Mon 06 Jan
Special Today! Brunette beauty is ready and waiting - 32
*~*SpeCialZ & NEW PIX**HOTTIE ALERT*SpOiL UrSeLf WiTh ME! Give UrSeLf QUALITY & LEtz PlaY 24/F/Blk/W - 24
$$ Mocha$$ Is here and now!!! Limited time only!!!! 100% real pics - 25
(St. Louis and Surrounding areas)
LET ME B~Your BEST~KEPT SECRET 24/7 Samm / hotitalianlover .com 314 345 0513 Samantha - 37
(STL in/out 24/7)
★♥ƸӜƷ♥★FLAMIN H♨T & SPICY PUERT♨ RICAN★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ R U ready? Let's play,ready ALL day!★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ - 30
(St. Louis, saint louis metro area)
''''__Get UR MorNIng (( JUMP StarT )) ...... my (( LIPS )) r (( DAnGeRoUS ))__''' - 21
(IN or OUT calls)
BaCk iN ToWn!!! SeXy FeiSTy FuN BrUnEttE PLaYmATe!! UnFoRgEttAbLe ExPeRieNcE!!!! CaLl NoW!!! - 24
(St. Louis, OUTCALL entire stl/il metro area)
*^*_*^* BeAuTiFuLl *^*_*^* BrUnEtTe *^*_*^* I *^*_*^* AiM *^ To ^* PLeAsE *^*_*^* $sPeCiaLs$!!!! - 25
(St. Louis, OUTCALL ONLY stl/il)
Sun 05 Jan
Pretty Jamie Ask me About my Super Bowl Weekend Specials!! - 30
(St. Louis, South County Saint Louis)
NEW PICS!! _╠╣ØT_ B L O N D E ☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγDαtε ☆ ╚» BUSTY ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ REVIEWED - 25
(Springfield, S-Field (north in call)Out)
What a great way to kick off our week! Sexy, sweet, TOP RATED local latina Candy Cane! - 24
(select STL outcalls 2pm to 7pm)
👄💋👅 ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⭕👊 W!TH $KILLS that PlEA$E👄💋👅 - 33
(metro east and surrounding areas, St. Louis)
start the morning off right!! $80 special$$$ sweet and sexy jamie 6365785995 - 29
(St. Louis, in or out calls st louis area)
STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ THERΞ 24/7 ⇉ FLaWLeSSߑSeXiEsTߒlj100% REAL!⇉ ߘ͓Sw€€ T HEArt❤️ - 22 - 22
(North County, n. county)
NOW Is The Time For You To Get What You REALLY Want- A SEXY Gorgeous Girl Waiting Just For YOU!!! - 22
(outcalls St Louis metro)
%$$@#% Special %@%& Lick'in &^%$&^ If ^$#^$#^$% Your ^%$%$# Special ^%$#% Pick'in &^%%$ - 23
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
!!SuPeR HoT BloNdE..Come expierence the BEST and forget the REST!! not good im great!! - 22
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨*. MY *¨¨* BEST. *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - 23
Mustang Ranch Girls 44DDTalHot Blond & 48DD-25-34 Brunnet NEW PiCS & No Limit Fun NO CLOCKS 7am-5pm - 30
(St. Louis, Kinky fun 4 all St. Louis area)
I Wish.. I Wish.. I Wish for Britnay TONITE ★ ★ Twinkle Twinkle ★ ★ - 21
(St.Louis/ Surroundings IN & OUT)
▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ LAST NIGHT IN TOWN! - 23
(St. Louis)
{{Do}} ★ You {{Have}} ☆ {{Time}} ★ To {{Play}} ☆ TODAY?? CALL ME! - 20
-:¦:-° BrAnD SpAnKiN' NeW *-:¦:-° TiGhT SliM EbOnY TrEaT *-:¦:-° LeT Me B Ur "SeCrEt" °-:¦:- - 23
(Norht County- Late Nite Specials)
★ BeFoRe 5:00 Pm SpEcIaL ♡ ★ $100 hOuR sPeCiAl... DoN't MiSs OuT ★ - 25
(Airport/ I-70 Exit 235A)
24/7 SEXY & SEDUCTIVE ......... ............ nothing but the best !!!!!!!!!! 314-262-9317 - 23
(St. Louis, Downtown, Clayton, Ladue)
Sat 04 Jan
R U ↑ 2 having pleasurable time with a drama free independent provider outcalls only - 35
(Springfield, Out calls spfd n surrounding areas)
♛♕♛★Sweet ⇨Curvy⇦ brazilian Brunette..♛♕♛★ CALL NOW!☏☏ Premiere Playmate☏☏!! - 22
(St. Louis, st.louis airport)
]xXx[-- UnFoRgEtAbLe _XXX_ ExpErIEnce --]xXx[ LeAvInG ToWn On SuNdAy!!!! DONT MiSs OUT!!! - 21
💦-Welcome to Kandi Land🍭Land 3147304721 1QV 50$ specials avilable NIGHT‼️ - 19
(North County, St. Louis)
*WOW!!* ($P3C!@L$ R!GhT NoW) !! E*x*o*T*i*C!!* C*U*R*V*Y !! * SiCiLiaN!!* B*e*A*u*T*y *(H3R3 NoW!!)* - 23
Visiting~ Xtasy~ Soft Lips With Hips To Grip, Natural 42dds ~ MindBLOWing Skills, Unlimited Cups
(Outcalls-Fairview, Swansea, Belleville)
wanna have a good day n come out n play w someone new who has a clue on how 2 plz u ♡Ashley☆;)^ - 30
(heaven, St. Louis)
Stay warm, I'll come to you... Ask for outcall snow special Lyndsey waiting - 32
(St. Louis, Airport / North county)
SPECIALS!! ***** Start Your Week The RIGHT WAY!! This HOTTIE Is Just ONE Call Away!! *Outcall** - 23
Up LATE?? SPECIALS!! This Gorgeous Playmate Can Be All YOURS-I'm Just ONE Call Away! XOXO - 22
SPECIALS Hot & Sexy Cougars WILL make you HAPPY!Anytime All nite & Early Morn.! LETs have Fun - 43
(St. Louis, Metro East7min.from
Real Ebony Nympho ★ Total GFE Spinner ★Private Discreet Incall ★ 100% Verified - 21
(St Louis IN/OUTS)
Eb0Ny LoVeRs #1 PiCk ! ___CERTiFiED H0TTiE !! ____ ((TREAT Y0URSELF)) ____ y0ULL ♥ WHAT i D0 ! - 22
LOvely HERe WIT BRIANA stl finest 200% Me ultimate bondage queen /SPL) limited all outcalls welcomed - 22
(Downtown/outcalls south county only)
SPECIALS!! ***** Start Your Week The RIGHT WAY!! This HOTTIE Is Just ONE Call Away!! *Outcall** - 23
______* b * L * o * N * d * E *____* D * r * E * a * M *____* G * i * R * L *_____ VISITING! _____ - 22
(STL Airport In/Out Calls)