Sat 11 Jan
O N E .*. O F .*. A ._*. K I N D .* SEXY KNoCKOUT - 24/7 Taking incalls & outcalls - 27
(collinsville il)
☆ LATE afternoon☆•* °*•-:¦:-• early evenings☆•* °*•-:¦:-• ((( •♥• well reviewd so call me - • )))☆ - 21
(St. Louis, ncstl)
[{LAST DAY}] 2 GeT uR FiX 4 a 6 FoOt BlOnDe BoMbShElL w/ HuGe 40DDD's aNd A HuGe BoOtY--> 80SpEcIaLs - 24
(AiRpOrT aReA-lAsT dAy-80 SpEcIaLs)
Amature FiLM STAR! *visiting * 5'2" 120lbs 34C-24-36 ! Well reviewed ! - 21
(St. Louis, STL airport area incall only)
HOT LIL BLONDE From down south give me a call { 24/7 for my 1OO in call} - 25
(St. Louis, IN CALL ONLY/ 270 IN STL)
✌If you ThInK ⇊ "SHE" ⇈ Looks Good ✌ → → √You'll LoVe ME√! 👅100 RoSe SpECiAlS!!!👅 - 22
(St. Louis, Belleville Illinois. Incall/Outcall!)
GENEROUS SPLIT* Independents & Newbies Wanted*SEE WHO YOU WANT* Be UR Own Boss*Better than an Agency - 35
(St. Louis, In your area)
70$ special~in call specials~dont miss out on the time of ur life:)... - 19
(St. Louis, st.louis- Central West End)
"Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" Call 314-649-8476 NoText Available Thur 12-6pm Back Next Tues - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
Fri 10 Jan
BAD GIRLS ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW! 314-786-2878 cash or credit! We're Nasty! - 25
(St. Louis, Entire Metro Area)
BAD GIRLS ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW! 314-786-2878 cash or credit! We're Nasty - 25
(Entire Metro Area, St. Louis)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» ABSOLUTELY »-(¯`v´¯)-» GORGEOUS »-(¯`v´¯)-» BLONDE »-(¯`v´¯)-» COVERGIRL »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 22
(Your Place/or/Mine)
(airport - north county - in - out :)
"Come Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman" Vivian 314-649-8476 NoText-Available Mon thru Fri 1:30-6:30 - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
Call Niki and enjoy a relaxing massage in a convenient south city location. No hassles, call today!! - 37
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
yOu ShOuLD wAnA Be AlL On mE lovable an Soft an Gorgeous as Hell - 24
(St. Louis, outcalls/ incalls 2gurl)
Well reviewed star provider.upscale loc. available now guys!Let my hands relax you.. . - 35
(st louis/west county/south county, St. Louis)
HOT DIRTY WHITE SISTERS 48dd-25-34& 44dd-20-27 We do it All! wer're So bad! - 31
(3MIN&3turns from 3 Interstates)
100 SPECiAL aLL WeEKeNd 100 SPECiAL (`.¸+ A dREaM cOmE TRUE+ '´¯) bRUNeTTe VIXEN - 20
(St. Louis, 70/Lindburgh)
$100 Specials 💧..... Mite As Well End It With Sum 🍫 Upscale Is a Must Let'sPlayBoys 💦💧 - 20
(St. Louis)
Beautiful + UPSCALE + Playmate + The BEST in the MIDWEST GUARANTEED!!! - 25
(Airport area, St. Louis)
im up all night negiotable Diamond $checkout on isle me$ your best companion right here - 27
(downtown or outcall extra)
Hottie with a BODY➡Abs, Ass, & Legs➡TIGHT & TONED!! Reviewed & Recommended 🌟✅✅ VISITING!! - 28
(airport➡ UP Late Tonight!! 😘😘, St. Louis)
I'm the rocket fuel for winners!Caution:I'm addictive and the best! - 27
💋💋Natalya💋💋✨Reviews On RTP✨🍒Gauranteed To Make Your Toes Curl💦 - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
}} YOU UP !! {{ NAUGHTY ++ girl ++ DO {++ NASTY things all for +++ you!!!
(IL & mo u tell me where to go!!!)
You asked for it, you got it! Candy delivered to your door TODAY in South County / Fenton! - 24
(so co / fenton MO)
📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒TOP ASIAN girl 📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒100% Young And gorgeous 📒📒📒📒📒📒NuRU MASSAGE - 22
(st charles, St. Louis)
LaSt DaY NeW UpScAlE C L iEnTeLe HeRe LiMiTeD TiMe ! ~ KriStInA RoSe *~ 785-213-3107 - 20
Thu 09 Jan
_____ »(¯`v´¯)» ___ _ x_X_x _T _R __ M_ __ -:|: -MoRnInG SpeCiaLs» (¯`v´¯)» ___ - 22
(South County Incalls Only)
•-:¦:-• • ♛ • •-:¦:-• T H €_P € R F € C T_C H O I C € •:-• • ♛ • •-:¦:-• ❚❤❚ VISITING ❚❤❚ 100spcl - 21
(St. Louis, Airport)
( . )( . )NEW PICS!!! $80 $100 and $120 SPECIALS!!! One Day Offer Only!!( . )( . ) - 26
(¯`'.¸+CLICK (¯`'.¸+ON+ ¸.'´¯) ME ¸.'´¯) YoU WaNt Me XxX=== KilLeR 1HR SpEcIaL===XxX - 22
(nORth cOUnty IN/OUT)
▐► Operate your Own Escort Agency ★★ Earn $250,000+ Annually ★★ National Brand / Exclusive Territory - 52
(Kansas City, St. Louis)
TOURING ESCORTS WANTED.. All American Girls, Kansas City , St Louis Minneapolis / St Paul
(st Louis)
__ W_A_Y _____ T_O_O _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] _____ T_O _____ M_I_S_S **This Hot MOM - 33
(St. Louis, Lindbergh and union incall only)
❤ SuGaR&SpiCe; ❤ EvErYtHinG NiCe ❤ TrY MeOnCe YouLL CoMe BaCk TwiCe ❤ - 19
(St. Louis, By The Airport)
× S W e E t × ————— × B L o N d E × ————— × P L A Y M A T €× —————— × V i S i T i N G × - 23
(St. Louis, airport)
*LAST DAY IN TOWN!!! Cum 'n Get It Boys, Specials jus 4 U... Get Dis Chocolate Lovin* - 22
(St Charles Rock Rd)
Come spend time with me !! Conpanionships!! Massages!! InCall/Qk Stop - 20
(South City/QV- TRUCKER'S WELCOME, St. Louis)
ღ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ 💦 & ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💜💟SWEETLiPS 💟💜🌴🌴💋 Petite BØØT¥ 👉 FLEXIBLE Freak👈🉐🉐 💜🌴🌴 Come on Daddy «⚡️ - 19
(St. Louis)
**Sexy, Seductive, Sensuous** $$pecials 60/100 \\BuStY bRuNeTtE// - 19
(St. Louis, St. Louis Lambert Airport)