Mon 27 Jan
~Pleasure Palace~ Were you can find the sexiest escorts in the Midwest - 25
(St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO metro area only)
$60/$80 LoOk NO LoNgEr YoUr FrEaKy SeXy BloNde DrEaM GiRl Is HeRe - 28
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
ST LOUIS All American Girls Referral - PROFESSIONAL, Female Escorts NEEDED NOW IN YOUR AREA 18 - 19
(St Louis St Charles Downtown airport)
Gorgeous ladies ready to become wealthy this year? 🎉 WOMAN owned escort company seeking new ladies 🎉 - 35
(Several cities, St. Louis)
LeT Me HeLp YoU StArT YoUr WeeKeNd OfF ThE RiGhT WaY!!! Its aLLi!! BeSt In ThE MiDwEsT - 21
(downtown in/out)
√ThickiesT Whit3girl ((Best In The Midwest )) F*I*R*E* W*O*R*K*$ 50[100%Real] - 22
(St. Louis, Airport,in/out)
Midwest Best BBW is here. New in town, ready to serve all of your desires ☆ - 23 - 23
Fri 10 Jan
*~*~ ThE BeSt FrOm ThE MiDwEsT... MiSs BrAnDi FoXx Is At YoUr SeRvIcE ~*~* - 21
(St. Louis/Illinois)
Attention ! I am not visiting, but homegrown right here in Stl - 21
(St. Louis, North County ( 270))
Beautiful + UPSCALE + Playmate + The BEST in the MIDWEST GUARANTEED!!! - 25
(Airport area, St. Louis)
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk!! rEddHoTT! $80 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
$$ 80.00 $$ Men/Women Welcome! I've Got the BREAST in the Midwest & Best MOUTH from the South! - 21
(St. Louis, airport area & north county)
Thu 09 Jan
TOURING ESCORTS WANTED.. All American Girls, Kansas City , St Louis Minneapolis / St Paul
(st Louis)
% % % % % % LaSt dAy iN tOwN dONt MiSs mE aGaiN!! tHe bEsT bLoNdE bEAuTY iN tHe MiDwEsT!! % % % % % - 20
The Puerto Rican Princess Is Back " The Best In The Midwest (In Or Outcalls)Now Accepting CC - 27
(Kansas City, my place or yours)
★The Best In The Midwest !! ★ I Am The Ultimate Experience★ New Pics (In Or Outcalls) - 27
(Kansas City, N Kansas City (Will travel)Anywhere)
@913 @237 @4622 *AmAziNg TaLeNt& ShoCkIng BeaUty* ¡¡120% REAL!!**SErIOUS SpeCiaLz**
(Joplin, Springfield, St. Louis, AnYwhErE U R.. MoKs InOut/24/7)
### dONt MiSs tHe hOtTeSt bLoNdE bOmBsHeLL iN tHe MiDwEsT!! ### aLLi fRoM tHe VaLLeY iS bAcK ### - 20
Wed 08 Jan
LooKinG 4 a RELAXING excape!!!! BeST LIPS & TonGUE in MIDWEST!!! HURRY !!! DONT miss OUT!!! - 38
(St. Louis, Cahokia)
SEXY WHITE GIRL! I promise you'll want more! I'm the best in the Midwest! HUGE TITS & JUICY LIPS! - 23
(70 & Hanley- PRIVATE RESIDENCE, St. Louis)
BEAUTIFUL MODELS wanted ( TOURING ) Minneapolis, Kansas City, St Louis , Dallas, Houston - - 18
Tue 07 Jan
TReaT YOuRsElF To Some oF thE BeSt In THe mIdWeSt !!!early or late - 24
(St. Louis, incals airport/outcalls Mae vary)