Mon 27 Jan
YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦:100$ HH ❌👊👊👊 KN✪CK✪uT ❌ - 30
(St. Louis, St. Charles)
…~* * »» ¡Simply Irrisistable! Your Ultimate Fantasy!«« * *~… BEST CHOICE!!!!!! - 22 - 22
(St. Louis, illinois/10 mins from downtown)
™OnE of A KiND mixXxEd DiVA {{ AMaZiNG SKiLLz }} 8===> ♥ CuRvY KiNKY Caramel TreAt !!! ♥
♥~*~♡ ● All American Local Hottie ● ♡~*~♥ Looks Guarenteed!!! ♥ - 23
(St. Louis, Outcall ONLY!!! :) ★)
❄Fun. Exotic. Freaky!♥😘 ✅✅ New Location 😊 What are you waiting For ?✅💨 - 19
(Kansas City, ***Kansas city *** Noland road !)
Daisy, I'm still fairly new! Fun, flirty, fiery and fun! 36DD's! - 25
(St. Louis, South St. Louis or I come to you)
*S E X Y**C L A S S Y**B E A U T I F U L**E X O T I C** - 24
Renay Is up and ready! Come see a REAL woman for a good time! - 45
(St. Louis, between 44 & 55 - off of 270)
*+* princess *+* 46EE *+* freaky as she wanna be *+* - 25
(St. Louis, airport area incalls/outcalls anywhere)
ღ ***raDy*** O *** |:| *** mAk *** yOu *** |:| ** xXxpLOd ** ღ - 23
(Airport Area Incall At Safe Location!!!)
❦ ‿ ❦ Pretty Angel ❦ ‿ ❦ Sweet as Pie!! ☯ 1OO% PeRFeCTioN - 22
(St. Louis, St. Louis outcalls ONLY *)
Please text me for pics! I am an attractive 26yo chick just looking to have sum fun! 😉💯🔥 - 26
(breckenridge hills mo, St. Louis)
****** Quicky here im waiting now outcall today only/special ****ask for loren - 22
(Downtown only/ outcalls ok)
°° RoSeS ArE ReD VioLeTs ArE BLuE ~ GeNtLeMeN CoMe LeT ThiS BLuE EyEd BeAuTy CaTeR To YoU °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
Report Ad kuTe fACe, sLiM WaIST, BiG RoUnD @$$, HiPS to DiE fOr! - - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown upscale suite)
~ ☆ ~ ✨ Pinkie ✨ 1 DAY IN TOWN ~ ☆ ~ Come Spank Me! ✨ Freaky Thick Bad B*tch ✨ - 25
(St. Louis, st.Louis)
PETITE and SEXY Brunette Beauty {GIRL NEXT DOOR} With An Amazing Personality and Sexy Figure!!! - 22
(DOWNTOWN - Upscale Location)
[★] $ P E C i A L $ [★] ! O O - I TWENTY - 2 o o[★]A L L - D A Y [★] - 23
(St. Louis, A I R P O R T - Incall Only)
Pick Me ;,) I'd Like To Be Your Dirty Little Secret :.) Upscale, Curvaceous, Kissable, New Pics! - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis, South, Chesterfield, Downtown)
LOOK HERE(lovely) has a special, 100 qq incall only! if you want regular rates for 2gurl or gfe ask - 22
(ANYWHERE/10miles or more extra)
**OUTCALL** $PECIAL$** mak afternoon apt. with $TLs F!N3ST *LOVELY* get it while its fresh!!!! - 22
OUTCALL SPECIALTY for you tonite with STL FINEST LOVELY come get a nasty spanking!!!! - 22
(¯`. ____o°* ThE BeST ExPeRiEnCe of YoUr LiFe *°o _____ .´¯) PuRe PLeAsUrE - 23
(St. Louis, OUTCALL entire stl/il metro area)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
ONLY IN CALLS sweet TREAT great COMPANIONSHIP layed back open MINDED come unwine - 27
o° Tight o° WeT o° Treat o° Ms. Farrah o° 100% ALL ME or im FREE - 21
( o° St.Louis/ Illinois Downtown°)
(( PaSSiONATE & iNDEPENDENT )) 1st CLaSS bLoNdE W/ A {[ KiLLeR BoDy!]} == - 27
~°*o*°St Louis o*~°o Look Whos back in TOWN o*~°*o° 100% all me or im FREE Cum An Play Baby - 21
(o° St Louis/Illinois DoWnToWn o°)
Only In Town for ONE More Day!! **Sexxy Sapphire** Dont Miss Your Last Chance with the Sexxiest!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
No holds barred!! If at first you did not reach me then please try and try again! - 32
(St. Louis, south city/ bevo mill area)
☆New☆IN☆Town☆Cali Girl--Lets★Play★★Fetish Friendly♥STAR♥{IN&OUT; calls} - 21 - 21
(St. Louis, South City, St.Louis,Surrounding Areas)
OveRAteD PaSsiOn, best rates for quanity an quallitybest TREATS outcal spls - 22
(St. Louis, airport incals or outcalls)
♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥NO ONE -:¦:-Has Fun -:¦:- LIKE ME♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥ - 30
☎~☎ NIKKI & FRIENDS •◆•Outcall Special•◆• CALL NOW! ☎~☎ 636-764-0827 pg.1 - 23
(St. Louis, St.Louis and Surrounding Areas)
here HELO, whats up guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) email apt for after 7oclock - 20
happy fathers day(LOV3LYDOM3) STL'$ Finest w/friend has a special! get J, J, J ,B today only - 22
***GONE @ 2pM!! 6'0 All American Beauty-*- LEAViN St Louis 2DaY...$1OO/3o SPECIAL... Incalls Only*** - 24
(Downtown St Louis**Incalls Only!!)
💜💜💜 Hot an ready new pics 💋💋 all you can eat✅2girl 👅 Party. (Good morning - 24
(out/in downtown, out anywhere, St. Louis)
~*X-TrA sPEcIALs ALL DaY*~ ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD!!*~ ~*X-TrA SpeCiALS ALL NigHT*~ - 18
☻ H A P P Y ☻ (HaS jUs BeGuN!!!) ☻ H O U R ☻ - 24
Have Your Own Personal Slice of Sapphire on Earth Today!!! Today ONLY Specials!!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
*°G O R G E O U S *°G I R L °*R E A L P I C S -
(St. Charles iincall/outcall)
HEY guys call me il bring everything you see here plus everything you dont/200outcall only - 22
Guys im back! up late tonight! call me(laura) apt only for after /sexy and ready/ gents only - 20
bEAUTIFUL PRETTY PETITE ~Love 4 play and kissing 314 556 0921 - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)
G.F.E. OUT CALLS ALL NIGHT$200 Roses I WILL MAKE YOUR DAY ~Love4playanddkissing - 27
(North County & Greater St. Louis Area)