Thu 09 Jan
### dONt MiSs tHe hOtTeSt bLoNdE bOmBsHeLL iN tHe MiDwEsT!! ### aLLi fRoM tHe VaLLeY iS bAcK ### - 20
!!CC!! Come C... I've Added All The Pics That I've Got Of Me Since I Started Hope U ENJOY!! $100in - 29
(15-25 min from U!!)
!!CC!! !! ONLY 100$ for a hhr INCALL of ALL the T.L.C...C... You can Handle!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from YOU!!)
!!CC!! WORKING & READY RIGHT NOW! !!ONLY!! 100$ for hhr incall - 29
(20min From just about anywhere YOU are)
Wed 08 Jan
60$-qv🚨🌟.1OO%REAL DEAL CALi👅EXOTiC █ 42DD Playmate - 22
(St. Louis, St.Louis City. (Off the 44) Forest Park)
IM BAAAAACK Hot Sexy n ready for you daddy !!! YoUr WiSh is My Command !! SPECIALS ALL NITE - 33
UP EARLY visiting im the perfect One SexY is BaCk HOT CHICK special 5 STAR - 24
♥ U WANT THiS (¯`.°. ★ .° PRETTY PERFECT EVERYTHiNG °. ★ .°.´¯) LoOk ♥ - 23
(St. Louis, THREE-H OR TWO-1/2H)
Toya & Brittany Are Here To Please ***Come Join Us 4 Sum Fun Tonite **In & Out Calls** - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown St.Louis)
*¨¨*- :☆:-*the right curvs *-: ☆ :-*¨¨*. guys-: sexy KIMI :-*¨¨*WIT FRIENDS - 22
(St. Louis, downtown outcall)
The HOTTEST GIRLS In St. Louis Would Love To STR0KE You...Hot, Slick Hands ALL Over Your Body!!! - 19
(((((((( Smoking HOT REDHEAD ))))) **** ((YOUNG Wett NAUGHTY Hottie)) **** 1ooHalf hr SPECIALS - 20
(s t l o u i s)
* SHOW ME * Do ya WannA have a "FUN TIME" with a Sweet "GEORGIA PEACH"*"100" Full UnRushed HalF * - 39
(Chesterfield (in) OUT all over, St. Louis)
$$$$Specials * Black Diamond * $$$$Specials 9016208252 *Black Diamond* - 21
(St. Louis, St.Louis/ St.Ann/ Airport area)
________***Ms. WET DREAM - (J. LeWiNsKy) 4 the man on the go-($50 -$90 SPECIALS ALL DAY)*** - 23
(St. Louis)
★My AiiM is To Please! !! CoME Join Me :-* BiGG BooTy★¤Ebony¤ BoMbshell ★FetiiSh FrieNdLy ★- - 21
(North County, North County iincall)
*¨¨*- :☆:-* last thing left to giv*-: ☆ :-*¨¨* sexy KIMI :-*¨¨* tasy and sweet - 22
(St. Louis, outcall anywhere incall airport)
!! It's Ur Girl !!CC!! Hope U Enjoy This Post!! !! 100$ hhr INCALLS!! - 29
(Prolly about 20 min from anywhere you ar)
♡♡♡ ,,, hey its tiny I'm available now call me , I missed st.Louis , ask about 2 girl special♡♡♡ - 25
(St. Louis, st.Louis surrounding areas outcalls only)
*¨¨*- :☆:-* happy time is allways better with KIMMI *-: ☆ :-*¨¨*relax an unwind - 22
(St. Louis, outcall 150hr incall airport)
*:.? :*¨¨*::* come spend your memorial weekend with chelle 100 SPECIAL ☆*¨ ¨*:.:*' '* - 20
(~❤~ AIRPORT ~❤~ off I-70)
!!CC!! I'm UP and READY!! call b4 NOON get 20$ off regular 100$ hhr incalls - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-20min from anywhere you)
(¯`★´¯) -:¦:- CiNdYs NeW -:¦:- SeXxy HoT & AvaiLaBle -:¦:- (¯`★´¯) - 21
(North County in/out Calls)
*&^*& Sexy Sweet Miss Vegas & Lovely Miss Rose Marie Here For You *&^*& - 24
(St. Louis, Illinois 125 hr / 80 hr)
$ START A NEW CAREER BECOME AN ESCORT $$$$ You can solve all your financial problems making money - 22
(St. Louis)
Attention Escorts! Come to London, England and Make BIG Money! We pay Travel. - 40
(St. Louis, London, UK)
♥♥♥♥Cherry and honey ♡♡♡♡ call us NOW we ready to have some creamy juicy fun ALL WELCOME!!!!! - 22
(St. Louis, saint Louis Missouri and alton Illinois)
*YOUNG BLUE EYED BLOND ** I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale - 19
..xXx.. SwEeT AND WeT GrEeN EyEd ViXeN,WANNA TASTE ..xXx.. ???????
WOW Spanish with Big booty MISS Selena $80 Special !!! Hot Fun new video - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown St. Louis (Upscale Hotel))
"UPSCALE '' [[b e a 'utiful]]''.._ BLONDE❤FOREST PARK incall SPECIALS - 24
(St. Louis, ••• SAFE & CLEAN INCALL •••)
UP LATE specials for IN/OUT look no Further 5 STAR BEAUTY is here SEXY - 23
two hott too handle and sizzling when its two of us, so come cool us OFF!! 2girl fun - 20
(in/airport-out anywhere)
Wanna get LUCKY !?!! prior friends 150 special /or/a double take ITALIAN SAMM - 37
(north co/STL/in/out/Mo.ONLY only)
★ LuNcHtImE Specials; ALL INCLUSIVE Today With This CUTIE ★ - 19
SPECIALS im back look SEXY PICS hot Chick 5 Star NaUGHTY Hottie here 4 U - 24
STL'S LeWiNsKy-NeW, sExy, EbOnY provider-NEW NUMBER!!! ($50 - $90 SPECIALS!!) 10:30am-9:00pm - 23
Sensual BBW ★♥★ 65$ SPCL Kock Worship Fetish ★♥★ - 24
(St. Louis, airport area/St Charles incall + outcall)
Sexy Brunette VIP PlayMate Visiting 1-4 SO HURRY .. OLD N NEW PHOTOS Young WELL REVIEWED REAL GIRL - 21
°..-:¦:-° Sapphire ♥ Hot & SeXxy ♥ New Pics °..-:¦:-° & two LaDy SpEciaL!! - 22
(Stl IN/OUT)
NEW PICS {☆} CoMe TaKe A SeXxXy PeRsoNaL ShOwEr WiTh ★* C H R i S T i n A * ★* - 19
NOW HIRING $ text 802-783-0901 every little bit helps - 24
(St Louis - South City, in south city white girls needed)
NEW VIP UPSCALE PROVIDER.... WELL REVIEWED .. Young Sexy Anglo/Puerto Rican mix!!! Visiting YOU! - 21
(Airport Area //// Outcalls As Well)
💄🎀New Hott Latina ! ♥💕 BUSTY ♥💕 Exotic♥💕 NEW ! ♥💕 👛Visiting❤💄🎀 - 29
(St. Louis, Downtown Union Station)
NEW IN TOWN!! Beautiful Curvy Polish VEGAS VIXEN visiting from the city of sin!! Dont miss me!!! - 24
(South County, South County in OUT all Over)
Last Night Here Now Is Your Chance $80 In Call Special All Night Well Reviewed Hot Busty Blonde!!!
(Airport In Call / Out Call All Over)
lAlA is the girl that will have you coming back for more busty Latina $1OO all day - 29
(St. Louis, caseyville il /stlouis)
Late Niight ¡¡¡ ...A1 √ Viixen on Duty... ~Sugar Babiie~ ... Clean && Professiional + Classy - 22
(St. Louis, incomiing/outgoiing)