Fri 10 Jan
It's a PERFECT day for me to STOP BY and play! Sweet treat with a TOP RATED local LATINA! - 24
(select areas of south STL)
It's Friday And Time To Let Loose With A Mature Woman With Exceptional! New Comer Discounts - 42
(St. Louis, Incalls west / Outcalls anywhere)
☰ * . GIRL :*. OF :*. YOUR :*. DREAMS : * ☰ »-♥- » READY »-♥. - 26
(airport/ surrounding areas)
Good morning gentleman.. Let's start the weekend off with fun and pleasure Lindsay here - 32
(St. Louis, North county)
First Time Visitor ☝️👉St.Louis👈🍀🍀🍀Any Lucky Men Wanna Join Me 🌹🌹🌹 I Love Roses🌹🌹🌹 - 23
(St. Louis, Forest park/ CWE / Surrounding areas)
GOrGEoUS BlOnDe LaTiNa NyMPHo ::: PReTTi PuSSi ::: GREaT PeRSoNALiTY :: CuTeST BuBBLe BooTy ::: - 24
(St Louis Airport)
"Come Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" 314-649-8476 NoText-Available Mon-Fri 1:30-6:30 Sat 10-4 - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min from ANYWHERE IN STL)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(20-25 min fom anywhere you are in STL)
"Come Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" 314-649-8476 NoText-Available Mon-Fri 1:30-6:30 Sat 9-4 - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
!!CC!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! I promise You Won't Be Disappointed!! - 29
(20-25 min from anywhere U are in STL)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min From ANYWHERE IN STL)
!!CC!! !! !!ATTENTION!! !! #NeW# (314)484-4491 Is NoW (314)532-1506 EaRLiEr TiMeS! ! NeW LoCaTiOn ! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-20min from anywhere you)
!!CC!! For **NEW^bie^ HOBBYIST'S ** helpful calling tips & *Where 2 GET Def. of Terms* - 29
(15-25 min from U!!)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-20min from anywhere U R in STL!!)
!!CC!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! I promise You Won't Be Disappointed!! - 29
(15-25min From ANYWHERE IN STL)
Are you dreamin of somethin new why not let YOUR DREAMS COME let us Fulfill ur Fantasies!1 or 2Girl - 35
(St. Louis, St Louis)
> > > > > > > LoOk wHo'S bAcK!! eVeRyOnE's fAvOriTe sExXxY bLoNde bOmBsHeLL!!! iT's aLLi!! < < < < < - 20
🌹🌹🌹 Sexy new pics from the exotic & elegant Nikki 💋Beautifully packaged from head to toe🔥 So hot 🔥 - 30
(St. Charles / St. Peter's / St.. Louis, St. Louis)
Award Winning, Woman-Owned Massage Co. Looking For New Girls!!! Daytime Hours Only, $500+/Day!!! - 35
(St. Louis, STL)
Award Winning, Woman-Owned Massage Co. Looking For New Girls!!! Daytime Hours Only, $600+/Day!!! - 35
(St. Louis, STL)
Print Model's, Playboy Centerfolds, Penthouse Pets, Hustler Honeys Needed For VIP Clientele
(St. Louis, Local or Travel)
( . )( . ) Come Satifay Your Morning Craving -HR SPECIALS!( . )( . ) - 27
Last Night ...Puerto Rican Freak 💋💋💋 specials all night baby💎💎💎 💯 percent me I PROMISE - 22
(St. Louis, St. Louis / Airport)
Sweet Sexy Blonde w/ Grey Eyes.... ** New to Town ** Here From March,31 until April,4 - 20
SUPER WOMAN here for you Great Specials SUPER SEXY make appt NOW up late - 24
Tara ✔️ Special🍒🍒Beauty Awaits 🍒🍒34DDD OKLAHOMANS 💞💞DO itBETTER🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 24
(St. Louis, fenton Bowles stl travel Webster etc)
SUPER SEXY leaving soon with Great SPECIALS look no further SEXY J is here 4 u - 24
💅 💃👙SeXy Christina 👙Is A GeNTLeMeNS ❶st CHOiCE SNeAk AWaY CoME👙PlAY 👙💃 💅-- (*INCALL*) - 22
(St Louis - Downtown, Downtown)
(°SeX xXy °.-:¦:-° (( 100hh )) °..-:¦:-[ X x X RATED FuN.° )) LEAVING S ☼ ☼ N - 21
°o° NeW iN tOwN °o CuM PlAY wItH mE bAbY°o I'm OoO SoO WeT °°o - 21
(*-*- South County 44/Lindbergh*-*-)
**NEW** TER reviewed Curvy-36DDD Savannah & NEW Khloe = Tons of 2girl specials *THIS WEEKEND* - 20
(prefer outcall-LA incalls)
New X- RATED💎 Chocolate VEgas🐾🐾 Purrrfect😻Choice🐾🐾 b͜͡e͜͡a͜͡u͜͡t͜͡i͜͡f͜͡u͜͡l & j͜͡u͜͡i͜͡c͜͡y͜͡ 🍒 - 33
(St. Louis, airport area incalls only)
★ NEW ★█ KiLLER ➓ B0DY_★_BRUNETTE♥ BARBiE █★ 100% Real Photo's★ - 23
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area incalls only)
New pics, Same great girl. Dont miss out on the time of your life.
(I come to you anytime, anywhere.)
^%$##%$# New #$#$#$##$ Exotic #$#$#$#$#$ Young $#$#$#$#$#$ Playmate #$$$#$$$#$ - 23
New ✘✦special ✘ Dilclous Playmate ✘✦✘best ✦✘( Brittany !★✘ - 24
(airport st.louis incall only, St. Louis)
Let this hot, mature, lady make your day. Give Renay a call for the very best. - 43
(off 270 between 44/55)
( . )( . ) Let Me Satisfy Your Early Morning Craving!!!( . )( . ) - 30
(St. Louis, STL north incalls & outcalls)
High class young brown sugar baby ready to help you relax - 19
(St Louis - Central West End, Central west end)
GORGEO US* *N E W S*E*X*X*X*Y* **P LAYMATE** - -- - - - click here-> - 19
come make a touchdown with me and nothing but a thong and a jersey top - 32
(St. Louis, North county)
------- beaUtiFuL bLoNdE ------ LaSt dAy iN tOwN ---------- dOn'T MiSs oUt ---- caLL nOw!! _________ - 20
Angelic Abra is waiting for you... Thursday is a wonderful evening for some fun... - 23
(West county)
(140)) hh SPEcial 5 STAR SEXY look no further LEaviNg SOON up late too Make appt - 23
$150Hr $150Hr Special TUESDAY SPECIAL ONLY TILL MIDNIGHT $150Hr $150Hr $150Hr - 18
(***Airport Area***)
:♥: * *--- #1 SeDucTiVe BRuNeTTe ** PLeaSuRe BeAuTy * TeNDeR & SweeT * :: ♥: - 21
(St. Louis, Hazelwood/Airport Area)
Hot ~ Stunning ~ Tight little Sunkissed Brunette Hottie ~ Total GFE ~ Total Package!! - 23
(West County)
The #1 Exhibitionist & Entertainer at Heart MONIQUE/MARIE *AT*The Club Keeping it REAL ALLWAYS - 43
(St. Louis, Metro East10-15min.frm st lu)