Mon 27 Jan
Super Lips 🎥come see what 👲👳👮👷💂 is talking about!! satisfaction guaranteed! - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas city 5minutes from downtown)
Ready for a Smokin Hot Sinfully Delicious time? Yeah? Then call Lilly now! - 37
(St. Louis, St.Charles/St. Peter's/St. Louis)
==»»»NO NEED TO LOOK AT THE REST JUICY JUICE is the BEST«««$45 &65 $specials - 25
NEW😍... 😘 *☆ I'll mAkE ☆😘😍 YouR ☆DReaMS☆💋 C0Me TrUe ☆*▄😘😍*☆ call now 💋 - 20
(Lake of the Ozarks, FLW. Waynesville.)
MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS Play TWiCE 4 NOTHiNG XTRA new nude pics4ddd brunnet& New 44ddBlond 314-532-1824 - 30
(St. Louis, SameSafeLocation6yrsStLouisAreaNOdrama)
🌟SLiM 💖HiPs &💫 MaGic LiPs 💋 🍬🌟 EvErYtHiNg YoU DeSiRe & MoRe 🌹Christina🌹 💦(Mixed 🔥😍 GodDEsS) - 24
(St. Louis, Your place or mines)
Petite 1OOlb SuperCute Russian Redhead joinsMUSTANG RANCH GiRLS Today!& 48DD-25-34 Mindy 7am-5pm - 24
(St. Louis, SameDramaFreeLocation6yrStLouisAreaSafe)
╠╣ot! 💖╠╣ot!! 💖SeXy💖 ρℓαγmαtε 💎 🍹💟👑👇R€AL P¡C$ ★💟 NEW#- 20 - 20
(Kansas City, kansas city/surrounding areas upscale)
MoDeL MaTeRiAl💢。💓1 Οf A ΚιηD。。💕UnFoRgEtAbLe ExPeRiEnCe💭💭💭💕 ★You WILL ★💛ℜeℳeℳβeℜ ℳє - 24
(St. Louis, Your place or mines)
:;; Hear And Town Just Arrived 👯 Curvy Bomb 💣 shell And All The Right Places - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown area)
READY 4 AN uPsCaLe sExY lAdY °°••°° (WELL i will take care you) °°••°° ( #1 P_E_R_F_E_C_T B_A_B_E - 23
(St. Louis, outCalls/st.louis)
//// S- E- X- Y ///// **** PUERTO Rican ///// Make Your FANTASY Come True((( AVAILABLE NOW)) - 23
(St Louis/ Incalls/ Outcalls)
Put a little spark in your day. Call this sexy, mature lady for all your needs. - 43
(off 270 between 44/55)
PRETTY WHITE FEMALES Large breasts petite figures sweet & fun EAGER TO PLEASE SEVERAL TIMES - 31
(minfrom downtown15from south 20 north30w)
%%%%%%%% RUssIAN GREY-EYED TRUE $QuIRTeR %%%%%%% WElL REVIEWED %%%% 2 GIrL SPEcIAL %%%% - 21
(in/out 247)
Ready for a Smokin Hot Sinfully Delicious time? Yeah? Then call Lilly now! - 37
(St. Louis, St.Charles/St. Peter's/St. Louis)
~QV-75 & HH-100 SPECIAL~super horny & ready🏃 relex 🛀& get the best 🏆head 💋& kitty👂 ❣❣ - 22
(St. Louis, St.louis Àirport area)
Remember our Veterans! Working or not I'm here ready to serve you. Call me! - 44
(St. Louis, off 270 between 44 & 55)
Prncssgp@yahoo PASSION'S SpecialS 2 Nite!!!!! In Town Today!! See PASSION Today Only!!! - 25
(Saint Louis incall)
ReViewed• InDepEnDenT • ★ •♥ •EXxOtIc— L•A•T•i•N•A • GoDdeSs - 21
PUT ME ON YOUR ToDo List ultimate time (¯`•★•´¯) H_ O _ T °N° F_ I _ N_ E - 22
(St. Louis, incall/outcalls SPL 130hr in)
~+~+~+~+~+~ Puerto Rican CHILLI PEPPER ~+~+~+~+ Limited time ~+~+~+ 100% me or it's FREE ~+~+~+~+ - 19
(My place or Yours)
*¨¨*:. ♥ .:*¨¨* Ready to Play(; *¨¨*:. ♥ .:*¨¨* - U-P - - A - L -L- - N-I-G-H-T --- - 21
(St. Louis, Outcall and Incall! V I S I T I N G !)
PLAY TWiCE4 NoTHING Xtra Busty Beautiful xMustang RanchGirls Blonde& Brunette EXCELLANT SKILLS7a-5p - 31
(St. Louis, StLouisSurrounding Areas close 4downtown)
//petite blonde leaving town tomorrow\\ *must see to believe* available now! ;) - 21
(St. Louis, St Louis)
☆• ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ►╠╣OT ☎☟♥ ★T0TALLY 💰 S—E— X—Y 💰 ★ ♥☟☎█▒☆Caramel GODDESS █▒ █▒ ►╠╣OT -< - 24
(Kansas City, North Kansas City and surrounding areas)
¯`' .¸★ PreTtiEstT MOsT sEducTivE VixeN ★ ..xXx.. HOT..CALL ME 3142265727 - 20
♡÷♥* ♥ PETITE New MOCHA HOT SEXY Sweet Candy DOLL 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown St Louis and surrounding)
PETiTE 100lbRussian Redhead &44ddNEW Blond MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS 7am-5pm PlayTwice Nothing XtraSpeciai - 28
(St. Louis, SameSafeDramaFreeLocaton6yrsStLouisArea)
☆ . ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ pεtitε ρℓαγmαtε ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆ 1OO Spcls TONIGHT ONLY . ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ - 23
(St. Louis, Downtown Incall Only)
°o♥ THE ♥o° CANDY °o♥o° SHOP °IS° OPEN °o♥ we r up;o ° 2 girl show - - 20
(St. Louis, incallairport/outcalls mak)
$pecial$ amazing body from top 2 bottom! dont miss out on this petite hot blonde AVAIL now! NEW PICS - 21
(St. Louis, st Louis area off 64 in/out)
Now 3 MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS! 48DD-25-34 & 44DDNew Blonde New Pics 7am-5pm NO TEXTS/blocked calls - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis area & Ill NoTexts/blockedCalls)
Now 3 WORLD FAMOUS MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS all DDs! Special Today! 7am-6p 314-532-1824 no texts/ blocked - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis&surrounding; areaNoTexts/blocked)
~~~~~~ ONE DAY ONLY!!!! ~~~~~~ 80 80 80 special 80 80 80 ~~~~~ RUSSIAN $quirter ~~~~~ - 21
(in/out 247)
NewPics 49DDblond& 49DDbrunet Close 4DOWNTOWN &ILL;&Scounty; 7am-6pm 200forfullHr 2Girl moreSpecials - 31
(St. Louis, DISCREETclose4DOWNTOWN&ILL;&ScountySAFE;)
New4'10"Tracy & 49DD-27-35 200forFullhr2girl! asMANY TiMES asU CAN WeWiLL4 NOTHiNG XTRA7am-6pm Daily - 30
(St. Louis, close4DOWNTOWNorILLorScountyDISCREET)
°o♥o° -:¦:-♥ oUnG, §wT -:¦:- ÂnÐ -:¦:- NeW ♥ -:¦:- °o♥o° - 19
(North County/Airport In-Out Calls)
°o♥ THE ♥o° CANDY °o♥o° SHOP °IS° OPEN °o♥ 1 STOP SHOP - 23
(St. Louis, airport/outcalls serious caller)
==»»»NO NEED TO LOOK AT THE REST JUICY JUICE is the BEST«««$45 &65 $specials - 25
°o♥ THE ♥o° CANDY °o&OOO;#9829;o° SHOP °IS° OPEN alnight - 23
(St. Louis, t/outcalls serious caller incal)
NOW 3 MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS LasVegas Best!AlllDD's Best RatesInArea! NewPics NoTEXTs 314-532-1824 - 30
(St. Louis, 7am-6pmStLouisAreaAlwaysDramaFreeSAFE)
♡÷♥* ♥ Hot PETITE MOCHA Candy Doll RAVEN 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown st louis and surrounding area)
hot~blonde~ playmate ~ mandy love ~ 100% ~ real~ beauty~ specials 7o/9o/12o~ - 28
(St. Louis, east side 6 min from downtown stl)
here HELO, whats up guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) email apt for after 7oclock - 20
°HoT chicK° ✙ °biG TiTs° ✙ °wilD & seXվ° ✙ °ɪʀɪsʜ° ✙ °fUn° ✙ °frEAky° ✙ °cuTe° ✙ °$99 HH° - 34
H(O)T _______TotAl SatisFaction ______N(E)W __________ H(O)T _________ ___ (N)E(W) _______ (H)O(T)
happy fathers day(LOV3LYDOM3) STL'$ Finest w/friend has a special! get J, J, J ,B today only - 22
have it you'r way not their way call this hot @ss blonde for a experience u won't 4get 1OO incall - 26
(St. Louis, 270/hazelwood)
GREAT SPECIAL 40dd TalHotBlond & 48dd-25-34 Brunette price better than others! 7a-5pm Play twice! - 31
(St. Louis, AllOver St. Louis & Ill)
HOT & Ready RiGHT NOW PLAYTWiCE 4 NOTHiNG Xtra! BiG TiTTiES Blonde or Brunette - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntownAll St. Louis area)
HOT _________ @ss ____________ Blonde with Big Tits!! _____100. special ___________ ________IN Call - 27
(St. Louis, 270 HAZELWOOD- OUT CALLS ALSO 24/7)
Hello I'm Mistress Anna Your Dream ♥♡♥°★° I'm SUPER SEXY & EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!• - 24
(Downtown Incall area, St. Louis)
Hay Boys Amber Rose Is Visiting Monday ToTuesday.... Well Reviewed .... Busty Blonde Hottie!!!!
(Airport In Call / Out Call All Over)
Guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) apt only for after /sexy and ready/ gents only - 20
Girlfriend or Mistress? Mature female that Knows how to be both!! - 45
(St. Louis, between 44 and 55 - off of 270)
* ;:*¨¨*:: GLAMOUROUS ❤ BEAUTY. A SMILE THAT'S SO ADDICTIVE. * ;:*¨¨*:: - 23
(St. Louis, st louis mo)
from World Famous Mustang Ranch 44DDslender Blond Janie Does it with her cowgirlBoots on! SPECIAL!! - 30
(St. Louis, SameSafeDramaFreeLocation6yrsStLouisArea)
Guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) apt only for after /sexy and ready/ gents only - 20
GREAT SPECIAL 44ddTalHotBlond & 48dd-25-34 Brunett 7am-5p Play twice NoThInG XTra! - 31
(St. Louis, All St. Louis & Ill)