Tue 07 Jan
ೋ LaSt DaY °*ஐ* BrOOkE MoNrOE °*ஐ* VeRiFiEd & ReViEwEd ೋ - 27
(St. Louis, Airport/North/270 & N.Lindbergh)
♥ HeLp Me TaKe ThIs OFF.... ♥ SeXy BlOnDe__ 100% INDEPENDENT ___ NO DISAPPOINTMENTS - 26
(St. Louis, Airport /Incall/North)
▒ CoMe TaStE ThIs SeXy BlOnDe ▒ 100% InDepEnDeNt 100% ReaL PiCs - 27
(St. Louis, 270 North Lindbergh Hazelwood airport)
❪❧❫✷✓ℜayne✓ 5✰ Service ❤ Model Face ❤ Bangin Body ✷RTP REVIEWED❪❧❫ - 24
(Airport/Private Residence (INCALLS), St. Louis)
•*•*• Angel Eyes •*•*• 💋💋💋• Leaving SOON • Busty Blonde - 24
♥ B E A U T I F U L ♥ B L U E- E Y E D ♥ B L O N D E ♥ B R O O K E - 26
(Airport North/270&Lindberg;)
Mon 06 Jan
Whos been naughty and needs a spanking? And who wants to be naughty with me? - 26
(St. Louis, AirPort (North Co.))
Sweet Sexy & SIMPLy IRRiSISTABLe ________ Exotic Latina Indian Visiting _______Real pics ____ - 23
(airport, north county)
Sexxy & Sensual Petite Treat **75 $pecial *** In call only *** SPECIAL!!!! - 26
(St. Louis, north county/airport area)
Sexxy & Sensual **75 $pecial *** In call only *** SPECIAL!!!! - 26
(St. Louis, north county/airport area)
💋irresistible soft touch and 💋 eager to please 1000%real - 23
(North county 10from the airport, St. Louis)
👠👠👠 EXECUTIVE ESCORTS 👠👠👠 314-845-3333 ST.LOUIS FINEST!!! - 32
♥ BlOnDe HaIr & BLuE EyEs ♥ NiCe BooTy & 36D ♥ LeAvInG SoOn ♥ - 27
(St. Louis, Airport /Incall/North)
~ * ~ Beautiful ~ Busty BOOBS~ * ~ ALL Natural ~ upscale and classy blonde ~ * ~ - 25
`2Nite, I'll Be Your NAUGHTY GIRL**50 DIAMOND Special**REAL Hott Ebony Treat Waiting 4 U... - 22
(North County/Airport Area)
Sun 05 Jan
♥ Strawberry Blonde $100 (Incall Only) 9012977705. * Mercedes * Wake Up Too Me - 21
(St. Louis, north Lindbergh Airport Area)
EarLY BIRD GETS 2 SQUIRM~ Make a new friend this wk ITALIAN SAMM314-374-7192 - 42
(South County, stl airport/ north co)
°*ஐ*° BOYS play WITH TOYS.. °*ஐ*° ..REAL men play with ME °*ஐ $50 Special** - 23
(St. Louis, North County/Airport Area)
Sat 04 Jan
________ With us 3... We ALL Serve & Please!!!! ________ Choose the STRIPPER of ur dreams!!! - 21
(St. Louis, north county/airport - incall only)
Stay warm, I'll come to you... Ask for outcall snow special Lyndsey waiting - 32
(St. Louis, Airport / North county)
SuPeR SeXy PiNkY HeRE AsK AbOuT ThE 3 GiRlS - 20
ೋ _* _ CALIFORNIA'S Biggest Freak ! ! ! NOW VISITING ~ Specials 60 ~ *_ ೋ ____ - 33
(NORTH COUNTY ~ AiRPoRt aReA ~ 60 ~)
Fri 03 Jan
★°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs °° ★ - 22
(North County/ Near Airport)
♥ I Am NoT WeArIng AnY PaNtiEs...WaNt To SeE? ♥ LaSt WeEk In ToWn - 26
(Airport North/Incall/Outcall)
Thu 02 Jan
=♥= NeVer JuSt SeTTLe ... GeT ThE BeSt BlOnDe =♥= InDePeNdEnT & ReViEwEd =♥= - 27
(St. Louis, Airport /Incall/North/Hazelwood)
♥ °°N°° a°° u °°g °°h °°T°° y ♥ °° OR °° ♥ °° N°° i°° c°° E ♥ - 26
(Airport/ North County)
☆ Im Always On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! 60 $peci@l$ last Chance leaving Soon - 21
(St. Louis, St.Louis North County Airport Lindberg)
💋💦💋💦💋 B£lla 🔥💦🔥Blond£ P£tit£ & WaitinG 4 ¥oU 📱 💦 📱SuNDA¥ Sp€¢ial$ 👙💦👠 314.265.2466 - 22
(Airport/ North County INCALL ONLY, St. Louis)
BeAuTiFuL SeXy BLoNDe *♥* ToTaL SaTiSFaCTiON *♥* LeAvInG ToWn SoOn - 27
(St. Louis, Airport/North/Incall)
♥ B L O N D E ♥ & ♥ S E X Y ♥ 100 - 25
(airport - north county - downtown -)