Mon 27 Jan
💋💋💋You Want The Best? Look No Further Guaranteed U Won't Be Disappointed💋💋💋 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis Co. & Surrounding areas)
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹N0W🌹 💕 FLaWLeSS 💋💗 Ẹ¥Ẹ ₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖💙ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ 💜💜#1 Pure Ebony Doll 💟 KNOCKOUT - 26
(Springfield, south Springfield)
SPECIALS*** Experience With CLASS*** Mornin Noon & Nite 24/7** See 1 or both LETs have Fun - 43
(St. Louis, Metro East10 min. from down town St. Lu.)
Sexy blonde!! Back by popular demand!!! Call now!!! Outcall $pecials!!! - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown/airport/ outcalls/incalls)
YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦:100$ HH ❌👊👊👊 KN✪CK✪uT ❌ - 30
(St. Louis, St. Charles)
Sexy blonde!! Back by popular demand!!! Call now!!! Outcall $pecials!!! - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown/airport/ outcalls/incalls)
Ready for a Smokin Hot Sinfully Delicious time? Yeah? Then call Lilly now! - 37
(St. Louis, St.Charles/St. Peter's/St. Louis)
NEW😍... 😘 *☆ I'll mAkE ☆😘😍 YouR ☆DReaMS☆💋 C0Me TrUe ☆*▄😘😍*☆ call now 💋 - 20
(Lake of the Ozarks, FLW. Waynesville.)
*****Sexy Beautiful Stripper Hot And Ready To Fufill Your Fantasy***** - 28
(St. Louis, Belleville, IL)
╠╣ot! 💖╠╣ot!! 💖SeXy💖 ρℓαγmαtε 💎 🍹💟👑👇R€AL P¡C$ ★💟 NEW#- 20 - 20
(Kansas City, kansas city/surrounding areas upscale)
EMMA & LACY are So Very TASTY safe and sound are bootys ARE Round !!! - 29
(Kansas City, KCKS INCALL 99)
:;; Hear And Town Just Arrived 👯 Curvy Bomb 💣 shell And All The Right Places - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown area)
Saleena's Here wiith New Piics !! Call Now ... IIn&&Out; Downtown Locatiion ... - 22
(St. Louis, Downtown, Saiint Louis)
💣🌠Ready 4 The Time 👙💄Of Ur Life🍒U Wont 4Get Me👠New Pics💋☎☆Trixie☆🍀👆Late 🌛💞 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis metro and surrounding areas)
•ß€S† Ø F TH€ ߀S† •(S W € € †*Ebony *† R € Å †) SAT¡SF¥ °Y Ø U R° NAuGHT¥ ©RAV¡NGS W¡th M€ - - 23
(St. Louis, 618~477~7787 ♥ ♥)
Ring In The New Year With A Sexy BBW - Highly Reviewed - New Pics!!! - 30
(St. Louis, Florissant Area)
Ready for a Smokin Hot Sinfully Delicious time? Yeah? Then call Lilly now! - 37
(St. Louis, St.Charles/St. Peter's/St. Louis)
R U in search of discreet intimacy but limited on funds? 1/2 OFF INCALL & OUTCALL now thru MAY 9TH. - 37
(Miss Lisa of St. Louis.)
【 №➊ ReQUESTED 】 ✓ ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞💘✰ ✰ = ✓【 TOTAL PACKAGE 】✓✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌✓【 H🔥O🔥T - 21
(St. Louis, SOULARD in calls only)
~QV-75 & HH-100 SPECIAL~super horny & ready🏃 relex 🛀& get the best 🏆head 💋& kitty👂 ❣❣ - 22
(St. Louis, St.louis Àirport area)
Prncssgp@yahoo PASSION'S SpecialS 2 Nite!!!!! In Town Today!! See PASSION Today Only!!! - 25
(Saint Louis incall)
Real, Reviewed & Ready! * New Pictures *Busty Blonde BBW - 32
(St. Louis, St Louis & Surrounding Areas)
*【×💋×】🌟♛ÜPֆCAℓ£⇧♛🌟 ⇨➋➍/➆ ((★ 5 ST☆R S€RViCE ★)) ღ❤•H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd •❤ღ 【×💋×】 in/out - 19
(INDEPENDENCE i70 noland road in/out, Kansas City)
~+~+~+~+~+~ Puerto Rican CHILLI PEPPER ~+~+~+~+ Limited time ~+~+~+ 100% me or it's FREE ~+~+~+~+ - 19
(My place or Yours)
°•°▄ █ █ ▄ •°•▄ █ █ ▄ PLAYFUL •°•▄ █ █ ▄ °•°💖FILIPINA💖 °•°▄ █ █ ▄°•°HOTTIE▄ █ █ ▄ •°•▄ █ █ ▄ °•° - 25
(St. Louis, ChesterfieLd👑ASK ABOUT MY WEEKEND RATE:))
*¨¨*:. ♥ .:*¨¨* Ready to Play(; *¨¨*:. ♥ .:*¨¨* - U-P - - A - L -L- - N-I-G-H-T --- - 21
(St. Louis, Outcall and Incall! V I S I T I N G !)
R U seeking something very intimate and non-rushed? 1/2 OFF all my multi-hour engagements! - 37
(Miss Lisa of St. Louis.)
____________*•.♥ Petite Exotic Classy Woman ..Discretion Assured *•.♥ - 36
(St. Louis, South St.louis City-Incalls)
R U Ready to play??? Upscale Brunette Goddess is waiting for you. - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Farmington, Illinois)
~ ☆ ~ ✨ Pinkie ✨ 1 DAY IN TOWN ~ ☆ ~ Come Spank Me! ✨ Freaky Thick Bad B*tch ✨ - 25
(St. Louis, st.Louis)
♥ Pretty Petite Playmate ♥ ♥ Visiting STL - ♥ - 23
(St. Louis, Incall Only/Airport)
♡÷♥* ♥ PETITE New MOCHA HOT SEXY Sweet Candy DOLL 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown St Louis and surrounding)
☆ . ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ pεtitε ρℓαγmαtε ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆ 1OO Spcls TONIGHT ONLY . ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ - 23
(St. Louis, Downtown Incall Only)
LOOK HERE(lovely) has a special, 100 qq incall only! if you want regular rates for 2gurl or gfe ask - 22
(ANYWHERE/10miles or more extra)
OUTcall special tonight!! GORGEOUS Brunette with LUSCIOUS long legs!!! - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Farmington, Illinois)
Playtime!! Come b naughty > > L * O * N * D * O * N * S * D * O * L * L * H * O * U * S * E
(St. Louis)
__________________*•.♥ Petite Exotic Classy Woman ..Discretion Assured *•.♥ - 35
(St. Louis, South St.louis City-Incalls)
*•.♥ Petite Exotic Classy Woman ..Discretion Assured *•.♥...... - 36
(St. Louis, South St.louis City-Incalls)
█ ❤ █ PERFECT ALL AMERICAN BLONDE █ ❤ █ - 21 - 21
(St. Louis, INCALL NEW PICS ! ! ! ! !)
( OnE __ Of __ a _ KiND ) ToTAL kNoCkOuT ! THE SEXiEST AsIaN MiX eVeR - 19
(st louis/ incall/ outcall)
***oNe oF A KiNd N UnFoRgETTaBlE cALL nOw FoR oNcE in A LiFeTimE ExPeRiEncE***Up LaTe~~~ - 29
(St. Louis, illinois 10 min from downtown St Louis)
(¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) NoOne -:¦:- dOeS iT-:¦:-LiKe ME (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) [NEW] - 26
(St. Louis, Airport/surrounding)
NEW UNrUsHeD, EXCiTiNG && ELecTRiFyiNG PLeaSurE. I'm OnE SeXy. *ErOtIC ChicA !! - 22
(St Louis - Downtown, downtown)
OUTcalls all night! GORGEOUS Brunette with LUSCIOUS long legs!!! - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Farmington, Illinois)
LOOK HERE(lovely) has a special, 100 qq incall only! if you want regular rates for 2gurl or gfe ask - 22
(ANYWHERE/10miles or more extra)
°o♥o° -:¦:-♥ oUnG, §wT -:¦:- ÂnÐ -:¦:- NeW ♥ -:¦:- °o♥o° - 19
(North County/Airport In-Out Calls)
I ______ mAY _______ lOOK _______ _______ bUT_______ iM_______ vERY _____ n a u g h t y !! - 21
(St. Louis)
♡÷♥* ♥ Hot PETITE MOCHA Candy Doll RAVEN 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown st louis and surrounding area)
°HoT chicK° ✙ °biG TiTs° ✙ °wilD & seXվ° ✙ °ɪʀɪsʜ° ✙ °fUn° ✙ °frEAky° ✙ °cuTe° ✙ °$99 HH° - 34