Mon 13 Jan
SEXY ... HOT ... AMAZING ... 100% REAL... The ONLY one you will want IN OR OUT (314)295...5325 - 27
Now DOWNTOWN!! Samantha is available today!! We are Elite St. Louis - 30
(Downtown, St. Louis, West - Creve Coeur)
Sun 12 Jan
Seductive and Beautiful Blonde, Blue Eyed Girl Next Door - 22
(Midtown, downtown, airpot, St. Louis)
***READY TO PLAY*** 80$ $pecials!!! *The Best Tuesday Of Your Life* - 21
(St. Louis, 270 lilac north county)
....Available Now... These Hands will have you Dreaming - 25
(Kansas City, OUTCALL .. .INCALL ready when you are)
Relax and cool down with Jessica. Elite St. Louis. - 30
(Brentwood, St Louis - Brentwood, St. Louis)
🌟💖💦Lori from OKC~ your knotty treat with my NURU technique I'll take care of your kneads!🌟💖💦 - 37
(St. Louis, St. Louis south city downtown)
Sat 11 Jan
Sexiest most Seductive..Very Exotic Woman..Come out and Play Gents see Why we are the most Famous... - 23
(st.louis and surrounding areas)
Lets Go Cards! Come Celebrate W/Me Excellent Stress Relief -My Body Rubs ALWAYS Please. & AMAZE! - 35
(St. Louis, West End Of Delmar Or Out-Call)
I'm HOT & READY .. ! You Deserve Me Right Now ! .. ! I 'm Open Minded . (314) 874-9088 - 27
(St. Louis, in/out...West Co.....This Week Baby!!)
** I can and will release all of your stress ** New Office Hours** - 43
(south saint louis, St. Louis)
** $140_ sPeCiAls** U'vE_ tRiEd _ tHe _ ReSt ** $140_sPeCiAlS ** _ NoW_TiMe _4 tHe _ BeSt_ *** - 20
(airport area)
-:-TreAt YouRseLF To A SeNsUaL, SeXii, StReSS ReLiEvEiNG MaSSaGe WitH A TrUsTeD BeAuTiFuLL WoMaN-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
LAST NiGHT ‹(•¿•)› Even BETTER then it sounds LOVE Lessons By Goddess TANTRA - 48
(IN - ONLY @ 44/ 270)
*** DoNt SPeNd ThIs HolIdAy ALoNe! *** $100 ** ThAnKsGiViNg ** $p3c!@l -------> !Nc@LL$ - 24
-::- §ensual, §eductive, & §timulating full body rub experience given by a blue eyed beauty -::- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area/ OC Available)
100% Real Pic**Specials~ 24/7* soooo Good ~ 314-703-8916!! Very Intense*~ I won't Lie - 25
(St. Louis, IN/OUT CALLS 24/7** Near Plaza Motors**)
** Sexy Full Body Rubs & By,Sexy Ladies!! Just FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !! - 25
(In/Out Calls!! *West of 270 & Olive* Any)
New Pics!! Want EXPLOSIVE Body-On-Body Erotic Massage??? Let Angel STR0KE Away ALL Your Tension! - 22
(St. Louis, Private Tower Grove Professional Studio)
Massage from an angel with HEAVEN in her fingertips! :) BIANCA - 22
(St. Louis, IN/OUT NO BAIT&SWITCH;! ALL ME! 100%)
Sexiest most Seductive..Very Exotic Woman..and Play Gents see Why we are the most Famous... - 23
(st.louis and surrounding areas)
🌟💖💦late night with Lori southern, petite and a wonderful treat with my NURU techniques!🌟💖💦 - 37
(St. Louis, St. Louis south city downtown)
Fri 10 Jan
Slip & Slide My Way ! You Deserve Me Tonight ! " (636-)649-0065 - 27
(St. Louis, West County !! your Place "r" Mine!!)
The Most Popular Ladies in Town..Fellas come SEE what the real Fuss is About. - 23
(stl/airport/all metro areas..)
Spoil Yourself This Monday~ Real Stimulating Body Rub Call # 636 -730-0605 !! OutCalls.. 24/7 - 27
(St. Louis, In/OutCalls,!! New Upscale Location/West)
-:-UlTiMaTe EroTiC MaSSaGe W/TruSteD GOrGeoUs GuRL CaLL NoW If YoU WanT My HoT SLicK HanDs On YoU-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
~*~*~ 87% *~ER*o*T_I~c ~*&~* HEy bOYS/ GENTLEmen **~*~* & ((( my approach is... )))
(** my charity drilling crisis)
(((((ViStiNg FeW DaYs OnLy!!!!)))) Need a Little TLC? I can help! Specials!!! - 27
(St. Louis Airport)
Extremely** Beautiful** Passionate** Body *2* Body** Rubs** BEST IN THIS TOWN** 24/7 InCall/OutCall - 24
(St. Louis, IN/OUT CALLS 24/7** Near Plaza Motors**)
Baby it's COLD outside....come Relax by the fire with Scarlet where it's WARM :-) - 36
(Kingshiway/44 or 40)
* B€ST * In¥igoRatiNg *Seductive Bod¥ * 2 * Bod¥ RuBs * Ever !! * Ready !! 314-387-3770 * 24/7!! - 26
(St. Louis, In/Out !! My Special Garden*West County)
Are you Tired of being Ripped off or Rushed..Come meet the Sexiest Ladies in Town!! - 23
(stl/airport/all metro areas..)
*Sexy * Sensual Experience*Plus My Touc...... AVAIL !! FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !! - 26
(In/Out Calls!! 40/141/ Anytime!!!!)
*****NEW GIRL***** Hot Full Body Rubs****** Awaits *****You*****!! 24/7!! - 21
Thu 09 Jan
👑TOUChEd 💋💆By 💘An ⛅😇🌈 ANGEl💟 - 33
(St. Louis, STL /Hampton incal/ outcalls available)
¨*:. ღ .:*¨ STEP AWAY from the ORDINARY ¨*:. ღ .:*¨ and ENTER EXTRAORDINARY ** - 22
(St. Louis/Illinois)
Beautiful Nude Model ~ Real Stimulating Body Rubs Call # 636 -730-0605 " - 27
(St. Louis, In/OutCalls,!! New Upscale Location/West)
Wed 08 Jan
•★• F*UCKIN ·★• SWEETEST •★• PrETTiest •★• HAWAiiAN Princess •★• - 22
(Kansas City, NKC INCALL 100HH)
♀✦இ✦♂₦ottie Island Banger ₦ym₱ho ✦6o$1oO$!4O ♀✦இ✦♂Liquid Lust✦X ® L!₱ $€®v!c€✦Magic M◯U. ₮. H✦இ✦ - 29
(Kansas City, 816-335-8932• IN-OUT CALL • Private Home)
The HOTTEST GIRLS In St. Louis Would Love To ...The FAMOUS Girls Next Door!!! - 19