Mon 27 Jan
🎀 💝 SExy Japanese -⭕💘 ARRIVED June 23rd ⭕💘 100% 1ST TIME in town 🎀 💜HOTTEST ♥💕💝 🎀 - 24
(Kansas City, North Kansas ★(732)★798★0860)
◆♥☆♥ ▀▄ SEXXIEST❤ ♛ ▀▄▀ ❤♥ IN ▃▅▆ █▆▅▃ TOWN♥♛ █▒ █ ▒◆☆SUP3R THICK!! 19492697668 - 18
(Joplin, joplin area)
█▓█ Put ~me~on ~your~To~ do ~List~!!! ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ "Erotic Latenight sentual fun - 23
(St. Louis, l/incal AIRPORT outcal)
€ €♡♥♡ Yellowbone^ Finesse→ ←Trixxie ^ Carmelbone ♥♡♥》》ENJOY! ! - 22
(St. Louis, outcalls missouri & illinois)
Petite 1OOlb SuperCute Russian Redhead joinsMUSTANG RANCH GiRLS Today!& 48DD-25-34 Mindy 7am-5pm - 24
(St. Louis, SameDramaFreeLocation6yrStLouisAreaSafe)
Real, Reviewed & Ready - 40DD Busty Blonde Small BBW - Excellent Reviews! - 32
(St. Louis, Spanish Lake Incall)
⚫️READ ENTIRE AD: ⚫️⬛️⚫️ Pre-Booking Apts💋 From Dallas Baby💃😻 Outcalls!😻 MOST Requested!! 👑💃😻Top Notch SATISFACTION⚫️⬛️⚫️ - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, Branson/Springfield Area)
::S I M P L Y :¦:-:*"*::A M A Z I N G :¦:- GURANTEED!!! CaLl NoW!!! SEXY & SENSUAL !! - 23
(In &OuT;)
🍒🍃S†µǸǸÏñG🍇 S E X Y 🍇$㉫ǸsµAし Sɛɖʊċtʀɛss 💋 💯% ʀεaℓ 🍒աaɨtʝռɢ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ 🍃🍒 - 22
(St Louis Airport *Incall Only*, St. Louis)
Raging Waters ❤ NEW # ❤ Smoking ❤ ❤ NAUGHtY ❤ ❤ MiSS AMAZING HEIGHTS ❤ ❤ St Charles close to airport - 30
(St. Louis, st Charles near airport incall)
PETITE 100lb Russian Redhed SUPERCUTE joins Mustang Ranch Girls 7am-4pm 314-532-1824 NO texts/block - 28
(St. Louis, SameSafeDiscreetLocation6yrsStLouisArea)
PeTiTe CaRaMeL-SkiNned BeAuTy wiTh a HoT BodY & AmaZinG SkiLLs! xoxo I feel like doin sum special. - 23
(St. Louis, Illinois Side Incall or Outcall)
Now 3 WORLD FAMOUS MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS all DDs! Special Today! 7am-6p 314-532-1824 no texts/ blocked - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis&surrounding; areaNoTexts/blocked)
No holds barred!! If at first you did not reach me then please try and try again! - 32
(St. Louis, south city/ bevo mill area)
Out call in kansas city missouri and surrounding areas. 100% real pics - 24
(Kansas City, KCMO.independence and surrounding areas)
NEW TO ST. LOUIS. Sexy Dominican/Ebony barbie doll available for outcall play dates. - 30
(Outcall to hotels only.)
💋👅💦💦💋NEW to AREA💋LIMITED Special💦 Japanese-Mixed Beauty👅💦 TNA Reviewed✔️ Available NOW☀️🌙✨👑✨ - 25
(N Hanley, Near Airport, St. Louis)
Hard Day At Work?? Let Me Cater To Your Needs!!! Call Innocence 314-285-2963 - 99
(St. Louis, Incalls/Outcalls)
friends for free! 100% free sign up!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
*ExPeRiEnCeD * Up$c@Le * EbOnY * MoDeL ~ *** ~ WeEkEnD * $PeCiAl * ChEcK * oUt* !!!! - 21
(columbia, jeff city, fulton, lake)
"Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" Calls Only! New # 314-449-3947 Mon-Fri 1:30-6:30pm Sat10-4pm - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
"Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" Call 314-649-8476 NoText Wed Thru Fri 1:30-6:30pm Sat 10-4pm - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
°?°° A GiRL LiKe Me °?°° Is OnE Of A KiNd °?°° U WiLL LoVe ThE Way We SpeNd OuR TiMe °?°° - 26
(airport / north / incall / outcall)
$80 SpEciAL!!*oO ♥ ExOtic *CuRvY* BeAuTy *oO ♥ Oo* BEST RATES IN TOWN! ♥ Oo* - 20
(North - Bridgeton-St. Ann, St Ann)
7am-6pm WORLD FAMOUS MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS 48dd-25-34 Brunnet & 44dd NEW Hot Blond newPics SPECIAL !! - 30
(St. Louis, sameSafeLocation4sixyearsStLouisArea)
48DD-25-34all nat 5'7 120lb w/Pretty Woman Play aCouple Times! NO Clocks VERY REASONABLE safe local - 31
(St. Louis, minfrmdowntwnORs.countyOR30frmW.or25frmN)
Mon 13 Jan
TASHA @ Your Demand. Sweet, Sassy, & Seductive!! *7O Special! - 20
(St. Louis, STL & IL / IN&OUT; CALL)
Sun 12 Jan
✅Hot Sexy Ladies Available Now😍😍 One Call Away To Have Her In Ur Lap💋💋Sexy Saturday - 25
(downtown stl & il area Outcall only, St. Louis)
Hot ₰ K¡ηkγ ▒█▒ δωεε† ▒█▒ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ▒█▒ ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█▒ ηεω ▒█▒ ρℓαγα†ε♥ 24/7 # 316-570-3362 - 23
(Kansas City, overland park-surrounding areas)
♛ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♛ Firty Blonde Babe Bubble Booty Michelle Sweets♛♛♛ Come see me and/ or my friend Jennifer - 24
(St. Louis, downtown 😄)
Sat 11 Jan
ViSTiNG frm KC, ( ( B U S T Y 38DDD ) ) COllEGE PlAYMATE __6o.oo S P E C i A l S ::¢@ll n0w - 19
(St. Louis, STL)
☆ TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe ☆ 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT!! - 27
(St. Louis, St Louis Area Outcalls)
Last Day BLONDE!! New to the stl area 100. SPECIALS 24/7 With Kissable @ss - 25
(St. Louis, 270/hazelwood)
—————" G O R G E O U S " ——————— U—N—F—O—R—G— E—T—T—A—B—L—E ! ———— - 20
(St. Louis, St.louis clayton)
Come to Sizzling HOT Miami! **SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS**Our Many Upscale Clients Will Keep You Very Busy!
(Kansas City, St. Louis, Sizzling "HOT" Miami)
*; ;:*¨¨*: :Up AlL nIgHt WaItInG oN yOuR cAlL!!!! :*¨¨*:. :* - (((314))) 243-1708 - 29
(St. Louis, ]outcall)
* TGIF * "SHOW ME" St Louis is your "Sweet Ga Peach" in the right place *"150" Full UnRushed HouR * - 39
(St. Louis, Chesterfield exit 19b off 64(In or OUT))