Sun 12 Jan
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** OuTcALl/ InCaLl AvAiLaBlE - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand)
Sat 11 Jan
**Veronica Is Waiting 4 You To Come Play!! Call Me NOW!!*****Low Rates & Extended Hours*** - 33
(St. Louis, eureka)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** In/Out AlWaYs AvAiLaBlE - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
**NEW #**Nude, Sensual Massage By Petite Doll....very EROTIC IN/OUT 314 536 1311 - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
🇺🇸🎉Are you ready to see fireworks?🇺🇸🎉 SUPER SUMMER SPECIALS EVERY DAY! Private Studio! AVAILABLE 24/7 - 23
(St. Louis, Downtown/ South City- Private Studio)
** Sensual Erotic Fully Nude Massages Given By petite beauty Always :) endng !!! 3145361311 IN/OUT - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** iNcALl/OuTcAlL zAlWaYs AvAiLaBlEz - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
LAST DAY Visiting Let Me relax you with warm hypoallergenic Lotion WithOUT DIPPING INTO THE TABOO - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis Upscale Galleria In-Calls)
Fri 10 Jan
Spine tingling toe curling Wed... specials w/ camden 💋💙!!3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall Eath City Area -, St. Louis)
** Sensual Erotic Fully Nude Massages Given By petite beauty !!! 3145361311 IN/OUT - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
IMA TAKE YOU TO PARADISE... HOTTEST BODY RUBS around 130h/r. Deluxe Body Rubs Available - 34
(St Louis - Central West End, central west end)
Body Waxing for the Particular Individual !! ~$60~ - 24
(St. Louis, Illinois-Fairview Heights-Loft Suite)
❤ REDHEAD ❤ ❤ ❤SPECIAL •✿• »AMAZING HEIGHTS☎-★»•✿• ❤SEXY❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ » ❤•✿• : NURU ❤•✿• St Charles - 30
(St Charles INCALL, St. Louis)
Thu 09 Jan
Tantalizing Friday specials & QV incall Specials💋💗3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall St. Louis Airport Area -, St. Louis)
VIP Pampering Five Star Sensual Massage by an Exquisitly Sexy Masseuse - 23
(St. Louis, Arsenal & 55)
SwEeT & PeTiTe SuRe 2 MaKe U ReLaX NuDe MaSsAgEs GiVeN hErE>> AsK AbOuT ToDaYs InCaLl RaTe
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
〓【❤ $60 SEXY RUBDOWN ❤】〓【36DDD Busty Michelle】〓【 PROSTATE】〓【 SHOWER & TABLE Available】〓 - 24
B€lla °~°~° Blonde & Cute What MORE Can You Ask For 314-265-2466 - 22
(North County / INcall ONLY, St. Louis)
❤ $60 AVAILABLE NOW ❤ Sexy Erotic Fun!❤ Come Party w/ a BUSTY BLONDE BEAUTY ❤ - 23
(St. Louis, South City Private Residence)
$60 MARDI GRAS SPECIAL! Let me rub you the right way! $60 AVAILABLE ALL NIGHT! must see!!!! - 23
(St. Louis, South City Private Residence)
Wed 08 Jan
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** iNcALl/OuTcAlL - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
Tue 07 Jan
Tantalizing Thursday night outcall specials & QV incall Specials💋💗3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall St. Louis Airport Area -, St. Louis)
Sultry busty 38FF/30/39 blond Private Dancer 4 erotic fun in STL 4/8-11 - 35
(St. Louis, St. Louis MO, April 8-11 check the dates)
Temptation Thursday – Sexy & Sensual Relaxation... 💋💙!!3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall Eath City Area -, St. Louis)
~*~*~ 87% *~ER*o*T_I~c ~*&~* HEy bOYS/ GENTLEmen **~*~* NeW VIdEO
(** may I invite some information?? *** mycharity: *** for any interests in helping in any water crisis...They offer drilling... **)
Are you stressed? Come see me let these hands work all that tention out!! - 25
(St. Louis, Fenton area)
〓【❤ $60 EROTIC RUBDOWN ❤】〓【36DDD Busty Michelle】〓【 PROSTATE】〓【 SHOWER & TABLE Available】〓 - 24
(St. Louis, SOUTH CITY- 24/7 @ MY PLACE!)
〓【❤ $60 EROTIC MASSAGE ❤】〓【36DDD Busty Molly】〓【 PROSTATE】〓【 SHOWER & TABLE Available】〓 - 22
(St. Louis, JEFFERSON & 44- Incall Only!)
Mon 06 Jan
**Come Have Fun With VERONICA!* Call Me NOW 4 Rainy Day Low Rates** I'm Working Extended Hours!** - 33
(St. Louis, eureka)
Sun 05 Jan
B€lla °~°~° £arl¥ BiRd $p£¢ial$ 314-265-2466 - 22
(North County /Airport Area / INcall ONLY, St. Louis)
Fri 03 Jan
**Come Have Fun With VERONICA!** Call Me NOW 4 Low Rates** I'll Be Working Extended Hours!** - 33
(St. Louis, eureka)
Get away & come play- QV specials 50-15 mn incall only 💙 !!👅3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall St. Louis Airport Area -, St. Louis)
Thu 02 Jan