Mon 27 Jan
---> °❤° HoT~n~SeXy BrUneTtE ---> °❤ °**NEW PICS!** ---> °❤° - 25
(St. Louis, Fairview IL/downtown StL (in/outcall))
&%$^ Busty Bold Beautiful 38dd ^%&^% Irish LassY ^%$&%$ Very Classy &**&% Special ^&%*& - 20
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
&^%$ I'm Your Ultimate Winter Wonderland &^%$ Come Join Me For The Ultimate Getaway &^%& - 25
(St. Louis, Illinois-10 mins from downtown)
*** aLLi iS bACk!! dONt MiSs tHiS bEaUtiFuL bLoNdE bOMbShEll!!! iTs mY LaSt dAy iN tOwN!!*** - 20
addicted 💊, amazing ⭐& special 🎉body 👙& skills💋✨take ur breath away✨ - 27
(BelleFontaine rd north co, St. Louis)
A Unforgettable Experience 🔥🔥Lets Party 💞Real Pics(incalls only) - 20
(St. Louis, Hampton & i44 (incalls only))
___ A ° L ° L ___ D ° A ° Y ___ S ° P ° E ° C ° I ° A ° L ° S ___ - 33
(St. Louis, St Charlles and Surrounding Areas)
(St. Louis, AIRPORT ~~~ 314 ~ 435 ~ 8233 ~~~)
☆AlL☆ Pl € as u R e ☆4 ☆PuRe☆ EcStA$Y☆SeXi ☆SwEeT☆AnD ☆ SeDuCtivE☆ - 23
(Springfield, Springfield Mo,Surr Areas)
> > > > > > LoOkiNg fOr sOmE sUnShiNe oN tHiS gLoOmY dAy?! aLLi iS eXxXaCtLy wHaT yOu nEeD!! < < < < - 20
$80 📲Available NoW👑 HiGHlY👭Skilled💋Certified Freak 🙈ExOtic🚿 BoMbShell🍫PLayMaTe 314.500.2375 - 23
(St. Louis, 🔥💨North county INCALL ONLY💦💋👅💦💋)
> > > > > > > cOmE ceLeBrATe tHe wEeKeNd WiTh tHiS sUpEr sExXxy bLoNdE bOmBsHeLL!! < < < < < < < < - 20
(St. Louis, AIRPORT)
**$!$Amy's back n town n readi 2 play!$**Come n c Guyz** - 23
(St. Louis, St. Louis Area. UR Place Or Mine)
$$80 SpEcIaLs (IN)§mÜrFêTtË LöÕkÏñG FõR HêR PãPå §mÛrF !!! §pÊCîÃl§ 2 GIRL SPECIAL - 25
(St. Louis, il/mo)
7am-6pmDaily 49DD-25-34 natural HotBrunet I Will USE U 4 AS MUCH FUN AS I CAN! NOClocks Great Rates - 30
(CLOSE 4 DOWNTOWN&Scounty;&ILLdiscreet;, St. Louis)
☆ A V A i l A B l E ☆ S UPER SEXY LATIN A☆ - 21
(St. Louis, My Place)
ALL NiGHT SpeCiALs ~*HeReS WHaT The DoCToR ReALLy oRDeReD*~ ~* & He SAiD NO GeNeRiCS!!*~ - 22
(Airport/ I-70)
All Natural and also Certified/ Approved 60 $pec!@ls " √ 312-288-6083 @$k @b0ut MY 2 G!rL$ - 21
(St. Louis, incalls/0utcalls 60,80,150)
💟💞💝 $80qk spcls 👑🎀👑 2 girls available ♨💎♨ Spicy Sweet Foreign Treat 🍦🍰🍧 Airport area - 26
($80 spcls 💋 Airport area in and out, St. Louis)
$60 $60 $60 Specials **Ebony Ultra Thick Goddess **DDs * White Men Welcome *** Incall Only - 22
(St. Louis, North County)
$$50$$ Mix, Hot, Sexy, Thick N Ready 2 Play incall $pecials$50$$ (hampton hwy 44) - 21
(St. Louis, Hwy 44 forest park)
AfterNooN DelighT and a lot of PasSion - 47
(South - Affton-Sunset Hills vicinity, st.louis/southwest city)
💋ADDiCTiVE🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ $💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ_☜ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 ☏⒜⒱⒜⒤⒧⒜⒝⒧⒠☏ - 23
(Bridgeton airport area incall, St. Louis)
80 special █ ⎷⎛ THE PERFECT COMPANION - 26
(St. Louis, Saint Louis)
50$Dollar Special Houston Finest CookieLips Specials Available Now 832-881-7568 - 28
💞A Unforgettable Experience💞 Tight Were It Matters In~Outcall spl (100% Real) - 21
(outcalls all over(in in N. County), St. Louis)
A--L Queen is here! XXX Milf Alert! Specials! Real Pics, No games here! - 40
(Forest Park Classy location)
💖💕💖 60$ 80$ 120$ incall 💖💕💖 Honey 💖💕💖 Classy Petite Companion 💖💕💖 - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis airport)
$40/$60/$80 !!! **NeW PiCs !!! **YoUr FrEaKy Lil SeCrEt !!!** - 30
(St. Louis, SpeCiAls All Day n Nite!!)
$40/$60/$80 FrEaKy BlOnDe SmUrFeTte LoOkiNg FoR HeR PoPpa SmUrF !! 2 GiRl SpEcIaL - 28
(St. Louis, Your Lap/)
314((255((4243(( Well Reviewed)) *** UR #1 F@V•rit€ F@nt@c¥ is Back!! 100% real, 24 hr.... :-) - 30
(St. Louis, st louis my place)
2Girls are better than 1 (lets Party) Sexy Strippers Back in Town (Lets Party) - 21
(in~Outcalls (downtown area), St. Louis)
2 Very Sweet, sassy, sexy & sensual girls here together for tonight only 2!service U!!! - 27
(St. Louis, St. Louis Lambert Airport in/out calls)
$60/$80 LoOk NO LoNgEr YoUr FrEaKy SeXy BloNde DrEaM GiRl Is HeRe - 28
💎💕60 100 150 🌟💖💛💖💛 ☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥ ρℓαγmαtε 💎 💖💕🌟💖💛 - 21
(St. Louis, st.louis near you)
7am-6pmDaily 49DD-25-34 Hotbrunet &NewGirl; 200 4 fullHr2Girl WE WiLL USE U 4 AS MUCH FUN AS WE CAN - 30
(close4DOWNTOWNorScounty&IL; DISCREET, St. Louis)
(St. Louis, MY PLACE (AIRPORT) 24/7)