Mon 27 Jan
Reviewed T-W-O Girls Are Better then 1!!↗⁀☆҉ SeDuTiVe ☆҉↗⁀҉‿ ☆°PlAyFuL☆ ҉‿↗⁀WEEKEND SPECIALS!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield, Mo)
New Pics📷📷Start Ur Week Rite💥💥Sexy 💄💄Keelee Krush💯% Call me💋💋 - 25
(Joplin, Parsons, Pittsburg, surrounding areas)
"HORNY" ● ————▶ BuBBle BuTT ◀ —————● ♡ B E A U T Y ♡ ● —————▶ AVAiLABLE NOW ! ◀ —LAST OFFER———● - 21
(St. Louis, Airport area)
Proffesional non-rushed experience with Sweet Honey From Phoenix, Az - 22
(St. Louis, St.louis Area)
Rest n Relax with the ultimate pleasure!!! Limited Edition ** Zarra Skyy** - 21
(St. Louis, Airport/ surrounding st.louis area)
👀👀👄💦now & Hotel . 💯Busty Baby !!Natural DDD's In calls - 22
(St. Louis, North city in calls out calls)
outcall (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) All Azz ! (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) ×°x°× JAZ ×°x°× 24-7 - 25
(St. Louis, out calls south city)
Out call (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) Hello St Louis ! (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) ×°x°× JAZ ×°x°× 24-7 - 25
(St. Louis, south city outcalls)
☻ H A P P Y ☻ (HaS jUs BeGuN!!!) ☻ H O U R ☻ - 24
HEY guys call me il bring everything you see here plus everything you dont/200outcall only - 22
~*~GODDESS and a PRINCESS in one waiting to give you ALL you deserve~*~ - 22
(270 Right in the middle 170 & 70)
ஐ EXoTiC**BEAUTY☆ —— ஐ A V A i L A B L E ☆ N o W ஐ AfterHour FuN!! - 24
(St. Louis, Incall & Outcall)
ஐ EXoTiC**BEAUTY☆ —— ஐ A V A i L A B L E ☆ N o W ஐ AfterHour FuN!! - 24
(St. Louis, Incall & Outcall)
**** A*L*E*R*T **** A*M*A*Z*I*N*G **** A*L*E*R*T **** A*M*A*Z*I*N*G **** A*L*E*R*T **** - 23
(St. Louis, Airport)
80 special █ ⎷⎛ THE PERFECT COMPANION - 26
(St. Louis, Saint Louis)
UP~N~READY "Italian Samm" 314-/345-/0513 Btwn Midnight & noon $50 off hr in take app. 24/7 - 37
(STL home)
Mon 13 Jan
TAHOE snow BUNNY The SWEETEST and most tempting is here.. visiting VIXEN - 30
(St Louis - Downtown, downtown)
Sun 12 Jan
♥~♥~♥ €X¢€ ₱†¡0Nąl ߀ăů†¥ ♥~♥~♥ €Xqů¡§¡†€ TålĕN† ♥~♥~♥ ~ §€Ň§ŲĄŁ MåSSåĞ£ Ăvă¡låßlę ♥~♥ - 20
(St. Louis, St.Louis Airport)
Looking for that PERFECT one to put YOUR BODY to rest ur in LUCK you've found the BEST 239 321 9414 - 33
(St. Louis, st louis)
Lily.... most beautiful, exotic and sensual flower Real Pics INCALLS - 29
(St. Louis, Marthasville/St Charlie)
Sat 11 Jan
❀° CoMe PlAy° ❀° WiTh ThIs ° ❀° SeXy❀° BlOnDe ❀° LaSt DaY!! - 26
(North Airport/Incall / 270 & Lindberg)
Chesterfield/30min surrounding areas.. the sexiest girl around💝 SPECIALS! $80qv $120HH $150Fh - 19
(St. Louis, chesterfield area and 30 miles out)
@@@@@@@@@@@@NEW NEW NEW@@@@@@@NEW NEW NEW@@@@@@@@@ - 20
(St. Louis, AIRPORT AREA INCALL&OUTCALLS; surrounding)
█████████████████████████ ███████████████████████ HOT & NEW████████████I'M BACK!!! ████ - 22
(St. Louis, St Louis)
Tattoos DO NOT lieAvailable 24-7 Beauty In Town💼 Here for a limited time only!! 615-571-2339 - 19
(Airport/INCALL ONLY, St. Louis)
SiMpLy GoRgEoUs .... ... ExTrA fUnN 2!!! !!!!!!!!!! Bring me my fav flowers..... SpEcIaLs - 19
BRAZILIAN BEAUTY with JUICY BOOTY SABRINA'S BACK!!! 80 special/Today ONLY Call 312-869-2809 - 23
*-:-* ALL *-:-* NaTural *-:-* SeXy & SenSuaL *-:-* AvaiLabLe *-:-* NoW *-:-* 100$ SpeCiaL - 27
(St. Louis, Airport/ InCall Only)
Fri 10 Jan
-:¦:-:*'"*: .-:¦:- _ ToDay is My Last SuPeR HUMP DaY SpEcIalS In STL _ !-:¦:-:*'"*: .-:¦: - - 22
(st. louis)
Italian Beauty will be In st. charles. Last day here (((314))) 532 9128 - 29
(St. Louis, incall and outcall any where)
Are you dreamin of somethin new why not let YOUR DREAMS COME let us Fulfill ur Fantasies!1 or 2Girl - 35
(St. Louis, St Louis)
(($ Special$)) . . . Big GOOOGLY Eyes . . .Hurrry LEAVING AT 2:00 P/M((160$ SPCL)) - 23
(St. Louis, .......Union Station Downtown....)
★ NEW ★█ KiLLER ➓ B0DY_★_BRUNETTE♥ BARBiE █★ 100% Real Photo's★ - 23
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area incalls only)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed is back from her vacation and so ready to play!! - 21
(my place or yours)
The sweetest. tightest, sexiest, college co-ed that can give you everything you don't get at home! - 21
(my place or yours)
Thu 09 Jan
%$$@#% Special %@%& Lick'in &^%$&^ If ^$#^$#^$% Your ^%$%$# Special ^%$#% Pick'in &^%%$ - 22
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
It's ME or it`s FREE!!Miyana in town available now 615-289-8037 - 19
(Airport/INCALL ONLY, St. Louis)
🎰JACKPOT🎰 😻It's my birthday 😻 Lets party 🎉 - 21
(St. Louis, St. Louis airport and surrounding areas)
★ ☰ H - O - T - T - I - E - ☰ ★ - 22
(aiRPoRT. uPscaLe. cLeaN. DiScReeT.)
HAppy **EASTER=$$100 SPl [cLiiCK HERE 100% rEAL] $3XiESt R3dbONES in STL ! - 22
(St. Louis, 270/hazelwood area)
- :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 24
(*Airport Area*)
~*~Vi$iting Tiffany Hooter$ Your Plea$ure Trea$ure,Doing Everything $he Won't~*~* 48 DDD - 24 Hottt - 24