- Post ID : 4722470
- Poster's age : 21
- City : St. Louis
- Address : uR pLaCe oR MiNe
.°SoO SeDuCTiVe iLl HoLd u CaPTiVe°. - 22
Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 06:05 PM | 1 views
Hey guys, it's me .°Nycole°. I would like to start off by clearing up any doubts; °My PiCTuReS aRe 100% Me I WiLl NoT Be a DiSaPpoiNTMeNt oR a WaSTe oF TiMe!° I would like to tell you more I aM 5'9° 125 lbs° SiZe 34b°. I have LoNg FloWiNg jet bLaCk HaiR and LeGs FoR DaYs. BeaUTy° + iNTeLliGeNce° wRaPpeD uP iN oNe LiTTle PaCkAgE sO SeDuCTiVe° ThaT i'Ll HoLd u CaPTiVe. I have dReaMy bLue eYeS aNd a WoNdeRFuL PeRSoNaLiTy aLoNg WiTH iNTriGuiNg CoNveRSaTiOn. I aM ToTaLlY I am a stunning lady and if u let me; I CaN FuLFiL aNy ThaT YoU HaVe aNd NoT oNly LeaVe You bReaThLeSs BuT YoU WiLl BeCoMe iNFaTuaTeD° WiTh Me. I onLy See cLieNTs wHo aRe cLeaN ReSpeCTFuL GeNTleMeN. I DoN'T pLaY GaMeS So iF You aRe SeRioUs aNd WaNt To SeT aN aPpOiNtMeNt Be SuRe To GeT iN TouCh WiTh Me. I Do NoT aCcePt bLoCkeD CaLlS oR DiScUsS My SeRviCeS oVeR The pHoNe. I aM VeRy DiScReeT oN TiMe aNd aVaiLaBle aNYTiMe. I °pRoMiSe° iF YoU CaLl Me YoU WiLl NoT Be DiSaPpoiNTeD. I aM 100% iNDePeNdeNt° i dRiVe MySeLf° No HaSsle° No BoYFrieNd° JuSt a GreaT TiMe! 2oNe7SeVeN9oNe3FiVe5TwO For further info and rates ViSiT mY WeBsiTe (NeW aN uNdeR CONsTruCTiOn BuT WiLl aNsweR aNy QueSTiOnS u MaY HaVe) barbiewitoutken.escort-site.com bloomington ill escorts,escorts in springfield missouri,eacoets,nc tranny escorts,stlescort,tucson az female escorts,san luis obispo escorts,female escorts in mobile al,saint joseph mo fetish ball,philadelphia trans escorts