Thu 02 Jan
~XXX~ Naughty Sexxxy Latina! ~XXX~ Great Reviews! Specials! Leaving soon! 1ÖÖ% Real pics!! - 23
(St. Louis)
☠ ST Louis, iT's TrUe ☠ SpiNNeRs Do It BeTTeR ... cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR ☠ - 21
(Private Upscale Location)
( € X o T ¡ C ❤ M i XE d ❤ P L a ¥ m A T € )) (FLaWL€Ss * ) • 100$• ★• SpeciaL ★ N€w GiRL ★ - 21
XXX model Stacie Meadows NEW very na5ty girl*my river flows* and* my gulp is deep..w3TT** S3xy treat - 24
(STL All Over)
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ WHATEVER ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ DESIRE ~~
- *== Y _ 0 _ U _ R _ = _ D R E A M _ = _ C _ 0 _ M _ E _ = _ T R U E _ = =* - 19
Young Exotic beauty Fetish Friendly. Ask about 2 girl special - 23
(St. Louis, st.louis surrounding area's)
×°x°× [×°x°× soOoOo NaSTy ×°x°×] DOUBLE THE PLEASURE [×°x°× AMAZiNG TWO GiRL SPECiAL ×°x°×] - 20
(::::ST LOUIS............AiRPORT:::)
__ * _____Y_u_M _M_Y__** RedHeAD **____ GoEs (( THE )) ___ E_X_T _R_A_ * M_I_L_E_____ * ___ - 25
(St. Louis, STL)
Visiting Juicy BUSTY Playmate ....With a 44 DDD Rack~Adios Special~ Free PlayTime - 26
(St. Louis, Upscale Incall/ St Louis)
💋🎉🍭💘Weekend baby!!!!! Special!!! Blonde,38DDD,bangin body! Party & play!!!!💘🍭🎉💋 - 37
(In -Ofallon MO-outcall STL surrounding, St. Louis)
What _____ Ever SHE Can DO I Can Do Better __________ 1OO Special ___________ All Nite!!! - 27
(St. Louis, 270 hazelwood)
Won't you be friends with Sweet Natalie, the all-natural beautiful brunette? - 23
(St. Louis, St. Louis (Lindbergh & I-44))
What you have been missing at home is right here (New pics of sexy college co-ed) - 22
(my home or yours)
***100 SPECIAL*** °*ஐ*° {WiCkEdLy} *° {JuCiY} *° {sInFuLlY} *° {sWeEt } - 21
✅✅ VERiFiED👉👉& weLL ReViEwEd! ♡ 👈👈 Let ((ME)) B💣L💣O💣W ((U)) AwAy! 💋💕 ((incall SPECIALS!)) - 35
(Kansas City, KCI Airport in/out)
Sweet Petite TINY PRINCESS 4'10 85lbs UPSCALE PROVIDER New Year New Rates New Special - 29
(St. Louis, anywhere you want me)
Super hyper sexual godess wants to experience state of utopia with special someone. Could it be you? - 25
Super NAUGHTY SIZZLING HOT Blonde * oஐo REVIEWED Tall Leggy HOTTIE ___1OO hhr SPECIAL - 23
STL'S LeWiNsKy-NeW, sExy, EbOnY provider-cum see me ($50 - $90 SPECIALS!!) 10:30am-9:00pm - 23
Stop by and play with Saint Louis' favorite local latina TODAY until 6pm! TER id 116060! - 24
(somewhere in the land of south county)
*STL'S Braniac - SeXy, Ebony BBW 4 Incall - NEW NUMBER MINDBLOWING Sessions ($50- $90 specials)!!!!! - 23
(St. Louis)
-:+:-:+:- SUPER FREAKY -:+:-:+:- TOP NOTCH PROVIDER -:+:-:+:-:+:- 90 SPECIAL **** - 23
~~~SUGar is Ready i have a SpECial ToDaY ..and its FRiday lets play!! - 40
(St. Louis, lindbergh and watson...)
STL.Finest ready to play 60$ special for a limited time so come join the fun and get you some - 21
(St. Louis, Northcounty)
SPecIaL NOW! Captivating brunette is available and waiting for you!! - 32
(St. Louis, Farmington, Arnold, St. Louis, Illinois)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, anywhere you want me!)
¤STL¤ Highly* $* Sought ~$~After *N**STL**Paris (Two GIRL SpeCIal ) - 24
(St. Louis, Near STL airport)
SPECIAL tonight! -Stunning Brunette Beauty available now! - 32
SPECIALS!!* ೋ~ Beautiful X x X TRAVAGANT Breath Taking ೋ AVAiLABLE ALL NiGHT! - 21
(44 & Lindbergh/Incall&Outcall; 2 all Over)
:* ☆ ¨*:.Submissive Sweet SeXy Cassy Specials-100hr :* ☆ ¨*:. - 21
(in & out-->south kc Incall)
*** SpEcIaLs ToDaY ONlY ***SO dOnT mIsS IT*** ChERIsH *** InCaLlS OnLy - 22
(St. Louis, Florissant area)
💖💕💖 Stunning 💎 BUSTY 💎 100% REAL PICS 💎 Pℓαγmαtε 💎 Amazing SkillZ 💖💕💖 New In Town(80 special incall) - 21
(St. Louis, Airport)
stl finest high class lovely dome OUTCALL SPECIAL latenight early morning. - 22
(incall anytime/ outcalls)
_S_U_P_E_R__ (¯`·.·´¯) *S_E_X_Y* - _M_I_X_ E_D_ (¯`·.·´¯) B_A_R_B_I_E - 21
(St. Louis, airport area / lindbergh)
Sexiest Southern Bell On B.P! Hot & Naughty! Ready to Play! Natural Ds & Yummy Curves! 100% Real!! - 25
(saint charles (incall/outcall))
❤ ▀▄▀REDHEAD▄▀▄ ❤ ❤HOT❤•✿• »AVAILABLE NOW☎-★»•✿• ❤SEXY❤ »-★-»•✿• ❤❤ » ❤▄▀▄▀▄•✿• :SWEET▀ - 30
(St. Louis, St. Louis and surrounding areas)
^%#$^%#$^% Seductive *^%*%^ NaSteY ^%%$^#^$% Ready &%$^&%$ Willing &^%$&%$ - 22
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
Riley staxxs totally new upscale in call near wof amusement park - 18
(Kansas City, Near worlds of fun amusement park)
★ 【✔ S E X Y _ B O M B S H E L L _ B R U N E T T E ✔】 ★ ColD DaY SpEciAl 80/hh 65/quick - 22
(St. Louis, North County/Spanish Lake)
Rated R for mature audience only hot blonde MANDY LOVE 1OO special all nite - 27
(St. Louis, 270 DUNN.RD)
New Girls in town ready to go down 314-327-0633 Ms Mae and China - 24
(St Louis - South City, south city downtown incall only see)
Moving Specials limited time! Well reviewed discreet dependable sexy and loads of Fun😘😘 - 32
(St. Louis, St.Louis Love😘😘)
° New College Girl.? Something N°E°W & Someone S°W °E°E °T... ? 60 Special - 22
Miss Destiny Rainy Day SPECIAL - great reviews- come see for yourself- - 21
(St. Louis, Fenton Area)