for a playmate! ~♥~ - 23
(West County)
ALll you need./!^^100% A♡♡☆☆ MUST SEE ☆☆♡♡♡ ALL Time FAvorITe - 25
(St. Louis, Downtown/ outcal/incal 2gurl)
80qq/ 100hh/ 150/h♥ Dripping Wet Dream Girl ♥ Smokin Hot ♥ A Rare Treat ♥ - 21
(44 & Lindbergh/Incall&Outcall;)
> > > > > > > cOmE ceLeBrATe tHe wEeKeNd WiTh tHiS sUpEr sExXxy bLoNdE bOmBsHeLL!! < < < < < < < < - 20
(St. Louis, AIRPORT)
A Better Kiss ♥ A Hotter Touch ♥ Brand New Pictures!! ♥ Petite Bombshell ♥ - 22
(Chesterfield Valley ♥)
70$ specials~dont miss out on the time of ur life:)...:):)in calls - 20
(St. Louis, st.louis~forsest park)