Mon 13 Jan
Silky,soft voluptuous blonde ready to pamper/60/80/100 specialz! - 32
(St. Louis, 70/270/40-all locations)
Sun 12 Jan
💕ʜᎧτ chicK💕 ★ 💕busTy BrUNNeTe💕 ★ 💕aLL NuDE💕 ★ 💕B2b💕 ★ 💕MuTuaL RuB💕 ★💕$80 HOUR💕 - 34
** Let Me Be The Sunshine In Your Day!! ** Amazing hands, Beautiful Heart. Relaxing Studio! - 26
(Kansas City)
"Moroccan Merlot" is Better than Morning Coffee!! - 23
(St. Louis, Mobile Outcalls/Occasional Incall in IL)
Ready For Ultimate EROTIC MASSAGE?!! ..Slick Pleasure & Gorgeous Girls!! MORNING INCALLS AVALIABLE! - 19
Pretty face with a curvy athletic body to match. you won't regret an apt with me! - 23
(St. Louis, stl and surrounding areas)
*** Relaxation is My Specialty -- Enjoy a Wonderful Massage with Attractive Female*** - 45
(St. Louis and surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
**New Pics*** Triple D's Waiting To Please... U Can See Me In any Of My Sexy Lingerie Also!! - 25
(St. Louis, St.louis)
💋👯💋Thrill me Thursday!! !💄Endulge w/ a blonde, busty bunny! incall Soulard/outcall STL !💋💋👯g - 36
(Incalls Soulard /out STL surround, St. Louis)
The HOTTEST GIRLS In St. Louis Would Love To STR0KE You....Can You Handle Us??? - 19
The Girls Next Door Are Famous For A Reason! Gorgeous NEW Girls, And The Hottest EROTIC Massage!! - 19
(Our STL Private Incall Studios/ Outcalls)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *DallaS:*: LeT's ToUcH ? :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - - - 26
(St. Louis, In/OutCalls !!*24/7*!! *West County!!)
Slick, Hot ...EROTIC Pleasure With St. Louis Most Elite Team Of Gorgeous Girls!!!! - 19
Gorgeous Blonde ANGEL Is New With THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR, And MAYA Now Has Cozy Incalls!! - 19
(Our STL Private Incall Studios/ Outcalls)
38 DD blonde busty baby $60/$80$/$100 Hrd wrkn man pampering! 100 out! - 32
(St. Louis, airport area,in/ dwntwn STL,airport out)
You've Heard About Our Gorgeous Girls....Now Can You Handle Our Hot, Slick, Hands All Over You??? - 19
-:-TreAt YouRseLF To A SeNsUaL, SeXii, StReSS ReLiEvEiNG MaSSaGe WitH A TrUsTeD BeAuTiFuLL WoMaN-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
Welcome To My World Of ENDLESS PLEASURES! Mature Woman Offering SENSUAL EROTIC visits! Real Photos! - 53
(St. Louis, OUTCALLS!)
Escape to a World of FUN & EROTIC PLEASURE - RELEASE the Stress! See What All The FUSS Is About! - 50
(St. Louis, Upscale Incall - Metro East)
HOT and SEXY come and GET IT ***314 -221 -6974 I would like to do something special all out calls ++ - 23
(St. Louis, St louis airport area)
!Busty,blonde, bunny ready to pamper u!!$Last Chance!moving!$60,80,100! - 35
(St. Louis, St.Charles,Ofallon MO,downtown,airport)
Busty,Blonde bunny /Warm u up baby! $60in specialz! - 32
(St. Louis, 70/270/40-in,St,Chas,Ofallon/air/dwntwn)
come let me work those difficult areas :-) 80$ Specials ;) TAKING APPTS NEW # - 22
(St. Louis, Ten Mins 4rm Dwntwn STL On The IL Side.)
*** DoNt SPeNd ThIs HolIdAy ALoNe! *** $100 ** ThAnKsGiViNg ** $p3c!@l -------> !Nc@LL$ - 24
!Busty,blonde, bunny ready to pamper!Tittilating Tues! 60,80,100! - 35
(St. Louis, St.Charles,Ofallon MO,downtown,airport)
314-537-6303 We have Two girl specials ,We are Mya & Cassy CALL US NOW ,BEST MASSAGE EVER - 22
(St. Louis, stl)
STOP!! Get Your Presidential Package Here!! New Pics!! - 28
(St. Louis, Private Forest Park Incall/Outcalls)
❝ʜᎧτ chicK ✫ busTy ✬ BrUNNeTe ✫ aLL NuDE ✬ FuᏞᏞ boᎠᎽ mᎪssᎪᎶᎬ ✫ MuTuaL TouCH✬$80 SPECIAL❞ - 34
(Kansas City, ★KCI AIRPORT AREA}★)
Ready for a Relaxing Body Rub Gentlemen .... Come See me im Running Specials All Day!! - 29
(St. Louis, metro east)
Outcall Only 100 dollar outcall special! Tall long legs and a finish that will buckle your knees - 26
(St. Louis, Outcall only mo/il)
Sexyy Sexyy. . Ayisyen * * Body Scrubs Avail* Seeing is Believing * 100% ReaL Satisfying! !! - 27
(St. Louis, Promising *In/OutCallS 70West/ 270 West/)
Ready For Ultimate EROTIC MASSAGE?!! .. Pleasure & Gorgeous Girls!! MORNING INCALLS AVALIABLE! - 19
Fri 10 Jan
Relax! Complete Sensual Full Body Rub or Massage, 2 or 4 Hand Sessions! INcall Or OUTcall
(Near South St Louis)
Sexyy Sexyy. . Nude Ayisyen * * Body Scrubs Avail* Seeing is Believing * 100% ReaL Satisfying! !! - 27
(St. Louis, Promising *In/OutCallS 70West/ 270 West/)
Spoil Yourself This Monday~ Real Stimulating Body Rub Call # 636 -730-0605 !! OutCalls.. 24/7 - 27
(St. Louis, In/OutCalls,!! New Upscale Location/West)
-:-UlTiMaTe EroTiC MaSSaGe W/TruSteD GOrGeoUs GuRL CaLL NoW If YoU WanT My HoT SLicK HanDs On YoU-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
The Girls Next Door Is In St. Louis!! Are You Ready For Us To Get Our Slick Hands All Over You?!
Most SENSUAL Experience Available! EROTIC UNRUSHED Sessions By MATURE Woman! NEW PICS!! - 49
(St. Louis, Upscale Incall - Metro East)
~ hott n horny★simply the best ♥outcalls ¤specials¤ ♥~°well reviewed ~* ©0m c Jazmine~ - 26
(St. Louis, south stl)
The Famous GIRLS NEXT DOOR Can't Wait To Get Their HOT, SLICK Hands ALL Over Your Body...!!! - 19
(STL Private Incall Studios/Outcalls)
~*~TrEaT YouRseLf To My SoFt SeNsUaL TouCh All OveR YouR TiReD AcHinG BoDy AfTeR A LoNg WoRk WeeK~*~ - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area/ Outcalls Available)
You need a break! Real Photos! curvaceous and athletic body. - 23
(St. Louis, stl and surrounding areas)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *DallaS:*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - - - 26
💋💋👯St.Charles Sunday Funday!!! Blonde, busty,bunny/incall Soulard out STL - 36
(Incalls Soulard /out STL surround, St. Louis)
DDBusty ,blonde bunny ready to pamper u Sunday Funday$100 flat special incall ! - 36
(St. Louis, Out/Dwntwn,airport,S.county,in/Soulard)
Gorgeous Girls, Hot, EROTIC MASSAGE,.... and Cozy Incalls or Outcalls!!! We Can't Wait To Meet You! - 19
*****Fall into a Warm Massage This Sunday Afternoon***** - 25
(St. Louis, Plush Loft in Fairview Heights, IL Area)
Busty blonde bunny ready 2 pamper you! Black FRIDAYy Specialz!$$100flat!in - 35
(St. Louis, Out/Dwntwn,airport,S.county,in/Soulard)
38 DD blonde busty baby / Pamper u Thursday specialz! - 32
(St. Louis, Caseyville IL in/dwntwn STL,airport out)
👯💋Busty, blonde, kitten in St.charles $99/ outcall $150 VIP💋 hrs - 36
(hosting in St. Charles in-outcall /allST, St. Louis)
DELICIOUS[√] & DAMN Sexxy[√√] & Oh So SENSUAL 175 [√√] EARTH CITY - 30