Mon 10 Mar
Mon 27 Jan
❤️❤️Sexy Goddess 💋💋Call about Tonight Special❤️❤️ - 21
(Saint Charles, St Charles-St. Peters, St. Louis)
New Location/ Jessica Rabbit KC / Juicy Big Booty Hopping All Over INDEPENDENCE - 25
(Kansas City, .☆::: INDEPENDENCE :::☆.)
♥•°o •°o♥ •; • 2* G I R L S * S P E C I A L S~ SeXy snowbunnies ♥•°o •°o♥ • - 21
(St. Louis, downtown/surr areas)
New Location/ Jessica Rabbit KC / Juicy Big Booty Hopping All Over INDEPENDENCE - 25
(Kansas City, .☆::: INDEPENDENCE :::☆.)
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown On Illinois Side 9:00am---9:00pm - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
❄Fun. Exotic. Freaky!♥😘 ✅✅ New Location 😊 What are you waiting For ?✅💨 - 19
(Kansas City, ***Kansas city *** Noland road !)
Sammie~Thick with curves in all the right places~NEW NUMBER tele###new central location! - 31
(St. Louis, private residence in westport very nice)
♡♡ Pretty and Petite ♡♡ NEW to town♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !!! 314 450-6396 - 28
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
♥ ♥ ♥ Petite ♡ ßεαuty ♡ ♡ ♡ New Location~!! 85$ hhr 125$ hr INCALLS ONLY - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area)
****** Quicky here we are waiting right now!oreo blast mized 2-4-1/ vanilla coco mixcalls start at10 - 22
(Downtown only/ outcalls ok)
♥ ♥ ♥ Petite ♡ ßεαuty ♡ ♡ ♡ New Location~!! 60$ 80$ 100$ specials Today - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area)
Petite Beauty w/a Phat Bo0ty 60/100/160 *SuperGr!p SUpeRsOakEr* mOuThPiEcE Works Magic (The Best) - 22
(Dunn Rd Florrisant, St. Louis)
♡♡ Ride my curves like never before♤♤incall special♤♤ - 31
(St. Louis, St.Louis & Illinois metro area served)
~+~+~+~+~+~ Puerto Rican CHILLI PEPPER ~+~+~+~+ Limited time ~+~+~+ 100% me or it's FREE ~+~+~+~+ - 19
(My place or Yours)
PETiTE 107lb agile pretty blond 34c 1inch nipples& 48DD-25-34 Brunet WEgot NEW TOYS Special 2 4 200 - 29
(St. Louis, VerySafeDramaFreeQuick4 StLouis& ILL)
PETiTE 100lbRussian Redhead &44ddNEW Blond MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS 7am-5pm PlayTwice Nothing XtraSpeciai - 28
(St. Louis, SameSafeDramaFreeLocaton6yrsStLouisArea)
♡♡ Pretty and Petite ♡♡ NEW to town♡♡ and Looking 4 Fun !!! FULL BODY MASSAGES!!! 314 450-6396 - 28
(St. Louis, Your place or mine in south St. Louis)
♥ ♥ ♥ Petite ♡ ßεαuty ♡ ♡ ♡ New Location~ !!60$ 75$ hhr 100$ hr INCALLS ONLY - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area)
♥°o °o♥ ; 2* G I R L S * S P E C I A L S~ SeXy snowbunnies ♥°o °o♥ - 21
(St. Louis, downtown/surr areas)
PETITE 100lbRussian Redhead &44ddNEW Blond MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS 7am-4pm PlayTwice Nothing Xtra7am-6p - 28
(St. Louis, SameSafeDramaFreeLocalfor6yrsStLouisArea)
ONLY IN CALLS sweet TREAT great COMPANIONSHIP layed back open MINDED come unwine - 27
Now 3 MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS! 48DD-25-34 & 44DDNew Blonde New Pics 7am-5pm NO TEXTS/blocked calls - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis area & Ill NoTexts/blockedCalls)
Now 3 WORLD FAMOUS MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS all DDs! Special Today! 7am-6p 314-532-1824 no texts/ blocked - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis&surrounding; areaNoTexts/blocked)
New4'10"Tracy & 49DD-27-35 200forFullhr2girl! asMANY TiMES asU CAN WeWiLL4 NOTHiNG XTRA7am-6pm Daily - 30
(St. Louis, close4DOWNTOWNorILLorScountyDISCREET)
°o♥o° -:¦:-♥ oUnG, §wT -:¦:- ÂnÐ -:¦:- NeW ♥ -:¦:- °o♥o° - 19
(North County/Airport In-Out Calls)
Hot Italian lover~Ask ABOUT MY SPECIAL OFFER 4Mature 314*345*0513 FETISH FRIENDLY!! - 37
(my N. county home)
here HELO, whats up guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) email apt for after 7oclock - 20
H(O)T _______TotAl SatisFaction ______N(E)W __________ H(O)T _________ ___ (N)E(W) _______ (H)O(T)
***GONE @ 2pM!! 6'0 All American Beauty-*- LEAViN St Louis 2DaY...$1OO/3o SPECIAL... Incalls Only*** - 24
(Downtown St Louis**Incalls Only!!)
Guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) apt only for after /sexy and ready/ gents only - 20
G.F.E. IN CALLS ALL TODAY$100Roses I WILL MAKE YOUR DAY ~Love4playanddkissing - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)
Guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) apt only for after /sexy and ready/ gents only - 20
GREAT SPECIAL 44ddTalHotBlond & 48dd-25-34 Brunett 7am-5p Play twice NoThInG XTra! - 31
(St. Louis, All St. Louis & Ill)
GOT CHARM ? GET LUCKY ~~ Hot Italian lover ~314*3 45*0513 FETISH FRIENDLY!! - 37
(my N. county home)
bEAUTIFUL PRETTY PETITE ~Love 4 play and kissing 314 556 0921 - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)
~*~GODDESS and a PRINCESS in one waiting to give you ALL you deserve~*~ - 22
(270 Right in the middle 170 & 70)
G.F.E. OUT CALLS ALL NIGHT$200 Roses I WILL MAKE YOUR DAY ~Love4playanddkissing - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)
FAR from just another manic Monday! Come play with EVERYONES favorite LOCAL LATINA!! - 23
(south county AREA * NEW *)
Far from just another "Manic Monday" !!! One of TWO incall days this week with Candy Cane! 1pm - 6pm
(NEW south county area LOCATION)
* * * $exy * HoT * Th!cK * Ju!cY * SwEEt * * * Re@dy * 4 * You* * * DoN't m!sS Th!s! ! ! - 28
Sunkissed Petite Bombshell Abra... New location, New Availability, New Pictures... - 23
(Downtown *or* West County)
&%&% Mature &%& Sexy ^%$^%$^ Sensual ^$^$^ Dream Come True ^%$^%$^%$ - 35
(St. Louis, My Place / Yours)
♥ Adrianna ♥ Seperate the BEST from the REST...! [[CLICK HERE]] S*P*E*C*I*A*L*S - 19
(Downtown - Incall/Outcall)
@@A Taste Of Perfection@ Dont Miss Out!!@ Sexy Playmate!! In Town NOW! @@ - 26
(New Location Area Wide Outcall)
***GONE @ 2pM!! 6'0 All American Beauty-*- New To St Louis...$1OO/3o SPECIAL.... Incalls Only*** - 24
(Downtown St Louis**Incalls Only!!)