Sat 11 Jan
**STL'S Braniac - SeXy, Ebony BBW 4 Incall - MINDBLOWING Sessions ($50- $90 specials)!!!!! - 23
(St. Louis)
SO REAL sexy!!▓█▓██▓█ █▓█★♚❤ erotic ♚sentual♛!!! █▓█ █▓█I♛ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃OPEN 4 WILD IDEA ♚❤ ♚★▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 23
(St. Louis, outcall/incal AIRPORT)
Sexy and Seductive - Your Ultimate NAUGHTY Girl Next Door Experience! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
$$$$$ Members Only $$$$$$$Rock Star Status $$$$$$ You can Have What Ever U Like $$$$$ - 21
!!!!!!! ▓█▓█ let me B your first thing u do today !!! ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ fun with me is a must " - 23
(St. Louis, call/incal AIRPORT hour spls)
HaLLoWeeN sPeCiaLs !!!!!!!!!! SiMpLy gOrGeOuS ........ CaLL me nOw GUESS my FAVE. candy AND... - 19
** **** GORGEOUS *¨¨* Sweet *¨¨* BUSTY *** ExOtIc *** beauty **** ** - 19
(St Louis - Downtown, downtown)
!!CC!! Nervous New Hobbyist's? *HELPFUL TIPS* !!Music GONE!! as req..100$ hhr INCALL!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from ANYWHERE U R)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from ANYWHERE U R)
!!CC!! I'm UP NOW!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25 min from U!!)
!!CC!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! I promise You Won't Be Disappointed!! - 29
(20-25 min fom anywhere you are in STL)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(20-25min from anywhere U are in STL)
CLICK HERE NOW!!! Everyday Specials ... I can come to you now or come to me ... THEBEST 314-270-2646 - 22
Candi Cane ► *¨¨*-:¦:-* TOP RATED *-: ¦:-* *¨¨* HOW YOU WANT IT OUTCALL! - 25
(St. Louis, So Co, So City, Jefferson County)
CHoCoLAtE TeAsE ___ AdDICTIve __ Red Hair__ Sweet [{{Late NighT Splz}]} *CalL ChiNa* - 22
!!CC!! I'm Awaiting YOUR Call! !!* *ALWAYS 100$ hhr incalls - 29
(20-25min from anywhere U are in STL)
Make $10/hr retail vs. Earning $200+/hr Independent Contractor... You Choose...
(St. Louis, Nationally)
you want to be in moves. short films. compensation for your smile - 18
(St. Louis, jeffco. nice area.)
Come to Sizzling HOT Miami! **SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS**Our Many Upscale Clients Will Keep You Very Busy!
(Kansas City, St. Louis, Sizzling "HOT" Miami)
__♡ ♥ ♡(W€T & Wa®m) Available NOW - BRUNETTE HoTTiE♡ ♥34D! ♥ ♡ Perfect ALL NATURAL Body ♡ ♥ - 26
(St. Louis, °*~ OUTCALLS ONLY ~*°)
~XXX~ Naughty Sexxxy Latina! ~XXX~ Great Reviews! Specials! Leaving soon! 1ÖÖ% Real pics!! - 23
(St. Louis)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦: ———(( TREAT YOURSELF)) - 21
(St. Louis, incall/outcall)
A_***SPECIAL_W _A_Y***_____ T_ O_O_____G__(0 ) __(0)__D_____T _O _____M_I_S_ S _!_ !_!__(spe cial)
(St. Louis)
*** SUPER SEXY Sweetheart (Available NOW) ** GORGEOUS Blue Eyed Brunette »» 34 D! «« - 26
(OUTCALL to you!, St. Louis)
Sunni G & Taylor Sweet. the best Duo is BACK! New pics of us TOGETHER! - 22
(St. Louis, Sicilian Heaven)
◄ special ► SE XXY NEW GIRL ◄ special ► - 20
(downtown ♥ special all night)
Springfield's Sweet n Sexy Seductress ✿ REVIEWED and VERIFIED ✿ The Real Deal! - 31
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding)
*SQUiRTER° *°♋ § X¥ *° BLONDE° ♋ ; RÂL PiC§! ♋ - 22
((=AiiRPORT AREA=) ... iiNS/OUTS)