Mon 27 Jan
Sexy, well reviewed, highly rated, gorgeous girly with huge all natural 36DD's! - 27
(St. Louis, South/Arnold/Fenton)
____ -°o♥ YOUR °o♥o° SATISFACTION °o♥o° IS MY °o♥o° #1 PRIORITY - 26
(St. Louis, your place in SoCo,Fenton,Arnold)
OUTCALLS ☎ OUTCALLS available ♥ WITH Candi Cane ♥ ☎ - 24
(St. Louis, YoUr PlAcE in arnold,fenton,SoCo)
OUTCALLS ☎ OUTCALLS available ♥ WITH Candi Cane ♥ ☎ - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton, SoCo, Arnold, Kirkwood areas)
ALL __ ❤ __ _ YOU __ ❤___ NEED __ ❤__IS __ ❤ __ Candi Cane!!! - 25
(St. Louis, Arnold, Fenton, SoCo, Kirkwood, ETC)
Sun 12 Jan
The weather outside is frightful, come inside with me its delightful! Sexy, Gorgeous and Beautiful! - 27
(St. Louis, South/Arnold/Fenton)
Sat 11 Jan
Candi Cane ► *¨¨*-:¦:-* TOP RATED *-: ¦:-* *¨¨* HOW YOU WANT IT OUTCALL! - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton / Arnold OUTCALL!)
CuRvy LaTiNa OUtcaLLs *-:¦:-* ToP raTed *-:¦:- I gO the ExTra Mile & Beyond! - 25
(St. Louis, SoCo, So city, Fenton, Arnold, Jeff Co)
Candi Cane ► *¨¨*-:¦:-* TOP RATED *-: ¦:-* *¨¨* HOW YOU WANT IT OUTCALL! - 25
(St. Louis, So Co, So City, Arnold, Fenton)
Fri 10 Jan
☞ __'Tis The Season 2 TREAT YOURSELF to Candi before tonites festivities !!!!! - 25
(St. Louis, Arnold, SoCo, Fenton, Jeff Co)
Thu 09 Jan
☞ ____'Tis The Season ____ TREAT YOURSELF to Candi before I LeAve for XMAS! - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton, SoCo, Arnold, Kirkwood)
♥ °×°× ☆ It'S ☆ oUtcaLL tiMe ☆ BoYs ☆ °×°× ♥ - 25
(St. Louis, Arnold, Fenton, SoCo OUTCALL!)
wow! I'm up early! It's that soak into your bones cold! Let's HEAT IT UP! Gorgeous with huge 36DD's! - 27
(St. Louis, South/Arnold/Fenton)
:*☆¨*: :*☆¨*: TOP RATED :*☆¨*: TASTEY LOCAL LATINA TREAT! :*☆¨*: - 25
(St. Louis, Arnold, Fenton, SoCo, Kirkwood, ETC)
:*☆¨*: :*☆¨*: TOP RATED :*☆¨*: TASTEY LATINA TREAT! :*☆¨*: - 24
(St. Louis, St. Louis, soco, fenton, arnold OUTCALLS)
Wed 08 Jan
FINALLY! A beautiful day to play! OUTCALL with SIZZLING local latina MIX Candy Cane!!!! - 24
(southern STL areas)
Candi Cane ► *¨¨*-:¦:-* TOP RATED *-: ¦:-* *¨¨* HOW YOU WANT IT OUTCALL - 25
(St. Louis, OUTCALL ONLY!!! Fenton / Arnold)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs LaTiNa ★ ToP NoTcH OUTCALL - 25
(St. Louis, So city,So county, Fenton, Arnold, ETC)
*((= StUnNiNg=)) ° o ★ °((= LoCaL =)) ★ ° SUPERbowl kiCkOfF! - 25
(St. Louis, fenton, soco, arnold ONLY)
Fri 03 Jan
SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs LaTiNa ★ ToP RatEd OUTCALL - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton, Arnold, SoCo, So City, ETC)
SUPERbowl kiCkOfF with* ((= StUnNiNg=)) ° o ★ °((= LoCaL =)) ★ ° - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton / Arnold OUTCALLS!)
Thu 02 Jan
wow! I'm up early! It's that soak into your bones cold! Let's HEAT IT UP! Gorgeous with huge 36DD's! - 27
(St. Louis, South/Arnold/Fenton)