Mon 13 Jan
Now DOWNTOWN!! Samantha is available today!! We are Elite St. Louis - 30
(Downtown, St. Louis, West - Creve Coeur)
Sun 12 Jan
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E*-T-) &; (*A* -N- *D*) & (-A- *D*-D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V*-E) - * 24/7* - 22
(270 WEST/OLIVE&141/CHESTERFIELD!!*24/7*!)
Sat 11 Jan
**Veronica Is Waiting 4 You To Come Play!! Call Me NOW!!*****Low Rates & Extended Hours*** - 33
(St. Louis, eureka)
[U]L[T[ I ] M [A]T[E] *!!* Full Body Rub*Sensual *Young *BEAUTIFUL PRECIOUS* 314*479*2643 !! 24/7*!! - 24
[U]L[T[ I ] M [A]T[E] *!!* Full Body Rub*Sensual *Young *BEAUTIFUL LADY * 314*877-9179* !! 24/7*!!
-:-TreAt YouRseLF To A SeNsUaL, SeXii, StReSS ReLiEvEiNG MaSSaGe WitH A TrUsTeD BeAuTiFuLL WoMaN-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
Gorgeous* Sexyyy* Haitian * Queen "Ready for Some *Explosive Slippery Tantric
(St. Louis, West Co. .Discretion is a Must !!)
Exoctic healing hands!11/30-12/15/2015 I am around all the time so just call any time. - 24
(St. Louis, st.louis midtown/downtown)
LAST NiGHT (¿) Even BETTER then it sounds LOVE Lessons By Goddess TANTRA - 48
(IN - ONLY @ 44/ 270)
💋💘🍭🎉38DDD,Blonde,bangin body!!!Sxy $60/ SPECIALZ!!!!💋💘🍭🎉 - 37
(St. Charles in/ out STL surrond., St. Louis)
*** DoNt SPeNd ThIs HolIdAy ALoNe! *** $100 ** ThAnKsGiViNg ** $p3c!@l -------> !Nc@LL$ - 24
-::- §ensual, §eductive, & §timulating full body rub experience given by a blue eyed beauty -::- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area/ OC Available)
All Fetishes All Fantasies All Kinks All The Time. Your True Mistress is READY 24/7 - - 21
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ YOUR SWEETHEART BLONDE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ DIANA ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 314-675-0023 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding area)
** Sexy Full Body Rubs & By,Sexy Ladies!! Just FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !! - 25
(In/Out Calls!! *West of 270 & Olive* Any)
Massage from an angel with HEAVEN in her fingertips! :) BIANCA - 22
(St. Louis, IN/OUT NO BAIT&SWITCH;! ALL ME! 100%)
Fri 10 Jan
Over Promised and Under Delivered Much? Not Here! *Best Girl*, *Best Price* 2 Hour Full Body *$100* - 21
(St. Louis)
We are Samantha and Kaylnn Available today!! - 30
(Creve Coeur, St. Louis, West - Creve Coeur)
-:-UlTiMaTe EroTiC MaSSaGe W/TruSteD GOrGeoUs GuRL CaLL NoW If YoU WanT My HoT SLicK HanDs On YoU-:- - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
Tired of Being Overpromised And UnderDelivered? ONLY $65!Guaranteed Call Back In 5 Min Or It's Free! - 21
(St. Louis)
HOT and SEXY come on fellas!!! .314-629-4181 I would like to do something special for you!!!! - 23
(St. Louis, St louis downtown area)
💋💘🍭🎉38DDD,Blonde,bangin body!!!Sxy SPECIALZ $80!!!💋💘🍭🎉 - 37
(St. Charles in/ out STL surrond., St. Louis)
Want to feel like you're the only thing that matters? We are - 30
(Brentwood or downtown, St Louis - Brentwood, St. Louis)
STOP BY AND UNWIND with a CARAMEL Beauty!! All Day Specials 4 U, CUM 'N Get IT... - 22
(St Charles Rock Rd)
~*~TrEaT YouRseLf To My SoFt SeNsUaL TouCh All OveR YouR TiReD AcHinG BoDy AfTeR A LoNg WoRk WeeK~*~ - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area/ Outcalls Available)
Have you been to the rest and are looking for the best? We are - 30
(Brentwood or Creve Coeur, St Louis - Brentwood, St. Louis)
Find Yourself In Bliss With My Intuitive Hands That Gravitate Where You Need It The Most! - 38
(Clayton Upscale Private Residence, St. Louis)
* BST * In¥igoRatiNg *Seductive Bod¥ * 2 * Bod¥ RuBs * Ever !! * Ready !! 314-387-3770 * 24/7!! - 26
(St. Louis, In/Out !! My Special Garden*West County)
❤ REDHEAD ❤ ❤ ❤SPECIAL •✿• »AMAZING HEIGHTS☎-★»•✿• ❤SEXY❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ » ❤•✿• : NURU ❤•✿• St Charles - 30
(St Charles INCALL, St. Louis)
OverPromised and UnderDelivered? Not Here! Full Two HR Body Rub $100 Guaranteed Call Back In 10 Min - 21
(St. Louis)
*Sexy * Sensual Experience*Plus My Touc...... AVAIL !! FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !! - 26
(In/Out Calls!! 40/141/ Anytime!!!!)
*~ LeT Me RuB YouR STreSS AwAy WitH My SoFt, SeXii, SeNsuaL ToUcH ~* - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Wherever u are)
Thu 09 Jan
sexy energetic ready to give you the hotest massage....... - 28
(St. Louis, st.louis surroundings out calls)
Sweet Southern Belle! Check out my beautiful PEACH! Banging Body and ALWAYS A GOOD TIME! 24/7/365! - 22
(St. Louis, airport area)
Over Promised and Under Delivered Much? Not Here! *Best Girl*, *Best Price* 1 Full Hour *$65* - 21
(St. Louis)
36HHH massage by Voluptuous Beauty.... limited time deal - 29
(St. Louis, Overland 5 mins. from Lambert Airport)
🇺🇸💥🎉38DDD,Blonde,bangin body!!!New hours Thurs after 1 pm,Fri the weekend to Mon nite!🇺🇸💥🎉 - 37
(St. Charles in/ out STL surrond., St. Louis)
Veronica Has Hot Sexy New Pics! I Am Available Now & Working Extended Hours! - 36
(St. Louis, eureka)
100% Real Photos *°o♥o° B _r_ E_a_T _h_T_a_K_i_ N_g -:¦: - W_e_S_t _ Indian - °o♥o°* _ - 23
(St. Louis/Illinois)
Over Promised and Under Delivered Much? Not Here! *Best Girl*, *Best Price* 2 Hour Full Body *$100* - 21
(St. Louis)
*Real* Exotic* Massage* Have a fun night in..With the girl of your dreams - 24
(St. Louis, saint louis metro area)
Wed 08 Jan
~*~TrEaT YouRseLf RiGhT... CoMe EnJoY My SoFt SeNsUaL TouCh All OveR YouR BoDy~*~ - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area/ Outcalls Available)
[U]L[T[ I ] M [A]T[E]T[ *!!* Full Body Rub*Sensual *Young *BEAUTIFUL LADY * 314*877-9179* !! 24/7*!!
*Sexy * Sensual * Body Rubs *....... AVAIL !! FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !!
(In/Out Calls!! 40/141/ Olivie*West*270*!)
ULTIMATE FULL BODY MASSAGE !! CALL ME .. THE BEST!! ♥ Out Calls ♥ ♥ 818-792-3190 ♥ ♥ - 28
(St. Louis, ♥OutCalls♥EVERYWHERE ♡MO & IL♡)
Give Desiree a call for an AMAZING sensual all over body rub!!! (outcall only) - 24
(St. Louis, St Louis out call and surrounding areas)
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ YOUR SWEETHEART BLONDE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ DIANA ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 314-675-0023 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding area)
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ YOUR SWEETHEART BLONDE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ DIANA ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 314-675-0023 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding area)