Mon 27 Jan
Pre Birthday celebration fun with your FAVORITE local latina! Last availability for another week! - 23
(somewhere in south county)
PLAY TWiCE4 NoTHING Xtra Busty Beautiful xMustang RanchGirls Blonde& Brunette EXCELLANT SKILLS7a-5p - 31
(St. Louis, StLouisSurrounding Areas close 4downtown)
PEACHes ยฃ five star chick dont miss your wish - 20
(St. Louis, north county downtown stl caseyville)
HOT & Ready RiGHT NOW PLAYTWiCE 4 NOTHiNG Xtra! BiG TiTTiES Blonde or Brunette - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntownAll St. Louis area)
Get BetweenUs! Blonde& Brunette Ssndwich 48DD-25-34 &NEW; Tall Blond40DD YUMMY SPECIAL 314 531824 - 31
EXECUTIVE ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW!! 314-346-9711 - 32
๐ ๐ EXECUTIVE ESCORTS ๐ ๐ 314-845-3333 - 32
48DD-25-34 ALl Natural 5-7 120lb Pretty White Woman VERY reasonable NO Clocks NO LIMIT FUN! 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntown&Scounty25frmN.30fromWest;)
48DD-25-34 natural 5'7 120lb wPretty Woman FUN a COUPLE of TIMES NoTHinG Xtrra 7am-7pm 7days - 31
(St. Louis, convenient4StLouis&SurroundingAreas;)
48DD-25-34 & 36CCC-25-34 2 Hotties in a Hottub LOOK at OUR PICS 314-532-1824 - 31
48DD-25-34 all nat 5'7 120lb w/Pretty Woman NO Clocks NOLimit fun VERY REASONABLE 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntown20frmScounty30frmW.25frmN)
48DD-25-34 RAINY DAY1/2 SPECIAL 120lbs 5'7 long black hair blue eyes 4u UnLiMTed FuN - 31
48DD-25-35 all nat 120lb 5'7 w/PRETTY WOMAN no clocks Fun a COUPLE of times VERY REASONABLE 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntownorScounty30frmWest25fromN)
Sun 12 Jan
48DD-27-34 all nat. 5'7 120lb w/Pretty Woman VERY reasonable NO CLOCKS NO limit fun 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntownorScounty25fromN,30frmWst)
Sat 11 Jan
XtraSlender Blonde 40dd &Brunette; 48DD-25-34 Mon-Fri 7a-5pDaily Specials - 31
(St. Louis, min4downtownmin4Sconty20frmW25forNrth&IL;)
voted #1 RATED โฅ MiZTrEss InDePeNdaNt {BUSTY ebony WoMaN !} Only - 25
(St. Louis, All ILLINOIS & ST.LOUIS)
Tall Slender Blond 40DDs& brunette 48DD-25-34 NEW PICS/phone PLAY TWICE4NOTHING Xtra!Call4 Specials - 31
(St. Louis, MinFromDowntownsurrounding Area DISCR)
โจUNIQUEโจ The Experience of a lifetime!! come enjoy urself with a "Top of the Line " 6๐ star girl ๐ - 26
(Kansas City)
๐SEXY ๐SAMM new in-town LETS PLAY๐&๐yes it is REAL ๐
๐ง๐ง๐๐๐๐ - 20
(AIRPORT(incall only), St. Louis)
48DD-25-34ALl Natural PRETTY White WOMAN 5'7 120 lb VERY Reasonable NO Clock NO LiMiT FuN 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfrom downtown&Scounty25; N,30from West)
Fri 10 Jan
NEW PiCs/phone Slender blonde40DDs &brunette; 48-25-24 BIGGEST BOOBs Town PlayTwice NothinXtra til 4 - 31
(St. Louis, close2downtownLocation4surroundingAreas)
Julie๐๐๐๐๐๐๐amazing b2b slide๐ - 23
(North county, St Louis - Downtown, St. Louis)
SPECIAL today ONLY-Hotub 48dd-25-34 & 36ccc-25-24 look at r pics- --------------- - 31
(hottub -closer than uthinkl)
LaLa Sweet and Juicy Special!!!! Call Me Now! 50 Licks To Pop A Cherry - 25
(North City,Downtown,County)
HOT DIRTY WHITE SISTERS 48DD-25-34 & 44DD-20-27 we do it ALL! we;re SO BAD! - 31
(3min&3turns from 3interstates close to U)
HOT DIRTY WHITE SISTERS 48dd-25-34& 44dd-20-27 We do it All! wer're So bad! - 31
(3MIN&3turns from 3 Interstates)
Every Man Want Melly !!! Come Find Out Y ??? Certified & Approved Me - 21
(St Louis - South City, South City)
Thu 09 Jan
sweet & sexy blonde waiting for YOU! petite & irresistible $pecial$ all day & night - 22
(St. Louis, north county/downtown area)
NEW PiCS/phone Slender blonde& brunette BiGGEST BOOBs inToWN SPeCiAL TODaY! NO TeXTS - 31
(St. Louis, close2downtownMin4Scounty30fromW20fromNc)
48DD-25-34 ALL Natural PRETTY Sweet W/ Female 5'7 120 lb longblack hair NoClock no limit Reasonabe! - 31
Wed 08 Jan
Don't Miss Something Foreign This Weekend Inn St.louis - 25
(St. Louis, Incall North County / outcall anywhere)
Tue 07 Jan
EXECUTIVE ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW!! 314-845-3333 - 32
Morning Burst ( Providing OutCalls Only ) _ Real Pictures _ AvaiL. Now. 12/28/2012 - 22
(St. Louis, OutCalls All Over)
โฅ B E A U T I F U L โฅ B U S T Y โฅ B L U E- E Y E D โฅ B L O N D E โฅ - 25
(Airport -North County -Downtown- In/Out)
#1 RaTed โฅ MiZTrEss InDePeNdaNt {BUSTY ebony WoMaN !} Only - 25
(St. Louis, All ILLINOIS & ST.LOUIS)
Mon 06 Jan
๐ ๐ ๐ EXECUTIVE ESCORTS ๐ ๐ ๐ 314-845-3333 ST.LOUIS FINEST!!! - 32
48DD-25-34 All Natural 5'7 120lb Pretty White Woman VERY REASONABLE no clocks no limit fun 7am-7pm - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntown&S.county25N;&30from West)
Sun 05 Jan
48DD-26-34 Long black hair green eyes 5'7 12lb HaVe ALL the Fun u Want 4 Nothing Extra - 31
(MINfrom downtown15south20north 30west)
48DD-25-34 ALL True& Natural! w/Pretty Woman NO Clocks 5'7 120lb VERY Reasonable 7am-? - 31
(St. Louis, minfromdowntown20fromScounty20frmN30frmW)
48DD-25-34 wPretty Woman 5'7 120lb & NEW Hot PETiTE REDHeaD 26yrs 5'2 112 lb 34c-20-32 7am-4pm today - 31
(St. Louis, AllStLouis ILL & surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
Blonde blueeyes slender tall&tan; 40DD& 48DD-25-34 DAYTIME SPECIALS 314-532-1824 SPECIALS - 31
(St. Louis, our bedroom CALL 4 EASY FAST DIRECTIONS)
Thu 02 Jan