Mon 27 Jan
MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS Play TWiCE 4 NOTHiNG XTRA new nude pics4ddd brunnet& New 44ddBlond 314-532-1824 - 30
(St. Louis, SameSafeLocation6yrsStLouisAreaNOdrama)
💕💎UPSCALE Playmate👑 €x₱€RI€NC€ the BEST BLONDE!!💎R€AL PICS 💋All American ☎ AVAILABLE NOW 💕💎 - 24
(St. Louis, Your place or mines)
☆ ____ * S_ I _ M_ P_ L _ Y * ______ * The *______ B _ E _ S _ T____ ☆ - 21
((Quick 80$$pecial)) *°Sexy. Surprising. Seductive°* FeTiSh FrIeNdLy & BaCkYaRd *2GIRL AVAILABLE* - 19
(St. Louis, St. Louis Lambert Airport)
•••► PERFECT ➓True BluE Blonde☆CowGirl, * ALWaYS _The_ BeST _ CHoiCE ☆ == ★ - 22
(St. Louis, Incalls held by airport)
@@Pleasure at Its Finest !!! Five Star Companion!!! Finally Someone Worth Reviewing@@
(area wide outcall/incall)
oX _ ☆ GoRgEoUs ( *SeXy BlOnDe* ) ♥ ExTrA N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ( * ThE BeST * ) ☆ _ Xo - 27
(St. Louis, Airport - 270 & N. Lindbergh- Hazelwood)
*******Now That Family Time Is Over Lets Get" YOU" Ready 4 The Week!!*****100% Real Pics*****
(Areawide Outcall /Incall)
Now 3 MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS! 48DD-25-34 & 44DDNew Blonde New Pics 7am-5pm NO TEXTS/blocked calls - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis area & Ill NoTexts/blockedCalls)
Now 3 WORLD FAMOUS MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS all DDs! Special Today! 7am-6p 314-532-1824 no texts/ blocked - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis&surrounding; areaNoTexts/blocked)
*******Now That Family Time Is Over Lets Get" YOU" Ready 4 The Week!!*****100% Real Pics*****
(Areawide Outcall/ Incall)
💦💋💦Høtt ♥W€tt ♥T¡Ght ♥R¡Ght 💦B€lla BoO💋 AcC€pt¡N IñCäll ÄpP & Døñāt¡øñs 💋3142652466/5733525006 - 22
(Florissant MO, St. Louis)
((√HANDS D0WN!)) {{THE BEST All AMERICAN BlOnDE }} HIghly Reviewed - 22
(St. Louis, NORTH COUNTY.. Airport)
~*X-TrA sPEcIALs ALL DaY*~ ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD!!*~ ~*X-TrA SpeCiALS ALL NigHT*~ - 18
=♥= HaPpY HaLLoWeEn ... ThE BeSt BlOnDe =♥= InDePeNdEnT & ReViEwEd =♥= - 27
(St. Louis, Airport /Incall/North/Hazelwood)
ExOtiC BloNdE~*~*___(((LeT Me BE ThE ♥ D I F F E R E N C E ♥ IN YOUR DAY!!*))) _TruLy BeaUtiFuL - 24
(St. Louis, Upscale INCALL • 24hrs•)
FORGET the REST ➜© ° SCORE with THE BEST! ☑ Dripping WETT Blonde 1OOhhr Specials
(Up all Night ST LOUIS)
Exotic TAN Blonde Get The { Best For Less! ! ! !} call now 636-465-5957 - 26
(St. Louis, 270 / HAZELWOOD)
E _ X _ O _ T_ I _ C _ °_ YOUNG _ _ H _ O _ T _ T _ I _E 125$ 15 min specials - 21
(♥IN/OUT 270/64)
Eva is YOUR flavor! Blonde👅 Best Service! Enticing & XxXciting experience! Upscale - 24
(St. Louis, STL)
****** Beautiful ****** Busty ****** Blonde ****** 314-312-1203 - 38
(St. Louis, close to 70,40,270,364)
💦👍B£lla 👍💦Blond£ 👍 P£tit£💦 ~·~ §P€CIAL§~·~ToDa¥ ONL¥ §pecial§� 573.352.5006 - 22
(270 & New Halls Ferry, St. Louis)
@Banana Split Anyone??? Toppings Optional Mouth Watering Delight@ Up All Night!!!100% Real Pics@@
(Areawide Outcall / Incall)
available now! *sexy, blonde ready to please! #Best in the business! - 20
(St. Louis, St Louis area)
@And Who Said Praying Doesnt Work?@ Finally An Upscale Provider With 100% Real Pics - 25
(area wide outcall upscale incall)
🍭 After Work Treat 💕 Ready NOW ✨ [ No RUSH ] 😍 Blonde Bombshell 👸 Just Visitng!!! 100% Quality - 69
(St. Louis, ★★★★★ AIRPORT ★★★★★)
💋✨¢all SpaRkl€!!!¡¡¡¡!!! 40qv 80hh 140hr W€€k€nd $p€¢ial$ - 22
(St. Louis, Benton Park INCALLS ONLY)
75$ (the best)blonde .yes 100% LeT ME FiNiSh What YOUR EyEs StArTeD %417-327-0918%% - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis mo airport)
ALL NiGHT SpeCiALs ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD*~ ~* & He SAiD NO GeNeRiCS!!*~ - 22
(Airport/ I-70)
((60$$pecial)).. *°Sexy. Surprising. Seductive°* FeTiSh FrIeNdLy & BaCkYaRd - 19
(St. Louis, St. Louis Lambert Airport)
$40 $60/80 SpECIaL !!! Too HoT To HaNdLe SeXy BlONDE!!! THE BEST YOU EVER HAD !!! - 28
(St. Louis, Your Lap/In Call Only !!)
$80 SpEcIaLs !! ViSiT My one Blonde CaNdY ShOp!! TaStE ThE SwEeTnEsS !! SpEcIaLs !! - 25
(St. Louis, il/mo)
$40/$60/$80 !!! **NeW PiCs !!! **YoUr FrEaKy Lil SeCrEt !!!** - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
$40/$60/$80 !!! **NeW PiCs !!! **YoUr FrEaKy Lil SeCrEt !!!** StL Best SUPER FrEaK!!! - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
$50WOW WOW$50~*WhATS YouR FaNTaSY?!!*~ ~*i CaN ReaLLy MaKe YouR DReaMS CoMe TrUe!!!!*~$50 WOW WOW$50 - 18
(***Airport Area***)
$40/$60/$80 !! Im The PERfect hot N Steamy BloNDe! Dip Me in Your Hot LiQuILD - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
$40/$60/$80 !! NeW PiCs Im The PERfect hot N Steamy BloNDe! Dip Me in Your Hot LiQuILD - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
1OO IN CALL with a Hot @ss Blonde get the{best for less} call now 636-465-5957 - 26
$40/$60/$80 !!! **NeW PiCs !!! **YoUr FrEaKy Lil SeCrEt !!!** FrEaKy FrIdAYs Best SUPER FrEaK!!! - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
* HOT Blonde * ______ * best EYE CANDY you have ever seen * ... So come TOUCH! - 21
(St. Louis, Airport are INCALL ONLY)
Sexy, Southern Misty now in North County. 🌹100 hh special - 19
(St. Louis, North county incall only)
Sexy, Southern Misty now in North County! Today only! 🍭🍦🍪 - 19
(North county Incall only, St. Louis)
💦💋💦L€t M€ F¡N¡§h ₩hAt ¥oUr €¥€§ §tArT€d🍆💦B€lla BoO§ 🍆💋§uP€r §oAk€r §p€¢¡Al§💋🍆 314.265.2466 - 22
(Florissant MO, St. Louis)
727.219.8044•~•∆•~• NEW PICS •~•∆•~• Petite✦✦ ☆ BLoNde ☆ ✦✦ BOMBSHELL ☆ Best H£ad in TOWN!!!! - 22
(St. Louis, SouthCity.IN&Outcalls;(Certain Locations))
💦💋💦T¡R€d Of ThRoW¡nG UR Hott DoG DoWn A HallWa¥??🍆💦B€lla BoO§ 🍆💋 §p€¢¡Al§💋🍆 314.265.2466p - 22
(Florissant MO, St. Louis)
♛ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♛ Firty Blonde Babe Bubble Booty Michelle Sweets♛♛♛ Come see me and/ or my friend Jennifer - 24
(St. Louis, downtown 😄)
Sat 11 Jan