Fri 03 Jan
**SPECIALS**Let's Have FUN** 100% Woman Just 4 YOU *I will make you a Happy Camper*5 STAR Reviews - 45
(metro east 270,111,rt3 area, St. Louis)
(Sun.4/13 late night special))ExTRA FRIENDLY~ ASK 4 Samantha / Hot Italian Lover 314-337-8901~ 24/7 - 41
(St. Louis, north co./priv.)
%$#%$#$ Never Eat Wet PuZsY On A Rainy Tuesday %$##^#^%# But It Aint Tuesday Yet %$#$# - 23
(Illinois & Metro East Area)
NAME A PRICE IS STILL GOING ... ready NOW .... 24/7 314***307***5196 - 30
(St. Louis, INCALL Private Residence/Select OUTCALL)
MuSt SeE ( ( ( BLONDE ) ) ) & SXy ( ☞ 1OO% HOT!) $..100. SPECiALS Dont MISS Out! - 22
(Call me anytime)
100 $$ spec. ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN tHe VeRy BeSt! ♥ - 23
(airport in / also has out calls)
Thu 02 Jan
!!! You Deserve ONLY The BEST *** Luxurious Brunette Temptress Awaits You *** Unwrap This!!!!! - 28
START your day Right With Me ~~Melt in Bliss~~~ call me for a sensual yet relaxing time - 25
(St. Louis, ofallon,il,fairview heights area)
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Who is the Sexiest of Them All! Only a Few More Days!!! - 21
(AirPort Area)
▬► ❀ * ❀ Incall L A T i N A SUPeR SExY 100% ReL !!!! ALL NiGht !! - 20
(natural bridge rd Call Anytime)
Beautiful young lady Needing extra money for bills. G F E. UNRUSHED * DISCRETE - 23
(Springield/Joplin/Surrounding areas)