Fri 10 Jan
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min From ANYWHERE IN STL)
Acceptng Appointments Daily 9:00am --- 7:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment - 35
(Missouri/South County)
Sweet Sexy Emily👅💁NEW 2 TOWN💦60QV💁[5🌟] F R e a K 👀🌴🌺 Sensual TOUCH🍍Avail Now! 31428.27921 - 21
(North county, St. Louis)
**NEW** TER reviewed Curvy-36DDD Savannah & NEW Khloe = Tons of 2girl specials *THIS WEEKEND* - 20
(prefer outcall-LA incalls)
.•* *°★NEW PIX! •. *°★°*☆ $$80 $$★°*☆ ❤ GORGEOUS █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ♥ PERFECT 10 ♥◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 25
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia, moberly, Booneville, In/out)
••••► ••••► ••••►✄----- CUT Out The FAKES & Just SeeThis Sexy Playmate✄ ----★ GREAT RATES ★◄•••• ◄• - 22
(St. Louis, airport)
Available Today Noon Until 9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment -- Daily 9:00am--9:00pm - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
im up all night negiotable Diamond $checkout on isle me$ your best companion right here - 27
(downtown or outcall extra)
*~ ThE BesT In ThE MiD-WesT ~**~ HiGhLy ReViEwEd & ReCOmEnDeD ~**~ CoME TrY ThE BeST ~* - 23
(St Charles & Surrounding Areas)
I'm the rocket fuel for winners!Caution:I'm addictive and the best! - 27
!!CC!! !!! For Those Who Didn't Know Me B4 I've Added ALL My PICS!!! Exclusively100$ Incalls ONLY - 29
(15-25min from ANYWHERE U R IN STL)
💋💋Natalya💋💋✨Reviews On RTP✨🍒Gauranteed To Make Your Toes Curl💦 - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
You asked for it, you got it! Candy delivered to your door TODAY in South County / Fenton! - 24
(so co / fenton MO)
LaSt DaY NeW UpScAlE C L iEnTeLe HeRe LiMiTeD TiMe ! ~ KriStInA RoSe *~ 785-213-3107 - 20
Thu 09 Jan
New Arival from TEXAS .;;. souTHERn COmforT.;;. lEt me EntrTain ur Day the TEXAS girl Way - 20
👄come play with me sexy star! let me fill every sexual void you have!! - 26 ⭐️*"• ~Star~•"*⭐️ - 26
(Airport area / InCall only, St. Louis)
!!CC!! !!UP Right Now!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-25min from YOU!!)
CLASSY & YUMMY -:¦:- Butter Soft Skinned BEAUTIES -:¦:- 4 your late or early we are the 1s - 23
(St. Louis, airport hwy 70)
Looking for Beautiful and sexy woman to accompany me on a trip to the Bahamas - 45
(St. Louis, St. Louis / Bahamas)
😋💃😋 Call for PHONE SEX with HORNY GIRLS 📞 1-800-Jet-Doll 📞 😋💃😋 - 22
(Kansas City, PHONE SEX, St. Louis)
° 100% ReaL °° 100% SweeT ° 100% UniQuE °° 100% SeXii ° 100% SenSuaL °° 100% SeDuCtiVe ° - 23
(St. Louis, Airport Area Or Ur Place!!)
FIVE STAR COMPANIONS; Join the Top Rated Agency in the Country. Now Hiring beautiful & fit ladies. - 35
(St. Louis, St Louis And Surrounding areas)
Daily Appointments -- 9:00am -- 9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
Wed 08 Jan
SeXy FeiSTy FuN BrUnEttE PLaYmATe!! UnFoRgEttAbLe ExPeRieNcE!!!! CaLl NoW!!! - 24
(St. Louis, outcall stl & IL)
!!CC!! I'm UP and READY!! call b4 NOON get 20$ off regular 100$ hhr incalls - 29
(NO MORE THAN 15-20min from anywhere you)
✋⚠️ BEST on the LiST ! ⬅✨BoD¥ oF A GoDdE§§ 💕Տʟɨɖɛ ɨռՏɨɖɛ 🏄 M¥ WaTɛ® Pa®K 💦TongueTwistin §K¡LLs!😘 - 19
(Kansas City, Kansas City Mo OUTCALLS ONLY Travel)
STL'S LeWiNsKy-NeW, sExy, EbOnY provider-NEW NUMBER!!! ($50 - $90 SPECIALS!!) 10:30am-9:00pm - 23
I'm FAKE....... IM FAKE.... - 20
(Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, St Louis, St. Louis)
So Sexy and talented i will have you already dreaming of our next visit before this ones over💋Nikki - 30
(St. Louis, St.Charles/St.Peters/St.Louis)
!!CC!! !! !!ATTENTION!! !! #NeW# (314)484-4491 Is NoW (314)532-1506 EaRLiEr TiMeS! ! NeW LoCaTiOn ! - 29
(20-25min from anywhere U are in STL)
Tue 07 Jan
GIRL looking for a FUCK-FRIEND in the St. LOUIS area for sexual fun (im really horny) - w4m - 20
(St. Louis)
Up AlL nIgHt ♥o° YOUR °o♥o° SMILE °o♥o° IS MY °o♥o° #1 PRIORITY °o - 29
(St. Louis, outcall)
💋Need a helping💆hand to relax & melt your stress🔜away❔ - 33
(South City/County/St. Louis City, St. Louis)