Sat 04 Jan
100o° WOW =Cuddle Up With ME CLEAN "DIRTY" FUN o° PeTiTe BlOnDe SpInNeR o° LeAviNg SooN - 21
(SoUtH CoUnTy:44/LiNdBeRgH)
Fri 03 Jan
🍧🍨🍧 🍨🍧Mmh 🍧🍨YuMmY 🍧🍨dElIcIoUs 🍧🍨JuIcy 🍧🍨SweeT 🍧🍨READY NOW————— SOO GORGEOUS 🍧🍨🍧🍨 - 23
(North County)
~!!!... Nerdy, Dirty, & Flirty ...!!!~ 60 specials 816~651~ 8628 - 29
(Kansas City, north... don't work weekends)
Pretty Jamie Sweet Tight Fun! Call About My Specials Super Bowl Weekend/S County! - 30
(St. Louis, S County Saint Louis)
let my lips show u how southern girls do it better let my lips do all the exploring - 35
(South County)
👉🌺🌸 Erotic Touch....."😘🌸👀👀💚❤😊 "Relax & Unwind Here" ... 🌺❤💜🌸💛💙💚🌸☎📞 - 28
(St. Louis, St.Louis County)
(Y_O_U_R ) °°★°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°★°° (L_O_V_E_) °°★°° (M_E_) - 23
♛ **THE == PERFECT == GIRL** ♛ **BACK == IN == TOWN** ♛ - 23
(*>*>*>*>Available 24/7 365<*<*<*<*)
** Young ~ Toned ~ Slender ~ Eager to please ~ Great attitude ~ You will love me!!! ** - 22
(West County)
🌟ㄥ🅰©モY🌟 💢SM🔥kING h💨T💢 🔶Bοοτyℓícíouδ🔶 BlOnDe!🔸💯%ReaL PicS վ 🔘 WeLL Reviewed & Verified 🔘 - 35
(Kansas City, Kansas City in/out)
xXx--BuStY-- HoT-- SeXy-- BlOnDe-- PlAyMaTe(150HR SPECIAL)-- xXx-- NeW To ArEa -- ReViEwEd -- - 25
★°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs °° ★ - 22
(North County/ Near Airport)
♥ Want A GREAT Time With A GORGEOUS Girl Who Will Make It ALL About YOU? *SPECIALS* ♥ - 23
(St. Louis, outcall only- StL Metro)
Warning taking appointments from 9am to 9pm 618-580-7310 SAFE AND CLEAN RIPPOFF ALERT - 36
💖εvεn bεttεr in pεrson💦305.707.1880💜I'm a onε of a kind εxpεriεncε💋 - 20
(St. Louis, STL Airport incalls)
[×X×] M_U_S_T S_E_E__ -------> B_ R _ U_ N_ E_ T _ T_ E___ P_L_a_Y_M _M_ A_T_e [×X×]
(St. Louis)
we r the party° * Extremely suductive, Dangerously addictive looks, an azz, fit body wit attitude - 23
(St. Louis, incall/outcalls seriouscallers airport)
Visiting Town °★° YuMmy TiNy TrEat °★° Sweet & PeTite °★° & O So SeXXy - 19
(nORth cOUnty IN/OUT)
Start the weekend with a relaxing massage from Niki. Early appointments ask about price discount. - 36
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
Sunkissed Petite Bombshell Abra... New location, New Availability, New Pictures... - 23
(West County)
______°° SU PER-- -_____°° ★°° _____WE TT---°° ★ °°_____ CU-- T--I---E° - 22
(South County)
stop look blonde cuttie on duty with that bubble but - 25
(St. Louis, in/out in north co. out mo./il.)
SPECIALS IN/OUT up Late HOT Pics look no further SexY J is Here 4 U!! - 23
💋Stephanie💋NEW NEW NEW GIRL ✨Reviews Under Natalya on RTP✨ - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis North County off hwy 270)
Super Sexy Bombshell "up & down" any!thing goes - 32
(St. Louis, st louis city/ metro or surr.areas)
❤Super Sexy Just Arrived❤▃❀❤❀▃❤ PETITE 🍫 PARTY GIRL ❤▃❀❤❀▃❤ NEW FACE❤▃❀❤❀▃❤% - 20
(St. Louis, 🏢Hollywood casino 🏢 📞901)512-9983📞📞)
early morning afternoon specials for you! stl finest lovely upscal pleasure!!!CALL now!!! - 22
(Downtown only/ outcalls ok)
SpEcIaLs °o ♥ o°HoT ——— ——— (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) ——— ——— °o ♥ oSeXy° - 25
(St. Louis, Incall/Outcall/South County)
░░▐ 🌺 SPECIALS 🌺▐░░ PrεmιεRε Ρrοvιδεr▐🌺▐ ░BReaTHtaKiNG ░▐ 🌺🌺▐ ░³¹⁴688¹³82░▐🌺🌺TεR REVIEWED▐▐ - 28
(Airport Incall((My Place))✈ ³¹⁴688¹³82📲, St. Louis)
Super Sexy College Girl*â¤S Brunette Knockout(Incalls) ⤠No Bait And Switch,Available NOW!! - 23
(St. Louis, IN & OUT South County)
Sooooo Sexy...Sooooo Hot!!! Ask about my special ...unbelieveable!!!! - 45
(St Charles-St. Peters, st peters, St. Louis)