Mon 27 Jan
$$Pretty Red ready For Some Daddy$ 90 SPECIALS. - 26
(downtown st.Louis (out calls only), St. Louis)
$$$$ play my guitar daddy $$$$$Rock Star Status $$$$$$ You can Have What Ever U Like $$$$$
****** Quicky here im waiting now outcall today only/special ****ask for loren - 22
(Downtown only/ outcalls ok)
$$Pretty Red ready For Some Daddy$ 90 SPECIALS. - 26
(St. Louis, downtown st.Louis (out calls only))
* * * * *Qu@l!Ty Plu$* * * * * Qu@N!Ty & a D!v@ with a Fr!3nd ! ! ! 24/hr 4 U B@By ! ! ! - 23
(incall only illinois 10 frm dtown caseyv)
❤💋😘👅👄❤🍒💦💦pound me and i will take it all just for u sexy and ready to play🍒❤👅💦💦🍭👄❤💦💦 - 28
(Kansas City, Kansas city mo)
°o.O {( Extremely! ! G00D PuSS! )} °o.O ({SWT & CR@My }) O.o°({CH0C0LATE CAKE})... - 23
(New=====>>> 70 // ST LOUIS)
Only In Town for ONE More Day!! **Sexxy Sapphire** Dont Miss Your Last Chance with the Sexxiest!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
Hot TopNotch Bunny AMBER and heather exotic appeal with a great butttttt - 20
(St. Louis, airport/IN/OUT)
Have Your Own Personal Slice of Heaven on Earth Today!!! Tonight ONLY Specials!!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
{Great Specials} * PLEASURE ♥ ZONE * {Great Specials} - 19
Have Your Own Personal Slice of Sapphire on Earth Today!!! Today ONLY Specials!!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
FORGET the hot chocolate! What you neeeeeeed is a SPICY ( TOP RATED ) local latina lady!!!! - 24
(your SAFE place in STL)
💦Explosive Good Time💦 💞2 Lady Special💞☎Call Now💋🚗Outcall only - 25
(downtown stl and Illinois area, St. Louis)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ EXOTIC▐ ASIAN▐ ▐ HOTTIE ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃INCALL - 22
(st charles, St. Louis)
★ :*¨¨* SwEeT As HeAvEn *¨¨* ★ :*¨¨* BuT NaUgHtY As HeLL ★ InCaLL SpEcIaLs!!*¨¨* - 23
(*★*Airport Incall*★*)
***Dripping WET and ready to please you*** Specials Specials Specials! - 21
(Anywhere I need to BE!/airport)
{{{{{{{{{{ Beautiful **** Sexy **** Available }}}}}}} Amazing Night With Carmen.. - 23 - 23
(Illinois, granite city)
•◕❥ •◕❥ ★.•*¨¨*• :☆AIRPORT INCALL YOUR LAST CHANCE IM LEAVING BOYS ☆ ★ *¨¨*•★• ◕❥•◕❥ - - 24
48DD Statuesque Blonde& 48DD-25-34 Brunett FINISH TWiCEin FULL HR 200$ 2Girl7am-6pm NO TEXT newPics! - 30
Mon 13 Jan
ThE BeSt(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) FREAKY -:¦:- petite -:¦:- EBONY DOLL (¯`¸AVAIL ABLE?´¯) - - 21 - 21
Sun 12 Jan
I'm ** sExY ** ReAdy ** aNd ** wAitIng ** fOr ** YoUr ** CaLL ** sO ** pIcK ** uP ** ThAt ** PhOnE!! - 23
(St. Louis, Your place or mine)
$40Sloppy Toppy 😝💦💦$40Sloppy Toppy 💦💦😝😝👌☔️rainy night $pecials 24/7 - 23
(St. Louis, 270 & Hallsferry incalls only)
Sat 11 Jan
~~ uP ~~ aLL ~~ NiGhT ~~ cOmE ~~ oUt ~~ aNd ~~ pLaY ~~ wItH ~~ mE!!! - 23
(St. Louis, Greater Saint Louis)
{ SwEeT BlOnDe TreAt } InCaLL & OuTcaLL [ALL ways ReAdY] UNRUSHED Sessions (PeRfEcT ChOiCe) G.F.E. - 21
(InCaLLs FeNtOn ... OuTcAlls ALL DaY)
$$$$$ Members Only $$$$$$$Rock Star Status $$$$$$ You can Have What Ever U Like $$$$$ - 21
¯`'.¸ .¸.*¨*. SeXy & INDEPENDENT ReAdY 2 HaVe ReAL FuN I GUARANTEE IT WiLL Be WoRtH IT.*¨* - - 19
Last Night Here Horny, Brunette! Don't Miss THIS! :P - 19
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Where you need me(;)
E a R L y B I R d SPECIAL!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>> AsK AbOuT My 2 GiRl SpInNeR SpEcIaL!!!!!!!
(Saint Louis/Airport In/Out)
$100 $100 ~All The Way From Dallas Texas! Cumm F~ck Me In The Ass Guys!~100$ 100$ - 19
I'm cold and Lonley come warm me up? Upscale provider available for mature adult company..Warm me up - 37
(St. Louis, St. Charles/ St. Louis Sexy Incalls only)
•◕❥ •◕❥ ★.•*¨¨*• :☆VERIFI3D R3AL YOUR SEXY LITTLE SECRET ☆ ★TOYS *¨¨*•★• ◕❥•◕❥ - - 24
(St. Louis, STL)
the finest **JEWEL** around -- booking for Thursday and Friday --reviewed well! - 26
(outcall preffered/st louis areas)
♥♥♥♥Cherry and honey ♡♡♡♡ call us NOW we ready to have some creamy juicy fun ALL WELCOME!!!!! - 22
(St. Louis, saint Louis Missouri and alton Illinois)
Fri 10 Jan
KINKEY KARA RICHMOND MO!!!! 38DDD NUDE BBW!!! LUNCH SPECIALS!!!$80$80💋 Today!!!🍀🍀8321813!!! - 35
(Kansas City, Richmond Mo incalls only!!!!!)
SooO HoRnEy. I Just CAN''T SiT Still!! I will BLOW more THAN just YOUR MIND!! Up ALL NiGhT!!! - 21
(St. Louis && Illinois)
SooO HoRnEy. I Just CAN''T SiT Still!! I will BLOW more THAN just YOUR MIND!! - 21
(St. Louis && Illinois)
[SmaLL & TaKing iT aLL] Up ALL NiGhT [Super Tight Satisfaction] :UNRUSHED: Sessions - 21
(SoUtH CoUnTy ::: 44 // LiNdBeRgH)
> L {✰} {✰} K > ( SeXy LittLe SPINner ) SuPeR NAUGHTY SeX KiTTeN - 19
(were ever u wont me 2 be)
¨¨*- ¦:-* IRReSiStiBLe ExXxOTIC RedHEAD HoTTiE YoUr ULTiMaTe DReAmGiRL .*¨¨*- ¦:-*_ - 24
(downtown/fairview heights)
Hey YOU, YeS YOU 💋 📲CallNOW 💋⭐💎 YOU FoUnD YoUr GiRl 💋⭐💎 SeDuCtIvE SwEeTiE💋⭐💎💋⭐💎 - - 24
(St. Louis, st.louis mo)