Mon 06 Jan
💋BetterThan YOUR LAST💆💋👅💦👀👀💜💙💚 specials tonight💚💙💜👀👀💆👄👅💦🍑✔check ✔👉me👈 out💣💥 - 20
(Downtown / Everywhere, St Louis - Downtown, St. Louis)
BAD GIRLS ESCORTS 24/7 CALL NOW! 314-786-2878 cash or credit! We're Nasty! - 25
(St. Louis, Entire Metro Area)
Sun 05 Jan
●●* Sexy Chocolate Ready To Play♡Out Call Specials ** Available 24/7 ☆☆☆☆ - 23
(Kansas City, kcmo/surrounding area)
💨Smoking💨 🔥Hot🔥Hot🔥Hot🔥 Blonde✨Bombshell ✨💯Real Pics💯 New to area - 25
(Kansas City, NKC Incalls, Outcalls available)
•💘•Sexy Serenity• $50 Incall Special ALL DAY!NEW Pics!!! NEW Number!! •AIRPORT•💘• - 30
(270 and St.Charles Rock Road, St. Louis)
★°° wHaTeVeR iT °ReQuiReS ° i'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs °° ★ - 21
(Call Me/ Available 24/7)
What Are You Waiting For? Get Over Here!!!!! 3146607802 - 45
(St. Louis, between 44 and 55 - off of 270)
Super-busty goddess with some of the BEST reviews in the nation and an AMAZING special!!! -
(St. Louis)
°★° Specials°° C U T E °★° MiXeD °★° B A R B I E - 19
* Special!!!* Dont miss out with a Gorgeous *** Dancer**** 314 737 2136 - 33
(St. Louis, South St. Louis City)
SPECIALS??? let's do it QUIT PLAYING ... BOOK NOW!!!! CHARITY 314...307...5196 - 30
(St. Louis, OUTCALL/INCALL Private Residence)
SPEcIALS(IN or Out)Big Soft Round Booty.Pretty face and Great with my juicy Lips.💋👙🍭 - 23
(North County, St. Louis)
It's the weekday!!! ... IN CALL ... Specials!!! Call Nadia Now 3147034887 - 22
Its a beautiful day! I'd love to have company... *(K)(I)(M)* --ALL day specials-- Call now. - 22
(St. Louis, O'Fallon, IL)
*** {{ FLaWLeSS BeAuTY }} ***__ *S __ E __ X __ X __ X __ Y*__ *** {{ UpsCaLe CoMpaNiOn }} *** - 19
(St. Louis Airport)
-:¦:-° BrAnD SpAnKiN' NeW *-:¦:-° TiGhT SliM EbOnY TrEaT *-:¦:-° LeT Me B Ur "SeCrEt" °-:¦:- - 23
(Norht County- Late Nite Specials)
🌺🌺🌺🌺Brand NEW!!😊🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 SEXY Asian BABY🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺😊►..//FIRST DAY🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 21 - 21
(st charles incall, St. Louis)
♥♥Brunette ♥♥)) (( ♥♥REAL Pics ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥AVAiLABLE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥NOW ♥)) - 24
(St. Louis, st louis in/out)
😘💋💎Blonde Goddess⭐ 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 SexyBody😘💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 CLaSSY 💕 💚🎀💚BaBY - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown In/Out)
Beautiful BOMBSHELL waiting to TEASE and PLEASE you!!! ~ CALL TRIXY NOW!!! - 25
(St. Louis, South St. Louis)
Sat 04 Jan
🎀Pretti 🎀 Brown 🎀 CANDY🍬🌹🎀Prettiest 🎀 Bubble 👅 Booty 🎀 100SPL!!! - 21
(Kansas City, Independence Safe Incall)
💯 A White Man's Dream 💭 And Married💍 Man's Queen 👑Chicago🌁 Finest Nadia 312-631-0204 - 26
(St. Louis, STL airport area)
(¯`'• YOUR ★ *•-: SEXY ★ *•-: LITTLE ★ *•-: SECRET ★ *•- FUN ★ *•- BUSTY ★ new pics - 31
(St. Louis, Illinois /stl)
——————[[ VIS!TING ONLY ]] —————————[[ PERFECT BODY ]] —————————[[ PRETTY FACE ]] ———— - 21
(St. Louis, *Downtown Incall Only*)
~~~~~~~~~~ Stephanie Here For Your Pleasure!!! 25, White, 42DDs, Shaved & Very Clean!!! ~~~~~~~~~~ - 25
(St. Louis, Out-Call Only)
SPecials Right NOW!! This Hot Brunette is ready. (See New Number) - 32
(St. Louis, St. Louis AND Illinois)
Start your week off RIGHT! Renay is up and ready to play! - 45
(St. Louis, between 44 and 55 - off of 270)
{SUPER} {STACKED} GORGOUES MILF ******* AVAILABLE *** NOW *** 200hh Special ********** - 32
(St. Louis, ( St. Charles) private res.)
St.Louis's "Hot Italian Lover"-Samm 314*345* 0513 24/7- ask b4 noon special - 37
(private incall STL/or your safe place)
°°Mz KyLiE SkYe°° ThE BeSt In ThE MiDweSt °° TaKiNg AppTs UnTiL 8pm ° CheCk OuT My ReVieWs °° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area or Your Place)
🔥—☰—✨—B€ÅUTIFUL ❥ 😽—☰— Bombshell😽AbSΘLUtELy❥ AMAZi₦G ✨—☰—🔥 PLAyMAtE❥✨—☰—🔥🅐🅥🅐🅘🅛🅐🅑🅛🅔 ❥✨—☰—🔥SeXy❥ - 26
(St. Louis, Upscale downtown)
Beautiful + UPSCALE + Playmate + The BEST in the MIDWEST GUARANTEED!!! - 25
(Airport area, St. Louis)
($60 Special) ☆ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ UpScaLe REDbone MANGO **1OO% SEXY B0MBSHELL!!! ♥ ¸ - 20
(St. Louis, St Louis)
2 is wetter then 1 xoxoox Hurry for 2 girl special tonight ONly! xoxoxox - 24
(Anywhere U want us!! or granite city)
Fri 03 Jan
♥ Want A GREAT Time With A GORGEOUS Girl Who Will Make It ALL About YOU? *SPECIALS* ♥ - 23
(St. Louis, outcall only- StL Metro)
early morning afternoon specials for you! stl finest lovely upscal pleasure!!!CALL now!!! - 22
(Downtown only/ outcalls ok)
💋Nadia💋....Let's Have a XxXplosive,XxXciting, XxXquisite Time💦👅 ..(314)489-3984 - 23
(St. Louis, 5 mins away from arch)
♛♥ M!®®ØR M!®®ØR ØN TH€ WALL o★o WHا TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL ♥♛ GReaT SPeCiaLS!! - 33
(St. Louis, Incall/Outcall)
LOVE RESPECTFUL and well groomed GENEROUS Professional Men 🌟Great Attitude🌟Discreet ❤Sorry No Afr - 22
(St. Louis, Incalls County area)
💫🔷 I'm REAL💕 & 💕HigHLY ReVIeWed🔷✨💫🔷DonT✨ CheAt ✨YouRselF🔷💫🔷💫TreaT ✨YouRSelF💫🔷💜2girl - 35
(il, St. Louis)
💖In or Out 💚✨💖 ADdiCTiVE 💚✨💖 PetiTe boMbSheLL 💚✨AmaZingLy SkiLLED 💖STOP TAKE A LOOK👀👀💋🎥📹🎥 exotic Blonde - 25
(St. Louis)
✌If you ThInK ⇊ "SHE" ⇈ Looks Good ✌ → → √You'll LoVe US√! 👅2Girl SpECiAlS!!!👅 - 22
ღ HOT `*~*` TWO GIRL ♥SPECIAL "*" ♥ `~` FT. MIA ღ New Location♥ °*° ჩ - 30
(St. Louis, st. Louis /outcalls)
FIVE STAR- COMPANIONS Best VIP Escorts, Gorgeous Girls, Luxury Incalls Contact Us @ 1-800-561-4804 - 24
(St. Louis)
Brittany •••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★ SExY SeCrET !!!! ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▀▄▀-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▀ - 22
♥★♥ BEST BBW IN STL ♥★♥ Hot n Horny... Fetish?... Fantacies?... call me NOW !!! - 24
(St. Louis, airport area/ incall + outcall)
Beware JENNA is a FAKE on the AD Froom Last night this is BRIDGETTE and sh is using my PICTURES!
(This Girl using my pics is in springfie)