Mon 27 Jan
♡♡ Pretty and Petite ♡♡ NEW to town♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !!! 314 450-6396 - 28
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
♡♡ Pretty and Petite ♡♡ NEW to town♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !!! FULL BODY MASSAGES!!! 314 450-6396 - 28
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
~ೋ~ H*E*A* V*E*N* L*Y * ೋ* *ೋ* **Barbie** ~ Cum PLAY With These **DDs** ೋ~~ - 23
(*¨¨* Sweet & Discreet *¨¨*)
Gεn†εℓmεn's 🔝 Cho¡cε💦 uℓtiℳαtε Bombshell 👠 ρℓαγmαtε 💋💋 OUT CALL ONLY ⭐ Reese 314-210-3487 - 36
~*~GODDESS and a PRINCESS in one waiting to give you ALL you deserve~*~ - 22
(270 Right in the middle 170 & 70)
Fetish Friendly Freak🌸 OUT CALL ONLY Reese 314-210-3487 - 36
★ :*¨¨* SwEeT As HeAvEn *¨¨* ★ :*¨¨* BuT NaUgHtY As HeLL ★ InCaLL SpEcIaLs!!*¨¨* - 23
(*★*Airport Incall*★*)
&%&% Mature &%& Sexy ^%$^%$^ Sensual ^$^$^ Dream Come True ^%$^%$^%$ - 35
(St. Louis, My Place / Yours)
A_***SPECIAL_W _A_Y***_____ T_ O_O_____G__(0 ) __(0)__D_____T _O _____M_I_S_ S _!_ !_!__(spe cial)
(St. Louis)
3🔵Up all night! 👄👅👄Incall/Outcall🌐💠🌐 Brunette Vixen Your Personal Playmate ⚠️♻️⚠️ SPECAILS ALL NITE 🚼🚺🚼 - 26
(North County incall---outcall available, St. Louis)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
*NEW PICS*♡♡SEXY NEW to town!!! ♡♡Waiting 4 U!!!♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !! 314 450-6396 or 314-502-0022 - 25
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
★ : The **NEW** D.E.E.P. T.H.R.O.A.T. *¨¨* ★ :*¨¨*FOR U ONLY*¨¨* GREAT REVIEWS!! *¨¨* - 23
(~ೋ~2 HoTT 4 BP!!!~ೋ~)
Mature female Loves being a Girlfriend or Mistress! 314*660*7802 - 45
(St. Louis, off of 270 -between 44 and 55)
Fri 10 Jan
~* *~ KyLiE SkYe ~* *~ FoRGeT ThE ResT... I'M ThE BesT In ThE MiD-WesT ~* *~ - 23
(St Charles & Surrounding Areas)
Friday Special!!!! Hot Sexy Blonde Ready For You! 314 287 2734 - 35
(St Louis - Downtown, South St. Louis City)
*~ ThE BesT In ThE MiD-WesT ~**~ CoMe PuT My TaLeNtS 2 ThE TesT ~**~ HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCOmEnDeD ~* - 23
(St Louis & Surrounding Areas)
~ೋ~ H*E*A* V*E*N* L*Y * ೋ* *ೋ* Barbie ~ Cum PLAY With These DDsೋ~~ - 23
(*¨¨* Sweet & Discreet *¨¨*)
*NEW PICS*♡♡SEXY NEW to town!!! ♡♡Waiting 4 U!!!♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !! 314 450-6396 - 25
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
*~ ThE BesT In ThE MiD-WesT ~**~ HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCOmEnDeD ~**~ CoME TrY ThE BeST ~* - 23
(St Charles & Surrounding Areas)
⚫💜💋🔵💜💦🎁Stunning Southern Brunette SnowBunny💕🎥 💕NoOne Comes Close!!🎁💦💜🔵💋💜⚫ - 26
(Out to Your Place--St Louis All Over., St. Louis)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed is back from her vacation and so ready to play!! - 21
(my place or yours)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed that can give you everything you don't get at home! - 21
(my place or yours)
Thu 09 Jan
° CaLL Me NoW If StreSS ReLieF Is WhaT YoU NeeD ° I ProMiSe 100% S@T!sF@cT!ON Gu@R@nT33D! ° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport or ur place)
Wed 08 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)-» *new*_J_U_i_C_Y _ __X_O_T_i_C _ _S_W___T_ N_E_S_S_ *new*»-(¯`v´¯)
(Columbia/Jeff City)
It is a Beautiful Day! Come and Play with Renay! 314-660-7802!!!! - 45
(St. Louis, off of 270 -between 44 and 55)
NeW TEXAS CuTiE♡ SoFT SkiN ♥ SmaLL WaisT ♥ Round- BuBBLe- BoTToM♡ LiPS That Never QuiT 100%ReaL Pics - 20
(St. Louis, My Place (in) ~♥~ Your Place (out))
XoXo *'"* XoXo *'"* One In A Milion Sweet Sexy Seductive Blonde XoXo *'"*XoXo *'"* - 23
(AIRPORT AREA (out calls all over))
Mature female Available to be your Girlfriend or your Mistress! 314-660-7802!!!! - 45
(St. Louis, off of 270 -between 44 and 55)
Tue 07 Jan
UPSCALE^ SEDUCTION^ ASHLEY^ NICOLE is up all night and offering night owl specials - 22
(st louis/ surrounding area)
❤ _____ ((( ********** CLassy! @nD Upscale @nD @ Your Service ********** ))) _____ ❤
(Chesterfield - STL - Metro)
Escorting Done RIGHT!!!- Professional Management- Guaranteed Safety And Money-$1,800 Per Day!!!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
WHEN IN DOUBT... stick with familiar ladies~ Hot Italian Lover`Samm 314=345=0513
(St.Louis/North county)
S w e e t D e l i c i o u s Blonde TREAT Long Sexy Legs HOT Little Body $100 Special - 23
(St Louis)
(,.-~* ´¨¯¨ `*~ -.¸ - LeT mE gIvE yOu EvErYtHiNg YoU'vE bEeN mIsSiNg - ,.- ~*´¨¯ ¨`*~- .¸) - 23
Let JENNI show you how to relax and enjoy the sunshine!! 2 girl *special* thats the best! - 28
(StL Metro)
Mon 06 Jan
YoUnG BlOnDe BoMb$HeLL.... ReAdY 2 MaKe YoU CuMmMm..... ** $100 OuTc@LL $pEcIaLs ** - 23
(my place...OR.. yours!!)
Sun 05 Jan
WHEN IN DOUBT... stick with familiar ladies~ Hot Italian Lover`Samm 314=345=0513
(St.Louis/North county)
*S*W*E*E*T* and *S*E*X*Y* Perfect 10 Ready for u now - 29
(St Louis - Downtown, South St. Louis City)
SuGaR & SpiCe & EvErYtHinG NiCe TrY Me OnCe & You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe! HuRRy $100 LuNcH SpeCiALs - 23
(St Louis & Surrounding Areas)
***Beautiful ****Classy ****Always ****Upscale ***Beauty ***** - 21
(St. Louis, Stl Airport- Incall)
Sat 04 Jan