Sat 04 Jan
IN OR OUT) Special/ Big Soft Booty.PRETTY.Curvy ,Great Head.SEXY, Satisfaction. Guaranteed - 23
(270 and hanley, St. Louis)
((InDuLgE yOuRsElF iN a ~ ToP NoTCh ErOTiC ExXxpLoSiOn)) {ExTrEmElY SaTiSfYiNg} (281.409.0323) - 21
(SoUtH CoUnTy ::: 44 & LiNdBeRgH)
*~*~INCALL Tonight !!! Start Your Week With This HOTTIE!! ** SPECIALS !!**~*~ - 22
(Incall-St. Louis)
~** I ThInK BrUnEttEs HaVe MoRe FuN,... CoMe See Me & I WiLL ShOw YoU!! **~ - 23
(St. Charles & Surronding Areas)
-:¦:- °-:¦: FARRAH Is back South County Porn Star Action -:¦:- o°-:¦: 100% all me or Im FREE
(South County or where u want me?)
SPECIALS!! ***** Start Your Week The RIGHT WAY!! This HOTTIE Is Just ONE Call Away!! *Outcall** - 23
Fri 03 Jan
☎~☎ NIKKI & FRIENDS ◆ St Louis Owned and Operated. Not From Kansas City Like the others. CALL NOW! - 23
(St. Louis, St Louis and surrounding areas)
×°x°× ¥0UR NeW KINK¥ FUN IS RIGHT HR ×°x°× $100 AvAiLAbLE ___ N0W - 23
(St. Louis, :::: Wesport Incalls & Outcalls)
Visiting - Miami Beach-Sensual Erotic Pleasure For Respectful Gentlemen Over 40 - Reviewed &Website; - 34
(St. Louis, St Louis / Forest Park Area)
Super Sexy College Girl*â¤S Brunette Knockout(Incalls) ⤠No Bait And Switch,Available NOW!! - 23
(St. Louis, IN & OUT South County)
MoRe PiCtUrEs !*!*! ATTENTION !*!*! SpEcIaLs alL DaY !!! anD NiGht !!! LoOkiNg fOr SuM FUN~ - 18
(incall only)
in/outcalls★hott & horny ♥$60¤specials¤ ♥~°well reviewed ~* ©0m c Jazmine~feelin freak¥ - 26
(south st.louis, St. Louis)
Far from just another MANIC MONDAY. Stop by for some play time before the STORM!
(NEW south county AREA)
Thu 02 Jan
!!WOW!! Stunning ° Sexy Exquisite ° ° RedHead ALL 4 YoU ° **1oo$ SpEcIaLs** - 20
(St louis _Airport)
What you have been missing at home is right here (New pics of sexy college co-ed) - 22
(my home or yours)
~~~SUGar is Ready i have a SpECial ToDaY ..and its FRiday lets play!! - 40
(St. Louis, lindbergh and watson...)
_S_U_P_E_R__ (¯`·.·´¯) *S_E_X_Y* - _M_I_X_ E_D_ (¯`·.·´¯) B_A_R_B_I_E - 21
(St. Louis, airport area / lindbergh)
Saint Louis' good time girl! TER id 116060! You want it? You got it! XxX OUTCALLS! - 23
(MUST be 10/15 mins from Barnes Jewish hospital)
★ 【✔ S E X Y _ B O M B S H E L L _ B R U N E T T E ✔】 ★ ColD DaY SpEciAl 80/hh 65/quick - 22
(St. Louis, North County/Spanish Lake)
MS.CASSIE is a SQUIRTER and im in arnold mo. for the night come see me while im close - w4m - - 28
(st louis)
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Who is the Sexiest of Them All! Only a Few More Days!!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
If IM NoT BeyOnD SeXXy ThEn SeXxy MuSt NoT ExiST!! JuST See FoR YouRSeLf!! - 21
(DownTown/ AirPort Area)
E _ X _ O _ T_ I _ C _ °_ YOUNG _ _ H _ O _ T _ T _ I _E South County - 21
(♥IN/OUT 44/S Lindbergh)
Blonde & Busty! Thick & Curvy! Call Jenni - shes your UP ALL NIGHT friend *WILD WEDNESDAY SPECIAL* - 28
(StL Metro)
Beautiful young lady Needing extra money for bills. G F E. UNRUSHED * DISCRETE - 23
(Springield/Joplin/Surrounding areas)
Brand New!! 5'10'' tall!! Independent!! Hosting Now!! Simply the best..... - 24
(St. Louis, Airport)
Up late tonight? Let this cute & curvy kitten keep you company! ~~WILD WEDNESDAY SPECIAL~~ - 28
(StL Metro)