Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♥o ReLaXing 💋 Body2Body 😚 OiLeD RuBdOwn 👀36DDD All Natural ♥ 100$ - 25
(Airort area Incall, St. Louis)
NEW😍 Fun Bubbly Curvy Blonde! Soft hands and Great Smile Ready to Soothe Your Day😘❤️ - 27
(ST CHARLES, St. Louis)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** OuTcALl/ InCaLl AvAiLaBlE - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand)
Sat 11 Jan
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** In/Out AlWaYs AvAiLaBlE - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
**NEW #**Nude, Sensual Massage By Petite Doll....very EROTIC IN/OUT 314 536 1311 - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
4 HAND SPECIAL!! 80 for hlf or 120 / Hr!! 2 Beautiful Ladies For The Price Of 1! Visiting from AZ!
(St. Louis)
** Sensual Erotic Fully Nude Massages Given By petite beauty Always :) endng !!! 3145361311 IN/OUT - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** iNcALl/OuTcAlL zAlWaYs AvAiLaBlEz - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
°• ♥o ReLaXing Body2Body °•°o°• OiLeD RuBdOwn •°o°• 36DDD All Natural •°o♥ 70$ - 25
(St. Louis, Airort area Incall)
Fri 10 Jan
💕💕💦 Monthly special with STL and OKC's 5* NURU goddess💕💦❤️ - 42
(St. Louis, St. Louis south city downtown)
SEXY Soccer Mom has a Sure Cure for your manic Mon!! DAYTIME SPECIALS - 38
(St. Louis - Soulard, Soulard)
Shhhhhhh!!!! I'll be your dirty little secret ;-) 50/hh 80/hr SPECIAL Today 10-5 - 31
(St Louis - Central West End, Forest park)
SEduCtIve Safe Sexi SpeciAL RATES escape from work and come SEE me Today for a very EROTIC visit!!! - 23
** Sensual Erotic Fully Nude Massages Given By petite beauty !!! 3145361311 IN/OUT - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
IM looking for NEW friends!!! ARE you looking FOR a NEW GIRL? HOT BODY to BODY 314(295)..5325 - 27
(St. Louis, Incall and local outcall)
$100 THIRSTY THURSDAY SPECIAL! 36DDD Local Provider! Soft Hands, Sweet Face, & Sexy Body! - 22
(St. Louis, 44 & Kingshighway- PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
$75 ST. PATTY SPECIAL! 36DDD Local Bombshell! Soft Hands, Sweet Face, & Sexy Body! - 22
(St. Louis, 44 & Kingshighway- PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
4 HAND SPECIAL!! 80 for hlf or 120 / Hr!! 2 Beautiful Ladies For The Price Of 1! Visiting from AZ!
(St. Louis)
Thu 09 Jan
SwEeT & PeTiTe SuRe 2 MaKe U ReLaX NuDe MaSsAgEs GiVeN hErE>> AsK AbOuT ToDaYs InCaLl RaTe
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
$75 FLAT RATE SPECIAL! 36DDD Local Bombshell! Soft Hands, Sweet Face, & Sexy Body! - 22
(St. Louis, 44 & Kingshighway- PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
Wed 08 Jan
>> Body2Body , Shower , Oils , 70$ Massage Specials , 36DDD's , No Rush
(St. Louis, Airport incall (Upscale))
Spine tingling specials that will make your toes curl !!💋3093614232 - 28
(Incall special / out call Airport Area -, St. Louis)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** iNcALl/OuTcAlL - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
Tue 07 Jan