Tue 07 Jan
-:¦:- sweet -:¦:- sexy -:¦:- seductive -:¦:- all the TLC you*ll need late night outcalls - 21
(St Louis/ downtown/outcalls!!)
Take a look at this sexy Blonde ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1oo special ~~~~~~~~~~ With a nice ~~~~~~~ ~~ - 26
» » STEP AWAY from the ORD!NARY »» ♥ [* SuPeR HoTT *] LATINA BEAUTY❤] ---♥ - 20
(natural bridge rd)
*+* SeXy +*+ BRuNeTTe +*+ aLL aMeRiCaN +*+ BuStY +*+ NiCe +*+ ASz +*+ __ (617)309-6447__ - 19
S w e e t D e l i c i o u s Blonde TREAT Long Sexy Legs HOT Little Body $100 Special - 23
(St Louis)
SatchFire is that girl that can rock your world Special girl for a Special man - 22
(St. Louis, ST L /// ILL)
New Pics. Lets Melt The Snow Together- Gentlemen Only 314-706-8691 - 36
(St. Louis, Downtown & Surrounding areas)
♡÷♥* ♥ New HOT SEXY Sweet PETITE MOCHA Candy DOLL 4 U ♥ ♡÷♥ - 19
(St. Louis, Downtown St Louis and surrounding areas)
Let JENNI show you how to relax and enjoy the sunshine!! 2 girl *special* thats the best! - 28
(StL Metro)
💨 Hot Lil Blonde full of energy💫 with nice BIG Perky T!ts 👅 and round bottom 💋 - 27
(in by hustler club/ out stl, St. Louis)
♥ HeLp Me TaKe ThIs OFF.... ♥ SeXy BlOnDe__ 100% INDEPENDENT ___ NO DISAPPOINTMENTS - 26
(St. Louis, Airport /Incall/North)
*•-: :::::: DEPARTING SPECIALS !!! **** EXPERIENCE A TRUE petite FREAK *•-: ☆ - 21
(St. Louis, STL AIRPORT Incalls/Outcalls)
Credit cards accepted!!Mouth skills and tight where it matters call Trixie 314-502-0234 In and outcalls - 26
(St. Louis, incall and Outcalls downtown)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY ¦:★ - 36
~~~§~~~ Angels ~~~§~~~ At ~~~§~~~ Your ~~~§~~~ Door ~~~§~~~ - 25
(St. Louis, St Louis and Surrounding Areas)
Are You Ready For Us To Get Our Hot, Slick Hands ALL Over Your Body?? We're Waiting!!! - 19
SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS **** South Florida's Hottest Upscale Agency **** Join the Team Today!!
Mon 06 Jan
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️YOUR SWEETHEART BLONDE♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ DIANA ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 314-675-0023 - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding areas)
#@#@#@ Outcalls Only ))))) 913-660-0381 Silm Girl Korean Janna ((((( - 21
(Kansas City, Outcall Only)
(Hispanic) 😙If you looking for a exotic sexy woman call Kelly i'll be waiting - 27
(St. Louis, St.Louis,Areas,St.Louis)
★You Deserve The Best★ And I've Got It!★ Petite √ Sexy √ Very Well Reviewed +Highly Recommended √ - 29
(St. Louis, Stl/IL in/out)
-:¦:-* __Y-O-U-R __ B-L-O-N-D-E __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N __*-:¦:-* - 25
WHY PAY MORE??? Hot, Slick EROTIC Massage You Will Never Forget!!! - 19
(Studio Incalls/No Charge Outcalls)
***VISITING*** CeRtiFied BRICKHOUSE The REAL DEAL 100% Every Mans Fantasy!!!! - 24
(St. Louis, St. Louis Outcalls)
@* STL FINEST LOVELY) two gurl gfe ** UPSCALE & S@T!SFY!NG *@ !!!!!! - 22
(Downtown/outcalls r extra)
Gorgeous, Upscale, Refined, Exotic Combination of Beauty & Brains- Playful Jade! - 21
(Airport IN/OUTS)
STL'S LeWiNsKy-NeW, sExy, EbOnY provider-NEW NUMBER!!! ($50 - $90 SPECIALS!!) 10:30am-9:00pm - 23
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Spend some one on one time with an incredibly hot and sexy woman! ! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ - 25
★ 【✔ S E X Y _ B O M B S H E L L _ B R U N E T T E ✔】 ★ Snow DaY SpEciAl 80/hh 60/quicki - 22
(St. Louis, North County/Spanish Lake)
Ready😍Willing😘 Pleasing👌BEST IN KC. let's have some late night fun💞💕 - 24
(Kansas City, Stadiums, independence, lees summit grdv)
╰☆╮💋 💯%Real💋 🔥 Perfect ★ Petite ★ Body 🔥 💋 Sexy Hotties🔥 💋♚Recent Pics well Reviewed╰☆╮💋 - 22
(St. Louis, Airport area)
Illinois Side Ten Minutes From Downtown Daily 9:00am- late night - 39
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
im what you want:) you won't be disappointed!80 dollar donations accepted. - 23
(St. Louis, caseyville/ofallon illinois area)
I'm here to give u what u want, need & ask 4 call me now lets play!!! - 26
(St. Louis, surrounding st. clair & stl too justCall)
**Exxotic Stunner's Last Time In St.Louis! Book Now!!** - 43
(St Louis - Downtown, Downtown St. Louis)
******* ELECTRIFYING ******** STORMY ******* HOT** SEXY**COUGAR **** SPECIALS **$100, $100!!! **** - 45
(St. Louis, STL/IN/OUT)
*** *** ELECTRIFYING *** **** STORMY *** *** COUGAR **** BOMBSHELL*** - 39
!_*{ Breath-TaKiNg }*--*{ MiNd-Bl(o)WiNg }*---*{ Black & BrAziLLiAn Mix HoTTie } Visiting - 21
(my place or yours)
Sun 05 Jan
You should be ~INSIDE~ RighT NoW. You feel me? ... You should... ~BonaFidE~ - 36
(Kansas City, Midtown)
💨Smoking💨 🔥Hot🔥Hot🔥Hot🔥 Blonde✨Bombshell ✨💯Real Pics💯 New to area - 25
(Kansas City, NKC Incalls, Outcalls available)
Been married a long time and ready to make this happen In my 30's. Career minded girl.. - 36
(St Louis)
XxX °♥° SoOo N@ughty °♥° But SoOo Very Nice °♥° XxX OnE Of a KiNd !! - 23
(*>*>*>*>Available 24/7 365<*<*<*<*)
Sunny Monroe uptodate pics! Avaliable day/night for your enjoyment Alton Il - 26
(Alton IL, St. Louis)
SuGaR & SpiCe & EvErYtHinG NiCe TrY Me OnCe & You'LL CoMe BaCk TwiCe! HuRRy $100 LuNcH SpeCiALs - 23
(St Louis & Surrounding Areas)