Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
A coffee delight!!! ... the voluptuous coffee skinned delight..... Chelsey Madison presents.. Bleu L - 27
(St. Louis, St Louis City ,St Louis County. north)
^^ Truly ^^^^^ Your ^^^^^^^ Girlfriend ^^ 80$^^^ Experience! Spanish & Italian Mix! 100$hhr Special! - 20
(airport area incall)
SEXY*SiMpLy sTuNNiNg* *Pure Satisfaction* *Available NOW & ALL NITE 4 YOU!* - 23
(St. Louis, STL CITY)
SPECIALS. Marie&Jaz; want you to be a Happy Camper!! - 43
(St. Louis, metro east 7min from the city)
Sexy and sweet your perfect treat! ~ The perfect perky playmate! ~ Indy's Favortie! - 22
(St. Louis)
(airport - north county - in - out :)
MY ×°x°× SERViCE ×°x°× iS ×°x°× SECOND ×°x°× 2 ×°x°× NONE - 22
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown 9:00am -- Midnight Safe Environment - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
KIMBERLY IS BACK COME OUT & Play Only In Town For One Night😘😘😘😘😘 - 25
(St. Louis, downtown stl area)
{LaTe NiTe CrEEp} * {SpEcIaLs} BooTyLiCiOuS BaBe* ((NeW PiCS)) PreTTy FaCe WiTh CuRvEs - 19
(AnY WhErE YoU WaNt ME)
☆ L o O k ★° LoNg LeGs. LoNg HaiR. sMaLl WaiST. pReTTy FaCe °★ L o O k ☆ - 23
It's a PERFECT day for me to STOP BY and play! Sweet treat with a TOP RATED local LATINA! - 24
(select areas of south STL)
GOrGEoUS BlOnDe LaTiNa NyMPHo ::: PReTTi PuSSi ::: GREaT PeRSoNALiTY :: CuTeST BuBBLe BooTy ::: - 24
(St Louis Airport)
Come let me make u hot at my cool place****Native American Beauty****5 min. from River City Casino** - 32
(Germania @ Hwy 55, St. Louis)
***COME GET A PIECE OF THI$ WARM APPLE PIE!! **Holiday $pecial$ **** Five $tar**** Treatment!!! - 20
(North County, North County/(INCALLS ONLY) Private)
!!CC!! !!Come See!! !!NEW PRICES!! !!NEW OPTIONS!! !!NEW SITE!! - 29
(15-25min from ANYWHERE IN STL)
~ ~. C U R V A C E O U S ~ ~ - 21
(Saint Charles // Airport Area)
☎ Call Me ★ Late Night $peciaLs ✰ HoTT and W¡ld ✰ CaLL 4 Spe©ial ✰ ☎ - 24
(St. Louis, airport area// incall only)
___ 1_0_o_% ____*_____ G_U_A_®_ A_N_ T___D ____*____ P_L__A _S_U_® _E______ - 21
(Saint Charles // Airport Area)
TGIF Sweet ·.¸¸.·´¯ SEXY blonde GFE HOTTIE TALL Leggy Tight Delight Special
(_____ST LOUIS Specials____)
Sweeter Than Hunny!!! Ms Pretty N Pink!!! Eager 2 Please!!! Specials!!Must Call No Text Messages!! - 21
(St. Louis, outcalls only)
TEMPTING and so YUMMY!! Sweet SEXY Tall LEGGY Naughty Blonde!! 1OO hhr SPECIALS
(____Specials St Louis ______)
tag team im it(barbie) up 24/7 me or my gurl !!! lets mak bacon*4* your eyes only.!!!2girl for hr. - 22
Now 3 MUSTANG RANCH GiRLS 48dd-25-34 & NEW44dd Janey 1/2the$ ofOthers NoTEXTS 314-532-1824 7am-6p - 30
(St. Louis, StLouis&SurroundingAreaREALLY; SAFE)
NEW HOTT☆ ♥ **1OO% ReaL SEXYjuicy❗WARNING❗ Contains 🍭🍭δωεε†👄 SeDυ©†¡√ε 💄 δuPPle CurVeS 👄 - 27
(St. Louis, Airport)
**NEW** TER reviewed Curvy-36DDD Savannah & NEW Khloe = Tons of 2girl specials *THIS WEEKEND* - 20
(prefer outcall-LA incalls)
★ NEW ★█ KiLLER ➓ B0DY_★_BRUNETTE♥ BARBiE █★ 100% Real Photo's★ - 23
(St. Louis, st.louis airport area incalls only)
New pics, Same great girl. Dont miss out on the time of your life.
(I come to you anytime, anywhere.)
☮ ❣ NEW ❣ P r e t t y BRUNETTE with a S w e e t Personality 2 match ☮ - 23
(St. Louis, St. Louis & Surrounding Areas)
❤ L✪ ✪K .❤ (`'. ☆. ') ☆ AVAILABLE FRIDAY'S from 9am-1pm ☆ (`'. ☆. ') ❤ L✪ ✪K .❤ - 37
(North - Florissant, St. Louis)
Available Today Noon Until 9:00pm -- Safe, Clean Environment -- Daily 9:00am--9:00pm - 36
(St. Louis, Missouri/South County)
♥ INCALL SP3CIALS! ♥ Sexy BLONDE w/ Bedroom Eyes ♥ N3W TO STL!!!! ♥ - 21
(St. Louis, STL Airport & Surrounding Area)
♚¡¡il¹♛ Upscale Companion ★i;¹i¡¡i¹♚ Ready 4 Action ೋ ✦ೋ ✦ - 22
(St. Louis, Outcalls Surrounding St. Louis Area)
Hottie with a BODY➡Abs, Ass, & Legs➡TIGHT & TONED!! Reviewed & Recommended 🌟✅✅ VISITING!! - 28
(airport➡ UP Late Tonight!! 😘😘, St. Louis)
💋 S-E-X-Y, Sensual, & Erotic💄👠 💋 AVAILABLE NOW💄👠 💋 Classy,Clean,& Trusted Local Provider 💋 - 28
(Springfield, Available all day SATURDAY!)
◆ ( Visiting ) - » L OO k •☆• What ☆ The ☆ Wind ☆ B L eeeeeewW ☆ In ☆ TONIGHT ONLY! ☎ « - 22
(St. Louis, Airport InOut All Over)
▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ (((✰Classy ))) █ ((( ╠╣OTT✰))) █ (((♛Exotic ßeauty✰))) ▀▄▀ █ - 29
$40 60/$80 SpEcIaLs !! ViSiT My one Blonde CaNdY ShOp!! TaStE ThE SwEeTnEsS !! SpEcIaLs !! - 28
(St. Louis, your lap)
$80 SpEcIaLs !! ViSiT My one Blonde CaNdY ShOp!! TaStE ThE SwEeTnEsS !! SpEcIaLs !! - 23
(St. Louis, il/mo)
6/23 - till ? _E Dysfunction_ If you answered YES to ALL 4 questions_ U need to meet TANTRA - 99
(St. Louis, In ONLY)
70$ specials~dont miss out on the time of ur life:)...:))) - 20
(St. Louis, st.louis- Central West End)
Located Ten Minutes From Downtown On Illinois Side 9;00am Until Midnight - 36
(St. Louis, Illinois/ten minutes from downtown)
**A Skilled Erotic Expert** ~Highly Reviewed~ Visiting STL (11/7th-9th) ***Grecian Princess!*** - 30
(St. Louis)