Mon 27 Jan
♡÷♥* ♥ PETITE New MOCHA HOT SEXY Sweet Candy DOLL 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown St Louis and surrounding)
HoT__ Willing__ & Ready-- U Will Not Be Disappointed [100%Real PIC] - 23
(St. Louis, In south co/outcall)
*****BEAUTIFUL, CLASSY and FINE BRUNETTE available now to fulfill your dreams !!!!!!******** - 32
**BEAUTIFUL* **** SEXY**** Blonde *DANCER** incredible SPECIALS Now!!!!! b - 30
(St. Louis, south county st. louis)
▪💛▪💛▪💛▪💛▪💛▪💛 __▪__ A __▪__ D__R__E__A__M __▪__ C__O__M__E __▪__ T__R__U__E __▪__ 💛▪💛▪💛▪💛▪� - 24
(St. Louis, Incalls in South City/Outcall (20mi))
Sun 12 Jan
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
•-:¦:-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •--:¦:-• - - - SPECIALS - 22
(St. Louis, In south county/Outcall)
【LOW RATES】 ✓【Killer Body】 ✓ 【100% real pics】 ✓ 【HIGHLY SKILLED】 ✓【Available NoW】 - 22
(St. Louis, In south county/Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
LOW RATES【Killer Body】 ✓ 【100% real pics】 ✓ 【HIGHLY SKILLED】 ✓【Available NoW】 - 22
(St. Louis, In south county/Outcall)
Who Wants A Ray Of Sunshine on A Cloudy Day! Call Gina 314-332-5083 - 39
(St. Louis, St. Charles and St. Louis)
voted #1 RATED ♥ MiZTrEss InDePeNdaNt {BUSTY ebony WoMaN !} Only - 25
(St. Louis, All ILLINOIS & ST.LOUIS)
;¯`':¦:- Dream's;¯`':¦: -Do ;¯`':¦:- Come True ¯`':¦:- With ME!!!' :¦:- SPECIALS 2DAY! - 21
(STL/incall&outcall; TO ALL OVER)
** THIS ** IS ** WHAT **you've been ** ** looking for** - 19
(INCALLS/NO OUTCall airport or downtown)
Fri 10 Jan
[••] FuN & FLirTy [••] PlAyMaTe [••] TREAT YOURSELF 1000%ME - 22
(St. Louis, In south county/Outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
Special tonite!!! Captivating brunette is available and waiting for you!! - 32
(St. Louis, Farmington, Arnold, St. Louis, Illinois)
🎀 🌺 Visiting from Cali. 🌸 outcalls only saturday earlybrid specials! 💋in St.louis - 19
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding areas 💋)
***** COME***** Play WitH ME Fun AWaits You HERE**** - 20
(St. Louis, 44 in south city area incall/outcall)
(THE BEST HAS ARRIVED .¸¸.·´¯☆ Perfect .¸¸.· NOBODY CAN BEAT MY RATES ¸¸.· ´ --) - 21
(St. Louis, in south/outcall)
♥ •T •°• O •°• P•° _ °•O •°• F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° __°•L •°• I •°•N •°• E• ♥ - 23 - 23
(Springfield, Southside)
Wed 08 Jan
You wanted it...... you got it! $95 Mr. Goodbar INCALL special. F / S half hr also available!! - 22
(My NEW south county AREA incall!)
Tuesday SPECIAL! Start your week off right with a HOTTIE!! - 32
NEW IN TOWN °o★o° TAKE °o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - 23
(St. Louis, in south county/outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
Sneak Away & Let's Play ! ❤ LeT ME ★BE YouR ★MoUTh WaTeRIng★ DeLiciOUs SnACk ❤ - 23
(St. Louis, In south co/outcall)
🎀 🌺 Visiting from Cali. 🌸 incall specials! 💋in South St.louis - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown St. Louis and surrounding areas)
Last Chance 4 incall special -Stunning Brunette Beauty available now! - 32
(St. Louis, Farmington St. Louis, Illinois)
AVAiLABLE RiGHT NoW! *] ————߀YÕND UR WiLD€§T DR€ÂM§ ————[ 100% REAL ] - 22
(St. Louis, In south county/Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
SPECIAL TONIGHT!!!. Gorgeous woman is waiting for your call right now!!! - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis, Arnold, Farmington, Illinois)
Special Today! Brunette beauty is ready and waiting - 32
Sun 05 Jan
WHEN IN DOUBT... stick with familiar ladies~ Hot Italian Lover`Samm 314=345=0513
(St.Louis/North county)
Sat 04 Jan
SPecials Right NOW!! This Hot Brunette is ready. (See New Number) - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis AND Illinois)
Fri 03 Jan
I'LL ~~ FaLL ~~ AsLeep ~~ AnD ~~ YoU'LL ~~ FaLL ~~ in ~~ LoVe!!! Call ~~ Me ~~ NoW!! - 23
(St. Louis, Greater Saint Louis)
( 4/20 friiendly )Classy, Entertaining, && Beautiful ( Discreet )Fantasy FullFiller - 21
Thu 02 Jan
sOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * WeLL ReVieWeD - 29
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
SPecIaL NOW! Captivating brunette is available and waiting for you!! - 32
(St. Louis, Farmington, Arnold, St. Louis, Illinois)