Mon 27 Jan
°° RoSeS ArE ReD VioLeTs ArE BLuE ~ GeNtLeMeN CoMe LeT ThiS BLuE EyEd BeAuTy CaTeR To YoU °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
°° OfTeN ImiTaTeD °° NeVeR DuPLiCaTeD °° So CaLL Me NoW GeNtLeMeN OnLY PleAsE °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
NEW ((( SeXy BlOnDe ))) -----LOCAL -----AND ::::::::::: INDEPENDENT ::::: - 21
(Airport Area or your place)
Hey Gentlemen! Don't be Disappointed again; Call Me! Specials for today only! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
For a Fantastic Friday with a Fabulous Female; Perfect Playmate and Companion - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Enjoy an Excellent Erotic Encounter with a Seductive Sweetheart - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
For an Excellent Erotic Encounter with a Lovely and Luscious Lady - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
°° EvErY BoYs WisH ° EvErY MaNs FaNTaSy °° AnD EvErY HuSbAnDs SeCreT ° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
👉🆕❗Arrival 💋Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD💕❗№➊ MiX 🇱🇦🇹🇮🇳 🇦 Goddess💕👙SLiM NIC B⭕⭕TY 🚨PReTTy GirL ALeRt🚨 - 22
Add Some Erotic Excitement to an Otherwise Boring Monday!! I'm a Fun, Fabulous, & Frisky Female! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Sun 12 Jan
♥ ♥ Tantalizing Temptress ♥ The Perfect Playmate; Try Me; I'm Delicious!!! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
♥ ♥ Tantalizing Temptress ♥ The Perfect Playmate; Try Me; I'm Delicious!!! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
°° ItS GeTTinG PreTTy CoLd OuTsiDe So CoMe LeT ThiS SeXii BruNeTTe WarM YoU Up °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
Sat 11 Jan
X * O * X * O * SWEET~ But~ Oh~ So~BAD *** Sexy& Petite Beauty With DANGEROUS Curves X * O * X * O * - 24
(St. Louis, Airport Incall or your place)
Looking for an Excellent Erotic Encounter with a Seductive Sweetheart? Look no further... - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
°°WARNING°° BeaUtiFuLL BLuE EyEd BruNeTTe HiGhLy AddiCTiVe So PrOCeeD WiTh CaUTioN °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
Sweet * Sexy * Sensual * Sensational * Satisfying I am what you're looking for! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Come to your Happy Place! I'm here to Exceed all your Erotic Expectations! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Another Monotonious Monday? Change yours to Magical with a Luscious and Lovely Lady!!! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Fri 10 Jan
SUPER SEXY leaving soon with Great SPECIALS look no further SEXY J is here 4 u - 24
Thu 09 Jan
Ultimate Erotic Companion; Make this Beautiful Day all about YOU! I'll make u Smile - 30
(St. Louis, Near the airport or your place)
Sweet * Sexy * Sensual * Sensational * Satisfying I am what you're looking for! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
♥ ♥ Tantalizing Temptress ♥ The Perfect Playmate and Sensual Companion - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Tired of Being Disappointed? Then Look no Further; I'm One of the Best! Excellent Erotic Encounter! - 30
(St. Louis, Near the Airport or your place)
Make this Beautiful Day all about YOU with an Excellent Erotic Encounter!!! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Wed 08 Jan
want the stripper experinace with out everyone else around?? 15O special TODAY - 21
(airport or your place)
°WeLL KnOwN TrUsTeD PrOviDeR TaKinG Appt'S UntiL 8pm So DoNt SettLe 4 ThE ReSt U DeSeRvE ThE BeSt° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
NEW PICS»«IM __W_A_Y _____T_O_O _____G__o__O__D _____T_O _____M_I_S_S __ »« - 19
100% REAL PICS♥ .¸.´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥ PeTiTe .´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ .¸.´¯* - 23
(St. Louis, Airport incall or your place)
LuNcHtImE -- C*u(mMm) UnLoaD oN tHis TiGhT, ("w.E.t"] , WaRm , sLiPpErRy ! - 19
Don't be Disappointed Again; Call Me! Sweet, Sensual, and Sexy! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Tue 07 Jan
(♥) TOO HoTTO HaN DLe ➜ ((* eXcLuSiVe *)) SeXy SeDuCtiVe HoT BLonDE*.. - 23
(St. Louis, airport discreet incall ---OR your place)
***Beautiful all natural BLONDE Playmate**** (((** Available EaRLy or LaTe **)) - 23
(Airport or Your place)
Sun 05 Jan
°° SuGaR N' SpiCe & EveRyTHiNg NiCe ° If YoU TrY Me OnCe, You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
~* St. LoUiS Is HomE Of ThE BesT BaSeBaLL TeaM & Me ThE #1 GurL On B.P So DonT WaiT CaLL NoW *~ - 23
(St. Louis, Airport or Your Place)
🙋🏼☝🏼️☝🏼 ߀S† Ø F TH€ ߀S† •(S W € € †*† R € Å †)SAT¡SF¥ °Y Ø U R° NAuGHT¥ ©RAV¡NGS W¡th M€ 👌🏼👍🏼😍 - 24
(St. Louis, Airport / Downtown or your place)
Best SpECIALs LAbor DaY Weekend deals SEXY JAZZI is back by Demand 5 STAr - 24
Sat 04 Jan
°°Mz KyLiE SkYe°° ThE BeSt In ThE MiDweSt °° TaKiNg AppTs UnTiL 8pm ° CheCk OuT My ReVieWs °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
____ * ____ * 100 * SPECIAL 100 *____* AVAILABLE NOW * ____ * INCALL SPECIAL * 100 * ____ * ____ - - 21
(Airport Area or your place)
Fri 03 Jan
Sugar and Spice; and Nice - Don't let the weather keep you from this Special Gift!!! - 30
(Near the Airport or your place)
Thu 02 Jan