Mon 27 Jan
☆☆ VISITING > COLUMBIA / JEFFERSON CITY ☆☆ Dahlia Urban ☆☆ CALL TODAY ☆☆ Friday JUNE 20th ☆☆ - 37
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia/Jefferson City Incall & Outcall)
Petite Nickey BOMbSheLL {new guy special} yes!!! {{ $25$ }} - 26
(St. Louis, outcalls NORTH / SOUTH city & county)
👀👀👄💦now & Hotel . 💯Busty Baby !!Natural DDD's In calls - 22
(St. Louis, North city in calls out calls)
♠♥ One of a Kind ♣♦ 🎇 Breathtaking Beauty 💎💋 Always Available ♠♥ RTP REVIEWED 💋 - 24
(Airport/Private Residence (INCALLS), St. Louis)
(¯`'.¸o° Who wants Santa's & Cookies?!? Yes!!!!! 65.00 or 80.00 Package Special °o¸.'´¯) - 20
*Friday SPECIAL!** w/ Gorgeous Ex College ** !** 314 737 2136 - 32
(St. Louis, South St. Louis City near Bevo Mill)
Get out and enjoy yourself with one of the area's best. Give Renay a call! - 43
(off 270 between 4455)
FREAKY Erotic shows ♥♥♥ the best latenight an early fun♥ exotic Daisy an much more - 25
(St. Louis, in /out downtown 100spl)
Dr!pping In Sensuality Elegance & Class! Gorgeous Ebony Provider... XOXO LeLana - 29
(St. Louis, St Louis Downtown)
*** aLLi iS bACk!! dONt MiSs tHiS bEaUtiFuL bLoNdE bOMbShEll!!! iTs mY LaSt dAy iN tOwN!!*** - 20
2 Very Sweet, sassy, sexy & sensual girls here together for tonight only 2!service U!!! - 27
(St. Louis, St. Louis Lambert Airport in/out calls)
Sun 12 Jan
TGIF Incall & Outcall All Day 🐩Bella Is Back w/ New Pics👀👅 Beauty Don't Sleep💋 Italian Princess - 22
(St Louis - South City, South & North Incalls & Outcalls 24/7)
This could be the best day of your life! What are you waiting for? - 42
(between 44 @ 55 - off of 270)
Sat 11 Jan
ST LOUIS All American Girls Referral - PROFESSIONAL, Female Escorts NEEDED NOW IN YOUR AREA 18 - 19
(St Louis St Charles Downtown airport)
***!Who said you Have 2 go to sleep In Order 2 Have a Hottt Dream? Great Outcall specials!! - 20
(St. Louis, Airport Area Outcalls)
--♥ (VISTING) - I T A L Y! . Guyanese .&& . Ebony . Vixen. [.Erotic * ¤ * Excellence.] - 20
(Upscale in/out)
Fri 10 Jan
A coffee delight!!! ... the voluptuous coffee skinned delight..... Chelsey Madison presents.. Bleu L - 27
(St. Louis, St Louis City ,St Louis County. north)
^^ Truly ^^^^^ Your ^^^^^^^ Girlfriend ^^ 80$^^^ Experience! Spanish & Italian Mix! 100$hhr Special! - 20
(airport area incall)
First Time Visitor ☝️👉St.Louis👈🍀🍀🍀Any Lucky Men Wanna Join Me 🌹🌹🌹 I Love Roses🌹🌹🌹 - 23
(St. Louis, Forest park/ CWE / Surrounding areas)
Incall & ✈️Outcall !!!! Bella Is Back w/ New Pics👀👅 Beauty Don't Sleep💨 Italian Season - 22
(St Louis - South City, South & North Incalls & Outcalls 24/7)
48DD-25-34 & 36ccc-23 -32 Look at our Pics All the fun you want! 314-532-1824 - 31
DeAlS!!! LoW, LoW PRICes...BUsty BloNdE Diva..STartIng at !! - 26
(St. Louis, hwy 70 and jennings sta rd)
Thu 09 Jan
College CO-ED, cute and fun! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In town)
CHOCOLATE Nickey Petite BOMbSheLL {new guy special} yes!!! {{ $25$pecial's }} - 26
(St. Louis, outcalls NORTH / SOUTH city & county)
(*&^* Rayne & Desirae *^%^& Here All Night For You **^&*&* - 24
(St. Louis, Illinois/75Hhr. 100Hr. 200 2Hrs.)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) 1oo.00 SpEciaLs by SEXY petiteNsweet CHELLE (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 21
(St.Louis-downtown/All Over)
▐► Operate your Own Escort Agency ★★ Earn $250,000+ Annually ★★ National Brand / Exclusive Territory - 52
(Kansas City, St. Louis)
With Every Pump☆☆It Just Feels☆☆Sweeter & Warmer - Specials - 23
Take advantage of the beautiful weather and call Niki for relaxing massage today. Call early!!! - 36
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
♥ I Am NoT WeArInG AnY PaNtIeS...WaNt 2 SeE?? ♥ BaCk In ToWn ♥ BlOnDe WhiTe GiRL - 26
(Airport /Incall/North)
A coffee delight!!! ... the voluptuous coffee skinned delight..... Chelsey Madison presents.. Bleu L - 27
(St. Louis, St Louis City ,St Louis County. north)
Wed 08 Jan
upscale make apt >2girls available /sexy hour glass body and petite girlfriend. - 23
(downtown/outcall extra)
Sexy & New- to -you !! Available ALL night!!! Ready to Please! 417-6896170 Carmella - 28
(270-&- St. Charles Rock road, St. Louis)
❤ Sexxy ! B) U) B) B) L) E) BOOTY L ) O) V ) E ) R ) S __ Wet! ❤ - 23
(((( STL Airport)) Lastnight!!!)