Mon 27 Jan
NEW ((( SeXy BlOnDe ))) -----LOCAL -----AND ::::::::::: INDEPENDENT ::::: - 21
(Airport Area or your place)
New pics of laughing √ HOT ITALIAN LOVER *Samantha* ~feeling xxxtra friendly #314-583-3753~up late - 43
(St. Louis, ur safe location w/in the hr)
HOLIDAY SPECIAL Hot Italian Lover/ Samm 314-337-8901 call 24/7 IN MY PRIME ! - 41
(St. Louis, stl co/private)
—♥—[[ GORGEOUS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ BRUNETTE ]] —— ♥ —— [[ BUSTY ]] —— ♥ —— [[ PLAYMATE] - 27
(St. Louis, Outcalls Only)
.a good day 2make a new friend**Hot Italian lover /Samm 314~583~ 3753 - 43
(near The Hill headed your safe location, St. Louis)
314-374-7192 MAKE A NEW FRIEND THIS MONTH-Samantha aka Hot Italian Lover. - 42
(St. Louis, (or)tonight Your place)
Sun 12 Jan
Sexy Seductive Sizzlin Hot Asian Beauty "SAMANTHA ", Best in Escort Companionship - 36
(STL/Metro East)
IM FEELING E XTRA FRIENDLY 2day "Hot Italian Lover" Samm 314*345* 0513 24/7- - 37
(private incall STL/or your safe place)
Thurs eve - Mon call 24/7 Samantha / Hot Italian Lover 314=337=8901 - 37
(St. Louis, private in nrth .county)
Sat 11 Jan
{ N }-{ U }-{ M }-{ B }-{ E }-{ R } ___ { O }-{ N }-{ E } ___ { C }-{ H }-{ O }-{ I }-{ C }-{ E } - 19
Fri 10 Jan
Up Early! Wanna taste it!!! New Years Rates! - 20
(St. Louis, Downtown Stl/O'Fallon IL/Belleville il)
* * * (Small Provider Available Today ( New in town!) > > > > > > > > > > > > - 23
Near the hill 314-305-9317.( Hot Italian Lover Samm and friend for voyeur in u) - 42
(south Hampton area in/out, St. Louis)
LA$T DAY * 💞S💨M💨O💨K💨i💨N💨G ╠╣ot!💘 ☆° 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜💜#1 💝bU$Ŧy🎉🍭 - 21
(Airport area incall !!!!, St. Louis)
!_*{ Breath-TaKiNg }*--*{ MiNd-Bl(o)WiNg }*---*{ Black & BrAziLLiAn Mix HoTTie } Visiting - 19
°-:¦:-*Miss * Beauty * On * Duty*-:¦:-° Enegetic and ready for ACTION - 21
(St. Louis, Airport Area)
TWO Young SINGLE sexy PLAYFUL GIRLS looking for new friends FUN and GREAT COMPANY - 27
Thu 09 Jan
Tasty sweet willing 2 meet) ~Hot Italian lover / Samantha 314-305-9317 - 42
(Coming 2 u from "Near the hill ", St. Louis)
New Pic) Hot Italian Lover ~ Samantha 314-583-3753 will be up late - 43
(fr near The Hill 2 you, St. Louis)
DANGEROUS CurVEs ¯ _ ¯ SEDUCTIVE Words ¯ _ ¯ ExotiC MIXED AmAzOn ¯ _ ¯ N@ughty NiGht Spcls - 22
(St. Louis, STL {South County} MO)
~~ Ding! * Ding! * Ding!! KNOCKOUT! ~ Pleasing Vixen -- )()( Available 24 hrs)()( - 23
(St. Louis, stl)
Tis the season 2 treat yourself!! $150--$200 firm. Samantha 314-305-9317 - 99
(St. Louis, ur safe location w/in the hr)
Wed 08 Jan
Simpy ======== Stunning ======== Petite ========= Bombshell ===== Visiting ========= - 23
(St. Louis)
LET ME B~Your BEST~KEPT SECRET 24/7 Samm / hotitalianlover .com 314 345 0513 Samantha - 37
(STL in/out 24/7)
look NEW HOURS!!! Hot Italian Lover aka Samantha 314-702-8965 - 37
(St. Louis, private in nrth .county (no hotels))
Sexy Seductive Sizzlin Hot Asian Beauty "SAMANTHA ", Best in Escort Companionship - 36
(STL/Metro East)
Wanna get LUCKY !?!! prior friends 150 special /or/a double take ITALIAN SAMM - 37
(north co/STL/in/out/Mo.ONLY only)
NEW PH. # 314-337-8901 Hot Italian Lover-Samantha back in town - 37
(St. Louis, private in nrth .county (no hotels))
new PiC JUST took 5 min.ago/near lemay till Easter eve.~314-374-7192 Samantha aka Hot Italian Lover. - 42
(St. Louis, (or)tonight Your place)
Hot Italian Lover-Samantha back in town 314-337-8901 lunch specials - 37
(St. Louis, private in nrth .county (no hotels))
HOT ITALIAN LOVER~ Samantha 4 the more mature~ O/C ONLY call 314~583-3753 - 43
Beware!! 🚔🚔COME Enjoy An Unforgetable Time With A Petite Bombshell!! 🚔🚔Beware - 40
(St. Louis, W. Penning ave wood river)
Tue 07 Jan
Jan2016- call 4Info (eve.-late)Outcall Specials 314-583-3753 Hot Italian Lover Samm - 99
(only Headed your direction, St. Louis)
WHEN IN DOUBT... stick with familiar ladies~ Hot Italian Lover`Samm 314=345=0513
(St.Louis/North county)
** DeLiCiouSLY EXoTiC WiTH a SPiCY AttiTuDE** HoT SpCLS ** STL FiNeST MiXXeD DeSSeRT** - 23
(St. Louis, stl)
Mon 06 Jan
LET ME B~Your BEST~KEPT SECRET 24/7 Samm / hotitalianlover .com 314 345 0513 Samantha - 37
(STL in/out 24/7)
Sun 05 Jan
WHEN IN DOUBT... stick with familiar ladies~ Hot Italian Lover`Samm 314=345=0513
(St.Louis/North county)
SBR: The Legendary SAMANTHA DELUCCA in St Louis 9/13~9/15 Hurry & Book NOW Don't miss out! - 69
(St. Louis, St. Louis and Surrounding (in/out))
Sat 04 Jan
St.Louis's "Hot Italian Lover"-Samm 314*345* 0513 24/7- ask b4 noon special - 37
(private incall STL/or your safe place)
,.-~*´¨¯¨`*~-. S I N F U L L ¥ ~*´¨¯¨`*~) S D U C I V ~* ´¨¯¨ *´¨22! - 22
(St. Louis, North County Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere)
Fri 03 Jan
♥♥ SMOKIN HOT ITALIAN Beauty ♥♥ A REAL FReak In the SHeeTS ♥♥ AVaiLaBle NOW!! ♥♥ - 22
(Joplin, *EXACTLY Where YOU Wanna Be*)
(Sun.4/13 late night special))ExTRA FRIENDLY~ ASK 4 Samantha / Hot Italian Lover 314-337-8901~ 24/7 - 41
(St. Louis, north co./priv.)
Thu 02 Jan