Fri 03 Jan
💋 VIP Gorgeous Playmate ViSITiNG 💋 💋FeTIsH FRIeNDLY2💋💋L@st nIGht iN ToWn outcalls only - 24
(St. Louis, airport,clayton,W co Chesterfield in fen)
♥ ___ ("* VISiTiNG! __♥__ * L A S T - NiGHT! * __♥__ * ViSiTiNG* !) ___ ♥ - 26
(St. Louis, A I R P O R T - ♥ - Incall Only)
(¯`'•.¸° Visiting HoTtie From Cali •*¨¨*•- Last Day *•-:¦:-•* Independent *•-:¦:-•* REAL! - 22
(St Louis - Downtown, Downtown)
Visiting - Miami Beach-Sensual Erotic Pleasure For Respectful Gentlemen Over 40 - Reviewed &Website; - 34
(St. Louis, St Louis / Forest Park Area)
SUMMER is Back!!!Super Sexy Blonde On ECG leaving on Sunday night - 22
(St. Louis, In downtown stl / outcall extra)
Sweet - Affectionate - Petite! Bring Your Honey to Springfield! - 35
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, Springfield, MO, St. Louis)
-•* ❤ SuPer ❤HoT ❤ ❤PeTiTe ❤Very Sexy & Skilled ❤ ❤★.•*¨¨*• :☆:-•* - 22
(St. Louis, Incall Or Outcall)
Start your weekend with a !!! Call Niki...early appointments get early bird pricing so call NOW! - 36
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
( Super SEXY ! )—^♥^—( iRRESiSTABLE ! )—^♥^—( Heart-Stopping ! )—^♥^—(Princess ) - 25
(St. Louis, Airport Area Incall / Outcalls)
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, hotel room)
{SuPeR} _ {StAcKeD} Babe with the {PeRFEcT} {Body} ** AVAILABLE ** >>> **NOW** >>> INCALLS ONLY >>>> - 30
(St. Louis, Incalls Only(St. Charles) private res.)
SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs LaTiNa ★ ToP RatEd OUTCALL - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton, Arnold, SoCo, So City, ETC)
SWEET!! ♥ ♥ O U T C A L L S ♥ ~ AVAILABLE~ - 23
(St. Louis, **♥ OUT **♥)
Sweet Petite Fun Sized Treat 4'10 85lbs TINY PRINCESS Early Morning Special - 29
(St. Louis, anywhere you want me)
♏ SwEeT SeXy ExOtIc BlOnDe ♏💋 Come and Take a Ride With Me 💋 NEW LOCATION - 25
(IN or Out, Kansas City)
{*{ SuPeR }*} ^ SeXy ^ {*{ ViXeN }*} ^ {*{ SwEeT }*} ^ SeNsUaL ^ CoMpAniOn - 24
(St. Louis, OUTCALLS ONLY st.louis & illinois)
SuPper SeXxy Cutie(¯`'. ?.'´¯) NO ONE * DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.?.'´¯) GreaT InCall SpeCials - 19
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
✿ :SUPER-HOT: ✿ :NATURAL: ✿ :BRUNETT: ✿ H☼TTIE: ✿ - 21
(St. Louis, Airport area/Down Town area)
💋 Stop wasting your time to be unhappy, I aim to please I am sexy,you will be coming back I promise💋 - 25
(St. Louis, 💄Saint Charles 💄St. Peter's)
💋💋👯St. Charles clients !Vicki is in Sunday Funday!!!Busty, blonde, bunny in and outcall!! - 36
(In/Soulard home-outcall STL surrounding, St. Louis)
Start the weekend with a relaxing massage from Niki. Early appointments ask about price discount. - 36
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
Sunkissed Petite Bombshell Abra... New location, New Availability, New Pictures... - 23
(West County)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, everywhere)
♡♡__STUNNING Blonde ♡ Tiny & Flexible :: - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, in/out, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, St. Louis)
______°° SU PER-- -_____°° ★°° _____WE TT---°° ★ °°_____ CU-- T--I---E° - 22
(South County)
[[[ √ SpECiaLs ToDaY!! √]]] —————————[[ SUPER SEXY ]] —————————[[ UPSCALE BRUNETTE ]] ————- - 24
(St. Louis, st louis in&out;)
Squeeze It In☆☆& Slide It Out!☆☆Mmmm That Feels Good- Specials - 24
stop look blonde cuttie on duty with that bubble but - 25
(St. Louis, in/out in north co. out mo./il.)
Super Thick Ebony Barbie! Hot Specials * DDs* Oily Fetishes ** Incall ** White Men Welcome : ) - 24
(St. Louis, North)
SUPERbowl kiCkOfF with* ((= StUnNiNg=)) ° o ★ °((= LoCaL =)) ★ ° - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton / Arnold OUTCALLS!)
$$ SPECIALS 75/2Girl SPECIALS Sexy Raw Beauty BombShell$$ - 24
(St. Louis, St.Louis Illinois Surrounding Areas)
SPECIALS IN/OUT up Late HOT Pics look no further SexY J is Here 4 U!! - 23
STL'S LeWiNsKy-NeW, sExy, EbOnY provider-NEW NUMBER!!! ($60 - $80 SPECIALS!!) 09:00am-11:00pm - 23
~*~*SpEnD sOmE TiMe WiTh ThE BesT!(;*BlOnDe BaRbIE BAbE AvAiLaBlE NoW' *OUTCALLS* - 20
(Lake Of The Ozarks, I Come To You(;)
**SPECIALS**Let's Have FUN** 100% Woman Just 4 YOU *I will make you a Happy Camper*5 STAR Reviews - 45
(metro east 270,111,rt3 area, St. Louis)
Specials all DAY *** UR #1 F@V•rit€ F@nt@c¥ is Back!! 100% real.. Exotic,, 24 hr.... Im w@iting;-) - 28
(St. Louis, downtown)
Sunni G taking NEW clients for just a few days! Repeat friends welcome! Catch me while you can! - 22
(St. Louis, Sicilian Heaven)
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
💋Stephanie💋NEW NEW NEW GIRL ✨Reviews Under Natalya on RTP✨ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
*****( (((((( speciials(( ((((( ("""""" "SECRET MEMORY" """""" )))))) )no rush))) ))))) )***** - 20
(St. Louis, Saint Louis)