Mon 27 Jan
HEY guys call me il bring everything you see here plus everything you dont/
(downtown/outcalls /incall)
{Great Specials} ** Super SeXy BlacK and JaPaNeSe MiXxed Hottie ** ReaL ProVideR - 19
(airport in/out)
hey gental man its 2 of your hotTesT parters in town wild n sexy ready for fun ;)) - 20
(St. Louis, STL AREA)
~*X-TrA sPEcIALs ALL DaY*~ ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD!!*~ ~*X-TrA SpeCiALS ALL NigHT*~ - 18
* * * * HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS * * * * Super Sexy Blonde Cutie With Dangerous Curves * * * * - 24
✦(( G - O - O - D ♀ GIRL) *WiTH* (N - A - U - G - H - T - Y~ ☿ HABITS )) $ 120 - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis area)
~*~GODDESS and a PRINCESS in one waiting to give you ALL you deserve~*~ - 22
(270 Right in the middle 170 & 70)
Get out and enjoy yourself with one of the area's best. Give Renay a call! - 43
(off 270 between 4455)
#$#$#$##$ Exotic #$#$#$#$#$ Blonde $#$#$#$#$#$ BombShell #$$$#$$$#$ Special #$#$#$#$ - 18
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
~*~*~* eXoTiC aSiAn bArBiE ....GrEaT sPeCiAls!!!! ~*~*~* - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown St Louis n surrounding areas)
~*~*~* ~*~*~* ExQuIsItE ~*~*~*~**~* _______ ________ *~**~**~*~ Beauty ~*~*~*~**~ **~*~~* - 21
(in/out 247)
}}}}}}}}}} Finally It Is Possible To Have WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!! {{{{{{{{{ - 22
(St. Louis, MO Downtown Area, in/outs)
Exquisite exotic goddess Isis reign upscale companionship highly reviewed $350 in no up-sell - 27
(St. Louis, Upscale St. Louis Metro In and out calls)
"Enjoy A Classy Pretty Woman Vivian" Calls Only! New # 314-449-3947 Mon-Fri 1:30-6:30pm Sat10-4pm - 39
(Southwest City Near Hwy 40 or Hwy 44, St. Louis)
EARLY BIRD!! "CHERRY D'MINA" ♥ RoCkAbiLLy ReBeL 1St TiMe HeRe!! ♥ PIN-UP ReDH*E*A*D - 29
(St. Louis, Earth City/Bridgeton)
💚💚💙❤Better than Raging Waters •💗 ▬▬▬ Big Booty ▬▬▬▬ 💎 #1 Pℓαγmαtε 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ NEW ☎⭐⭐⭐💦💦💦💦 - 30
(St Charles INCALL, St. Louis)
{{{{{{{{{{ Beautiful **** Sexy **** Available }}}}}}} Amazing Night With Carmen.. - 23 - 23
(Illinois, granite city)
beautiful blue eyed sexy girl so stop here im waitng for the truth. - 20
(St. Louis, ofallon, illinois)
&^%$^%& Girl ^$$#%# Next #^#%$# Door &^%&^% Is %$&^^ Really %$#^% Next &%$^ Door #$%@ - 23
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
&%$^ Busty Bold Beautiful 38dd ^%&^% Irish LassY ^%$&%$ Very Classy &**&% Special ^&%*& - 20
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
☆ A V A i l A B l E ☆ S UPER SEXY LATIN A☆ - 21
(St. Louis, My Place)
$80 incall SPECIAL$80 Hey guys New in town SEXY and CLASSY but NAUGHTY 💋❤️😘😜😍💋 - 23
(Out and IN calls, St. Louis)
All Natural and also Certified/ Approved 60 $pec!@ls " √ 312-288-6083 @$k @b0ut MY 2 G!rL$ - 21
(St. Louis, incalls/0utcalls 60,80,150)
$$50$$ Mix, Hot, Sexy, Thick N Ready 2 Play incall $pecials$50$$ (hampton hwy 44) - 21
(St. Louis, Hwy 44 forest park)
$60/$80 !!! **NeW PiCs SeXy FrEaKy BlOnDe ReAdy To RoCK Your World !! !!! - 28
(St. Louis, *In and Out Calls. All OvEr All Nite)
$40/$60/$80 SeXy SuNdAy with Stacy ¤~N€₩ PIC'S¤~ Come See Your Favorite FrEak !!! - 33
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls IN AND OUT CALLS)
$50WOW WOW$50~*WhATS YouR FaNTaSY?!!*~ ~*i CaN ReaLLy MaKe YouR DReaMS CoMe TrUe!!!!*~$50 WOW WOW$50 - 18
(***Airport Area***)
$40/$60/$80 SeXy Stacy ThE SEXual Engineer Come See Your Favorite FrEak !!! - 33
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls IN AND OUT CALLS)
$40/$60/$80 SeXy Stacy ThE SEXual Engineer ¤~N€₩ PIC'S¤~ Come See Your Favorite FrEak !!! - 33
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls IN AND OUT CALLS)
$40/$60/$80 FrEaky SuPer SeXy BlOnDe YoUr WisH iS My CoMmAnD !!! - 28
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls IN AND OUT CALLS)
24/7 specials... better than the rest ......... ........ sexy & seductive ...... ...... 314-262-9317 - 23
(St. Louis, anywhere)
Mon 13 Jan
!!SweeT TreATS WiTh AYAANA!! $$$150--HH sPeciAls !!!!!!! !!!!!! - 20
(Downtown St. Louis/St. Charles)
Sun 12 Jan
It's Warm, Tight and Moist....Let's Play...Nadia /In call Specials Out calls to selected locations - 23
(St. Louis, 5 mins away from arch)
HoTTy ˜ NaUgHtY ˜ FeTiSh FrIeNdLy ˜ ~ >> SPECIALS ˜ & ~ ♡"Pl@y*TiME"♡ W/2 GirLS - 25
(St Louis, St. Louis)
▀★▀▄There's Only ❤ ▄▄❤ One Reina ❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ In St.Louis❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ 314-319-2007 (42 D) - 42
(St. Louis, Incalls / Outcalls)
} } } Th!cK jUi¢y ¢aRaMeL { { { »» m!s$ sWet PeTiTe «« Be$t 0f b0tH w0rLd$ OutCall $p¢!@L$ - 19
(St. Louis)
Th3 Ultimate b@RB!3 G.F.E.!!! up LATE nights & EARLY mornings & MidD@y !! 2 GIRLS AVALIABLE - 20
👌💞💞💜 █ L€T Me 💋 FiNiSH WHÂT 💋 Y0UR €Y€S 💋 STÂRT€D █ 💜💞💞 👌Jenni's Back - 24
(Kansas City, Kansas City area)
!!!!!! Busty(44dds) exOtic Italian/white Playmate!!!!!! Up all Night with specials!!!! - 29
(St. Louis, outcall)