Sun 12 Jan
Best Vip Escorts, Elite Escort Agency St.Louis Escorts 1-800-561-4804 www. fivestar- companions. com - 27
(St. Louis)
Daily Appointments Available Daily 9:00am -- 9:00pm --Safe, Clean Environment - 35
(Missouri/South County)
Daily Appointments Available 9:00am --- 9:00pm Safe, Clean Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
Sat 11 Jan
~! !~___ TIGHT__~! !~___ WET__-~! !~___ PUSSY__~! !~___~! !~CuMM HoRnY LeAvE HaPPy ** - 20
(St Louis airport in/out)
S*P*E*C*I*A*L*S ((Blonde)) S*P*E*C*I*A*L*S ((Brunette))!!! Call 24/7 *316*390*9424 - 28
(Kansas City)
SMOKIN HOT NEW PICS! [•💋•] Sweet & Wild Christina [•💋•] Available Now [•★•] verified!💘 - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown In/Out)
❤New ln town Hot Tight Fresh 18 and ready to PLEASE - 18
(St. Louis, Southside & srding areas IN/OUT)
Come in out of the cold and let this hot, sexy, mature lady warm you up. - 43
(off 270 between 44/55)
*** Come spend some time with a SEXY female student***(come b4 1am, get a deal)*** - 23
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from ANYWHERE U R)
*^*^Come** **Check** **Out***My** **Skills*^ *^New***Pics** **Added! - 30
(St. Louis, Southhampton--St. Louis City)
!!CC!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! I promise You Won't Be Disappointed!! - 29
(20-25 min fom anywhere you are in STL)
CLICK HERE NOW!!! Everyday Specials ... I can come to you now or come to me ... THEBEST 314-270-2646 - 22
Th3 Ultimate CELEBRATION* S@X br!ng$ B@rb!3 b@ck. along 4 @n 3xtr@ Fre@ky R!d3 x 2 GIRLS= crazy fun - 22
**Super cuttie *****::: »-(¯`v´¯)- » T H E»-(¯`v´¯)-» T O T A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E»-(¯`v´¯) - - 19
°♥ ;o° GooD GiRLs GoNe BaD, DoUbLe TrOubLe, SiNfuLLy SeDuCtiVe & SexY As HeLL! °o♥° - 23
(St Charles & Surrouning Areas)
°..-:¦:-° NeW!! DaKoTa! ♥ YoUnG & FrEsh ♥ Hot & SeXxy °..-:¦:-° - 23
(N. County/Airport In-Out Calls!!)
Last Night Sexy Specials!!! Ready To Play24/7 Nonstop! - 19
(St. Louis, DOWNTOWN STL/Illinois eastside area)
-:¦ :- Layla-:¦:- Gorgeous -:¦:- 100% Real • $100 SPECIAL • No Games -:¦:- Mid West Class - 34
Last Night Here Horny, Brunette! Don't Miss THIS! :P - 19
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Where you need me(;)
GORGEOUS [[ MuScLe BaRbiE ]] [[ SeXy & FUN ]]_ No RuSh ¤1OO% Real Piks_ Ready2Please _((CLICK HERE) - 21
I Accept Appointments Daily 9:00am --9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
Th3 Ultimate b@RB!3 G.F.E.!!! up LATE nights & EARLY mornings & MidD@y !! 2 GIRLS AVALIABLE - 20
A sweet treat to beat the heat! CANDY CANDY CANDY delivered to your door! - 24
(saint louis @ your place)
Your wish is my command *** Tall, Sexy, Blue-eyed Babe *** In calls TODAY and TONIGHT - 27
(Lambert Airport, St. Louis)
?TR M?TÕUCH M ?FL M? - °S E XXXY° *** MOST WANTED *** - 21
(St.Louis - DownTown / Incalls & Outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
~Your Baby LACEY ~ None Other Than Your Favorite ~ Is In TOWN!!! ~ - 22
(St. Louis, Belleville,Il (In/Out Calls))
Thursday afternoon / evening fun in SoUtH cOuNtY with Miss Candy Cane! Hosting until 6:15pm.
(South County)
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown 9:00am -- Midnight Safe Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( SeXy LittLe SPINner ) SuPeR NAUGHTY SeX KiTTeN - 19
(were ever u wont me 2 be)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(20-25 min fom anywhere you are in STL)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min From ANYWHERE IN STL)
!!CC!! !! !!ATTENTION!! !! #NeW# (314)484-4491 Is NoW (314)532-1506 EaRLiEr TiMeS! ! NeW LoCaTiOn ! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-20min from anywhere you)
Print Model's, Playboy Centerfolds, Penthouse Pets, Hustler Honeys Needed For VIP Clientele
(St. Louis, Local or Travel)
💋 †h€ o®iginal #❶ €®o†¡c R¡d€ 💋 C💓M€ FaLL ¡N L0V€ W¡†h †h€ G®¡P of My L¡P§ & ©u®v€§ of My H¡P - 26
(913 605 2094 South Kansas City, Kansas City)
tag team im it(barbie) up 24/7 me or my gurl !!! lets mak bacon*4* your eyes only.!!!2girl for hr. - 22