Thu 09 Jan
- :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 24
(*Airport Area*)
°*° AvAiL ABlE°**° RiGhT °**° N0W °*° - 23
(St. Louis, bridgeton discreet incall location)
100 $ 1/2 Hr SP * It'S YoUr LuCkY DaY ♥ DoN't fOrgEt to TrEat YoUrSelf * 100 $ 1/2Hr Sp - 21
💜☝#1 Playmate💯💋Ready 2 Play N Make Ur Day💣Bomshell🔥👭2Girl Specials 💄☎☆SEXY LEXI⭐👆Late 🌛💞 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis metro and surrounding areas)
*•.♥Exotic Petite Size 0 Classy Woman ..Discretion Assured *•.♥ - 35
(St. Louis, South St.louis City-Incalls)
ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ Califorina Face With A Down South Booty ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ (HOT BLONDE ) - 25
(St. Louis, St Louis)
☠ ST Louis, iT's TrUe ☠ SpiNNeRs Do It BeTTeR ... cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR ☠ - 21
(Private Upscale Location)
Upscale Ebony Vixen visiting St. Louis airport area July 27th thru 29th INCALL ONLY. - 35
(St. Louis, St. Louis airport area incall)
Very attractive, sensual, educated, clean, classy, ebony lady available for discreet Incall/Outcall. - 37
(Incall or Outcall.)
ViSiTiNg 100% ReaL =) HoTTesT BRUNETTE BARBIE! CaLL Me!! *DoNt WaNnA PaSS ThIs uP!!* - 22
(St. Louis, DOWNTOWN INCALL OUT (everywhere))
TASHA! Best In Town. Sweet, Sassy, & Seductive!! *Special! New location - 20
😘💜💜 ((((( Sexy Beauty )))))💜💜💜💛💜💜....Specials 4 U !! 💜💜💛Unforgettable Touch💯✔✔💜💜💜 - 29
(St. Louis, St.Louis County)
Sexy Kinky Playmate 👑😈 come see me in NEW in town🙈💕 Egyptian beauty!👸🏻🌺 - 23
(St. Louis, St. Louis , Bridgeton)
**Saturday Night Special** Dont miss out with a Gorgeous *** Dancer**** 314 737 2136 - 33
(St. Louis, South St. Louis City)
°..-:¦:-° NeW! ♥ hOt & SeXxy ♥ DaKoTa °..-:¦:-° & 2 LaDy SpEciaL!! - 24
(N. County/Airport In-Out Calls!!)
NeW NeW NeW !👙💕ExPerIeNcEd EbOnY SwEeT V.I.P👙💕PlAyMaTe💋 💯ME 💯ReaL PhoToS - 24
(St. Louis, Fenton/44&270 In/Outcall Avail)
Last Chance for special!! Upscale provider is available right now! - 32
🎁🎁🎁 Holiday specials, Treat yourself to the best 🎁🎁🎁 - 30
(St. Charles/St. Peter's/ St. Louis, St. Louis)
DANGEROUS CurVEs ¯ _ ¯ SEDUCTIVE Words ¯ _ ¯ ExotiC MIXED AmAzOn ¯ _ ¯ N@ughty NiGht Spcls - 22
(St. Louis, STL {South County} MO)
~~ Ding! * Ding! * Ding!! KNOCKOUT! ~ Pleasing Vixen -- )()( Available 24 hrs)()( - 23
(St. Louis, stl)
Come in out of the heat and let this sexy, mature lady take care of you. Call me! - 43
(between 44 & 55 - off of 270)
DonT ChEat UrSelF TreaT UrSelF: All Your SINFUL FANTASIES c0me alive @ this click !!CLICK_HERE - 22
(St. Louis, Ofallon,IL)
------>> Sinfully _______ Sweet _______ Sexii ______ Treat_____ Pleasure beyond Measure
(discreet incall easy access from 70&270)
Available Right NOW!! GORGEOUS Brunette with LUSCIOUS long legs!!! - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Farmington, Illinois)
! ITS lovely/ SUPER freaky,sexy legs & nice BUTT /newpic.U KnoW U wana C me! morning! - 23
I want to know all your dirty secrets! Available for Incall/Outcall Now! - 29
(170/270 by the airport, St. Louis)
Sexy young independent lady come have some real fun incall only - 21
(Columbia/Jeff City, columbia missouri)
*~*SEXY*~* BlOnDe BoMbSheLl*~*DiScReEt, UNrushed service! Petite GERMAN, IRISH playmate! - 24
(Springfield, springfield mo)
~~~sexy*fun*talented* woman of ur dreams~~~call now for the time of ur life~~~ - 27
(St. Louis, illinois 10 min from downtown St Louis)
🌹🌺🌹🌺Sexy Upscale Discreet Beauty Aiming to Please🌹🌺🌹🌺incall and outcall today - 24
(airport incall/ outcall, St. Louis)
Sexy, petite, mature lady available for all your wants and needs. Give me a call! - 43
(St. Louis, between 44 & 55 - off of 270)
💋🍾$60 SPECIALZ!!!Voluptuous Vixen 38DDD Jewels!!Just passing thru for a short time💋👯,don't miss - 37
(In -Ofallon MO-outcall STL surrounding, St. Louis)
🍀 🔥 💋ADDiCTiVE🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ $💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ☜ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown/Airport area & surrounding)
██▬▬▬▬ 🎀 LIᗰITED EDITION 🎀 ▬▬▬▬ 🎀 ᔕᗯEET REDHEDᗩED VIXEN 🎀 ▬▬▬▬ 🎀 PRETTY FᗩCE 🎀 ▬▬▬▬ 🎀 KINGDOM CITY - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, KIngdom City 💋 (AVAILABLE NOW))
*****Sexy Beautiful Stripper Hot And Ready To Fufill Your Fantasy***** - 28
(St. Louis, Belleville, IL)
💋🎉🍭💘Manic Mondayii!!!!! Special!!! Blonde,38DDD,bangin body! Party & play!!!!💘🍭🎉💋 - 37
(In -Ofallon MO-outcall STL surrounding, St. Louis)
💖 Top QualitY💓 Most F A V O R I T E👍 Don'T CheaT YurSelF✋TreaT YurSelF✔BesT U EveR HaD💖 - 21
(Kansas City, Kansas City incall safe&discreet;)
Yummy Yummy( SW33T ____ L!K3 ___H0N3Y )-:¦:- §kIlLD HiP§ MaGiCaL lips-:¦:- - 24
Monday Specials!! Georgeous woman has been WaITIng for you - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Farmington, Illinois)
*•.♥Exotic Petite Size 0 Classy Woman ..Discretion Assured *•.♥ - 35
(St. Louis, South St.louis Near Downtown-Incalls)
♥ For Gentlemen W/ Exquisite Taste ♥ LOOK NEW PICS! MUST SEE! ♥ Jade Cruiz. - 22
(St. Louis, ♥ St.louis)
🌴🍒 EaRLy MoRniNG IncaLLs !! 🍒🌴 H O T T I E BLoNDe🍒🌴 CoLLeGe GiRL!! 🍒🌴 - 25
(St. Louis, Upscale Incall🌙West: CheSteRFieLD)
Classy*sexy*BRUNETTE*REAL PICS*o outcall special discreet*incall*location - 32
(St. Charles/and outcalls, St. Louis)
Busty Blonde Small BBW ~ Great Reviews ~ Indepedent With Private, Discreet Incall - 34
(Airport area, St. Louis)
Call Renay TODAY for the Mature Female that Knows What you Need! - 45
(St. Louis, Between 44 and 55 - off of 270)
Wed 08 Jan
Ciara Is Here!! Sexy New White Girl Ready to Please Yu. 100$ special (; Si Hablo Espanol - 20
(Kansas City, skc)
Treat yourself to a time you won't soon forget. Call for the best service around. - 43
(off 270 between 44/55)
Today is a great day to treat yourself. Call me for the kind of time you deserve. - 43
(between 44 & 55 - off of 270)
***u wAnt SomEtHiNg SwEeT iLL B ur TrEaT** suDuCTivE SeXy n ReAdY To PlAy iL mAkE uR DaY**Up LaTe~~~ - 29
(St. Louis, illinois 10 min from downtown St Louis)
This classy, sexy, mature lady is just a phone call away. Don't miss your chance! - 43
(between 44 & 55 - off of 270)